Tyto - Unofficial DCUO Android App

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Talon, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Mathalos Well-Known Player

    Wavedox.com has a feat suggestion section where it gives you suggestions on what feats to work on based on the number of people that have completed it. The feats that are suggested first are the feats that have the most people in the game with the feat completed.

    The percentages work based on comparing feat to feat with what percent of the number of people who have completed each feat. I really like his system and would love to have it on a mobile app. Do you think when you have some free time, you could work on adding that to the app? Thanks man!
  2. Talon Well-Known Player

    To put it bluntly, no.

    Basically, aside from it being a bit uncool to use other people's ideas and gain from it financially, there are a few reasons that this feature and a few others which I have considered (and done some work towards achieving) are not possible in Tyto.

    Essentially, I preaume that the types of statistical calculations which yield such results are done server-side on a daily, weekly, or perhaps even monthly basis, rather than each time you look up a toon. That means the data is all there ready to be displayed. The kinds of queries needed to gather the kind of data used for such a feature would be too much for Tyto; Tyto was designed to be very real-time and not store data on your device. All of Tyto's information is parsed client-side.

    Basically, until you have a hardwired, dedicated server as your Android device, or until Tyto has its own dedicated server (something I have done a lot to steer away from as a means to not have Tyto seen as storing people's 'sensitive' data), it simply isn't feasible, unfortunately.

    The difference for any given website is that it is already hosted on a dedicated server space. There is always a trade-off for convenience, and this is one of them for the time being.

    Eventually, once Tyto has broken even financially, server space, a privacy policy, and a few other elements which some features depend on, might become part of the picture. It all depends on Tuto's success in the market place.

    As a heads up, Tyto is currently installed on 50 or so devices. Not a great deal. It will take a lot more to warrant large architectural changes such as the ones mentioned above.
  3. Talon Well-Known Player

    New version (1.1) has been uploaded to Google Play and Amazon Appstore. As always, the availability of the app is now in the hands of your store of choice. I will post again once I have been made aware that they are available for download.

    This version should no longer show villain feats for heroes and vice versa, movement feats for toons who don't have those movement modes (e.g. flight feats for acrobats) or origin based feats for toons who aren't of that origin (e.g. tech feats for magic toons).

    You will still see feats for DLC which you do not own; Tyto does not access that level of information.

    Enjoy :)
  4. Talon Well-Known Player

    New version is now available on both stores.

    Thanks for your patience and don't forget to tell your friends that Tyto is super cool and great for your skin*!

    *Skin improvement qualities are not a documented feature of Tyto. Any improvement in skin quality in tandem with use of Tyto is purely coincidental; any deterioration of skin quality in tandem with use of Tyto is also purely coincidental.
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  5. darkes Level 30

    I really lover ur ap but since a couple days it keeps crashing as soon as I select my character... I have a Note 3, a Note 4 and a Moto G, they all crash :(
  6. Talon Well-Known Player

    Send me a PM or reply to this post with your character's name and I will investigate. Also, a new version went up last night with a crash fix in so try that too :)
  7. Inpent New Player

    great app man!!!
  8. Talon Well-Known Player

    FYI, if you're referring to the character called "darkes", the current version will display him correctly. There was a crash which was occurring when you searched for a toon with an Equipped CR of 0, which darkes has. I have fixed that crash now and the fix is in version 1.11.

    Please check you are on 1.11 (you can see the version number in Settings > App Management > Tyto) and try again. Let me know how it goes for you! :)

    Thank you very much, Inpent!
  9. Talon Well-Known Player

    Tyto has received its first 1-star rating. Talon sad.

    Somebody claims the app is crashing constantly since the last update, saying that it's a shame because it was a very app... funny how it being a good app didn't warrant a 5-star rating, but an unstable release (or even one with one infrequent crash which someone repeatedly reproduces) warrants a 1-star!

    Anyway, I had not seen crashes on version 1.11, but this person used Android's inherent "report crash" function, giving me a starting point for investigating the crash.

    If any of you see any crash, please let me know and I will look into fixing it. The "report crash" function is really useful for this, but please also try to add a message describing what you were doing, and your toon name (if you are comfortable doing so) as this helps me reproduce the issue.
  10. Talon Well-Known Player

    New version available on Google Play. Amazon version will be available soon.

    What's New:
    Fixed a crash which occurred while calculating Equipped Combat Rating for certain toons.
    Improved advice following rework of the Equipped Combat Rating calculations.

    You lot get a bit more detail than the Play store...
    What was the problem? Well, it was pretty simple. I changed the way the Equipped CR is calculated. This included changing the way the app reads the calculated value to give more accurate progress values. As a result, there were times when the value would confuse the code, so I told it how to not be confused.

    Also as a result of the new calculations, the advice was sometimes suggesting you add mods you already have (technically, according to the values, it was correct, but I was passing it the wrong values). I am now passing it the correct values.

    I also fixed some of the sexiness issues occurring on older handsets. The Advice and Stats tabs were confused and thought they were each other. Now I have explained their identities to them, so they do their jobs properly. I also made the menu slice's text white on older devices (which it wasn't, weirdly).

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  11. darkes Level 30

    it happens for all my toons and I tried some toons of others, everything crashes as soon as the toon loads

    if you get it working again I will give you a five star rating, but now I am sad because the app that I bought stopped doing what it did so well
  12. Talon Well-Known Player

    Try the latest version (1.14) and let me know how you get on. Thank you for your patience :)
  13. darkes Level 30

    If that was the one I updated today, I am sorry, still no luck...
  14. Talon Well-Known Player

    A new version (1.15) is on its way to Google Play and Amazon Appstore. It should be available to you in an hour or so.

    I found the reason for the crashes you were getting. Thank you for reporting (really, thank you) and please let me know if any more problems arise.
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  15. darkes Level 30

    You fixed it! Kudos to you!!! Five stars are on their way :)
  16. Talon Well-Known Player

    You can't see it from there but I am doing a happy dance to celebrate :)
  17. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Talon, when I go to watch your preview video on Google Play it gets cut off like this.


    Thought you might like to know. :)
  18. Talon Well-Known Player

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Is that in the Google Play app or in a browser? There's probably nothing I can do about it really, but I am going to update the video at some point anyway to make it more exciting and delicious... but yeah, thanks for letting me know!

    You guys are all great :)
  19. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Yeah, it is the app. I'm sorry!
  20. Talon Well-Known Player

    Not sure what you're apologising for but you are forgiven.

    Don't let it happen again.

    Whatever it was.

    Or, you know, do. *shrug*
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