Top DPS powers ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Drakeos, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. thenewkidd New Player

    This is partly correct however..

    for every 4 points of Might you are supposed to get 1 DPS
    for ever 10 points in Precision, you are supposed to get 1 DPS..
    at 3100 might, I'm supposed to get 310 DPS for any of my might based powers... and I see that I do.. on some powers it seems like I'm capped or something.

    There is a tun of math going on I understand.. but I don't understand how 1500 precision or (150 DPS) beats 310 DPS...
    With 3 trolls one could literally not even NEED to use their weapon and use their powers to their heart's content.
    That goes for Celestial and HL too...

    If they aren't using their weapon at all.. and not even using "precision" from their weapon.. what are they losing if they use 100% might?
  2. thenewkidd New Player

    Nothing needs nerfed honestly...

    Just some math needs to be done here... it's called DPS for a reason...

    If we calculate all the Precision on a 100% Precision based Celestial and stick him in a room and calculate all the damage hid did in X amount of time.. how much DPS did he actually do vs what his stats say he should do?

    Same with every other power out there.

    If I am 1 million in damage behind a HL or Celestial... and I am clipping... and doing everything a good DPS should do... there is an issue.. either with ME (Which is possible) or the Power (which is also possible)..

    All I'm saying statistically... we will not have the answer... because there is some "hard" powersets out there and "easy" powersets out there and just because Celestial tops charts in the right hands... doesn't mean YOU will as a DPS..

    I still would like to see the "Best Sorc" go against the best of all other power sets to see who beats who. and how close the numbers are on a score card.
  3. The God New Player

  4. thenewkidd New Player

    How what?
    How does Might get 1 DPS per 4 points of Might?
    It's what the rules of the game says... I dunno how it does... that is just how the game works.
  5. thenewkidd New Player

    Dang it.
    I am an Analyst and I like consistent numbers and since I know what my numbers are usually by the end of a raid against people I usually play with.. to get the best analysis, I would have to see you play against people I know..

    Aw well..

    There is always calculating the time it takes to complete a raid and divide your damage into the time it took to complete and compare that to my time... that is another way of doing it... DANG MATH!
  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    LMAO yea that's a lot. I don't always come in first, but I don't get wrecked either
  7. thenewkidd New Player

    Interesting... but that only proves how good the power is FOR YOU as an individual.

    I have 16 toons and 10 are fresh 30 and I have the same gear on most of those toons...
    I test the damage out on each toon (and did it with sorcery back when it was fresh 30 too)
    Of all the powers I tried out and leveled to 30 I calculated my personal DPS potential with each power... Sorcery won at the time (2 years ago)..

    I also did a quick vamp on Pre Buff and Post buff... though I don't have a screen shot of what I did Pre buff.. the numbers were much closer to the second DPS and the time to complete it was 25 or 27 minutes and the day after GU32... with the sorc vamp... I did it in 21 minutes (or assisted)

    You have to realize many of these folks were a walkin too so his was almost like a 5 man run.
    The point and reason I posted this is because I have tried other powers and have other T5 toons.. but for me (personally) I know sorcery the best and cannot complete with myself in any other power except Celestial.
  8. Drake_DuCaine Well-Known Player

    Well I've started using a new loadout with fire and I've been out DPS'ing CR 100-101 guys with it and I'm only CR 97 with some un-modded gear. I sucked with it when I came back but now that I've learned what powers to use and when, I'm doing pretty decent. Any power can be good, ANY power. You just have to figure out how to use it. All these players saying "This is the best power" "NO this is the best power because I use it and.." Well they might have been using it for a year and a half and have mastered their rotation and loadout, but you may not be able to jump right in with that power and put up great numbers. Like say you can do 1.2m damage in Nexus with Celestial, you might could do 1.7m damage in nexus if you were Nature because it might suit you better. It really just depends bro. I'm gonna be straight with you. People KILL with Gadgets but I was Gadgets and I sucked at it. I switched back to fire and was able to hang with and a lot of times even beat them. I had mastered fire as a DPS power and knew how to use it. Pick 1 power and learn that 1 power, master it and you will be just fine. :)
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  9. The God New Player

    Where you read that though? 1 point of might gives you .45% more dmg from powers. I don't see anything about 1dps.
  10. HellBornAssassin New Player

    I'm surprised so many ppl think ice DPs aren't strong I have went into plenty of alerts and raids and been able to hang.. Its okay range but beast melee just my opinion
  11. QuaTumTroLL Well-Known Player

    Nature is my favorite DPS i've been beating every power with it i suggest you try it.
  12. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Errrrrrr.... what about electricity, earth, quantum? dlc too but not that op, on the other side I can say gadgets, nature, mental and if player is really good fire nd ice too are power of great respect that can top the chart....and uh oh they are free :)
    But it's true that actually celestial is the beast power, a nerf is occurred ;)
  13. thenewkidd New Player

    It's all debatable... I have seen "good players' in all sorts of power sets..

    It comes down to DPS, the literal math of Damage Per Second..
    Me being Sorcery... I have beaten LOTS of powersets... and have been beaten by LOTS of powersets..
    But I don't claim to be the example here and say if they cannot beat me then they suck or if they beat me then it's a viable power to "beast" a raid.

    There are just way too many variables when you see someone "top charts" with a power...
    Do the other DPSers suck?
    Is EVERYONE using their PI properly.
    Skill points wise, does the top DPS have 150+ SP and the other two only have 80?
    is everyone wearing the same gear?
    Did the person Die couuntless times to the numbers on the scorecard sort of lie?

    All have to be factored in.. this is why people say IF everyone had the same gear/SP/equal skill.. pit them together, what power would be on top?
    I cannot say "Well I have beasted with sorcery"... though I HAVE beasted with sorcery.. I have been SLAUGHTERED by Mental, Celestial, HL, and Gadgets.. all other powers have beaten me, but usually not by much. and Post GU32.. I have not yet been beaten by those other powersets yet..
    NOT to say it cannot happen.. I'm sure it can happen.. I remember Pre GU32 a Nature DPS that ran with me in an FOS2 run absolutely gave me a run for my money.

    Log story short:
    Take your best power in your load out.. and test out the most damage you can do with that power... take how long it takes you to do said power (with clipping) and see what the DPS potential is with that (use pi too to maximize damage).
    Now do that with HL and now do that with Celestial.. now do that with any power you choose.
    I have seen higher numbers faster (currently) with HL and Celestial.. than other powers.