These changes were dumb

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PolishEagle, Jun 3, 2017.

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  1. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    Agreed, this was one of the devs worst decisions after Gamble Capsules, Lottery Boxes, and Seasonal currency in the Marketplace. I was almost hopeful that those who prefer smaller group content might actually be shown almost equal treatment to those who prefer large group content finally. However it looks like the portion of the playerbase that enjoys smaller group content is getting ignored again. With absolutely zero solo instances, zero duos, and only 2 open world solos I can't justify the membership cost. The recent DLC is practically all catered to the large group crowd. Combo this and how it's designed to push Replay Badges and Stabilizers it seems the decisions being made with this game are to favor some over others and push cash grabs. That's neither fun or something I want to continue to support.
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  2. JaxonRoberts New Player

    My almost 250 skill points say you need to shut the hell up...
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  3. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I'd have to ask, what were those that had a problem with the pricing were thinking would happen?

    They kept saying how it matched AFIII as far as rewards vs content available.

    Great job on having the first ever reduction on available content to run for less rewards.

    Yes, the Dev's listened to the community just to see this and other threads pop up.
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  4. IamINC Dedicated Player

    The complaint was not just about the vendor prices but also the grind associated with the original cost , people expected the reduced costing but not at the withdrawal of content that they are paying for.

    They could have given more war bonds and kept the content as it was to help with the grind or come up with other ways to make it work but instead they lowered the cost of the gear in a give with one hand and take with the other movement.

    We now have less to do per day with the same length of grind as before , so the win we thought we had was actually not a win at all.
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  5. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    I agree with the complaints about the hotfix. As are many others, I'm more a fan of small content than raids...solos, duos, and open world content are my faves...but in this episode, small content players just got majorly hosed. One dinky mission in each area per day? That's it? That pretty much puts vendor gear out of reach no matter how long the grind is, and my interest in this episode has declined dramatically.
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  6. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    more bad developer decisions?

    You don't say?
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  7. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    people already complaining about there is nothing to do in DCUO... so the solution should be more mission for people so they can oh, i dont know... play the damn game...

    now there is only one mission per day... i cant imagine how bored those 190cr player is going to be... it's like they dont want people to play DCUO anymore..
  8. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player


    And on a Personal note; If I was an Art Developer for this game I'd be pretty upset; after all they just created open world maps and now people are going to be exploring/visiting them way less.
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  9. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    you guys DO realized we are all doomed anyway right?

  10. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Ah i see, yea youre right about that.
  11. JNS2000 New Player

    It seems to me that they should have left everything alone. To me it would have better to be busy day in and day out for more minutes each day than expect them to shorten how long a certain DLC would last as "new" content. But everyone is going to have an opinion. For me I'm not quite to the cr186 to access the Area 51 side on my highest toon yet and the multiple mission was a big benefit to me in the gear being dropped, especially since this toon only other option for climbing is group missions gear drops and ancient coin purchases. But I have 3 toons that are lower cr that were benefits from the missions as well. I play the Solo open world as well as group missions. But I will say that in this hotfix I do not see that the devs actually took feedback into account and would have been better off taking the heat for not changing things rather than making theses changes. But I do have lower missions left to do that won't advance my cr but are still lingering in my journal because I've only been playing since Jan of this year.
  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    I cant disagree. On the dlc. And i got 3 OP collections myself today and made 46 million from em :D So they are definitely dropping. A friend also got 1 from the reward box from doing a daily. So looks like they have a chance to drop everywhere.

    Something i noticed today. The pointer mission in the journal for the dlc. Making ya run stuff in order. Now i know people do it. But people dont play this way. If u come online and your league/friends are running stuff and they ask ya to help or say lets form this run up right now no1 says wait i have to do it in this order. Its not a huge thing at all tho. But knowing the playerbase imo is important. I know they want us to run in order for the story. But sometimes its just not realistic for some players.
  13. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    LoL, now people are complaining about the lack of content and the gear cost is roughly the same.

  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    The last sentence here^ I agree. Here is what happened. A bunch of players wanted the grind shortened. The complaint was running the same dlc for 6-7 months when the content in the dlc is the same amount as previous 3 month dlcs. Then the devs did an announcement the night before it went live. It seemed in that announcement they reduced the cost of the vendor stuff. But they did not communicate to people that they were removing dailies, meaning we get less marks per week, and that the reduced vendor reflected that. It was worded poorly. Almost every person who complained before was on the 1st 2 pages of that thread praising the change.

    I personally spoke with 9 people through pms on here the next day who misread and misunderstood what the announcement and change was. I misread it too. But about 2.5 hours after it was announced i started asking questions on the poorly worded part and mepps explained it to me. Once i found out the grind was still 6 months i didnt know what to say. They made it seem like they listened to the feedback and changed what we were complaining about. Not really tho. So i agree the change was not great.

    But like i said in other posts id like to see how many players on here saying they dont like the less dailies were gonna log on every single day for 6 months plus and do all those dailies. Cause i get the feeling most wouldnt be doing that. The reason me and others complained is we do log on daily, we are gonna do that 6 month grind, on multiple toons ;) And we felt it was too much/too long cause AF3 was very similar. So there was some slight of hand going on imo. It really is a case of be careful what u ask for. Ive learned my lesson. Im never asking for anything to be changed again. Because they wont simply change what we asked for. There is always some kind of twist. Not cool. Lastly people should be looking at WHY they want a 3 month dlc to last 6 months ;)
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  15. Nidalee Level 30

    I'd have rather kept the "Overpriced" vendor gear if it meant keeping the content. I'm not a 'Racer', and I thought three short quests to get Three Bonds, Three Marks, and a bonus Box (including equipment) per open world zone was fine! I prefer small group content (4 player and smaller) and this was a good amount of content for me. (This was still a better time/reward PER open world than Typhon's monster invasion)

    But two dailies as a solo player? That's boring. Please, consider reverting the changes - including "Overpriced" merchandise to the original design. It wasn't just fine, it was actively good.
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    yes but it doesn't mean we can't have fun on the way down.
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  17. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Wow 1 daily lmao. Wtf. Mix that with the 411 nightmare grind and 1 hit kill broken credit bounties and they have really outdone themselves. As a premium thanx for letting me know never to buy that episode lol.
  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Pretty much the same for me. I'm nowhere near running that content in full yet, but the decision has definitely reduced my desire to get there in the first place. Heck I haven't even bothered running the War-Torn Village that's available right now.
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These changes were made directly in response to player feedback. Please see the relevant thread in the Announcements subforum for details and discussion.
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