The unicorn trinket is live!!!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jamesp1989, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    They understand. If you wanna know more tune into The DCUO Project live on Saturday's at 10pm est. {Disclaimer: podcast may contain explicit content, but never sugar coating.}
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  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I see what you did there well played sir well played .
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  3. MercPony Devoted Player

    Not my cup of tea anyway :p Never was one for "critical" type of podcasts. Goes for DCUO and everything else. To each their own though. We all have very different opinions on entertainment and to me, dissing a certain group that enjoys something people think is unusual and different ain't entertainment (you know what I mean here).
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  4. BoDyBaGz Well-Known Player

    The only reason a certain group of individuals got dissed is because their ringleaders came on YouTube dishing out personal attacks on a video that was made purely in fun and had no disrespectful nature to it whatsoever. Before this attack their name had never been mentioned and only opposition to the topic had been discussed. Anyway I'm done, the people I'm talking about keep acting innocent and playing like they were just supporting something they liked when they began the disrespect. We know better though and it didn't even matter in the end, people who didn't like the idea of a unicorn trinket got what they wanted. The unicorn is confined to a person's base and looks like trash, The End.
  5. MercPony Devoted Player

    I was never directly involved in the matter just feel both ends were being really silly here. I supported the "trinket" but didn't go out to diss anyone that opposed even if I thought they was making a big deal out of nothing. Grown adults arguing over a unicorn in a video game is also, in my opinion, silly :p
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  6. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    @Spytle, you should've made the unicorn trinket base item a dead horse that got beaten to death.

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  7. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Truer words have yet to be spoken!

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  8. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Grown men too need their toys.
    I for one didn't care about the whole matter, but its interesting when people go and say it has nothing to do with the lore or with a superhero/villain game :p
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  9. MercPony Devoted Player

    I'm sure if it had been a race car or mecha (giant robot), people wouldn't have cared either way. Its all another discussion though. I just felt it was wrong for some people to criticize bronies for the whole thing when those who like unicorns are not necessarily bronies. Bronies are fans of the show My Little Pony, which has unicorns as well other types of equines, but is not really same thing.
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  10. Notangie New Player

    Let's see how long it takes hubby to notice there's a unicorn in his throne room...
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  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Oh-keyyy... So, now that we all had a good laugh - when is the real Unicorn trinket coming?... Seriously...

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  12. MercPony Devoted Player

    A unicorn named Trinket is victory enough for me! :p As much as I love the whole idea and concept of a real unicorn trinket, I can't stand to see any more immature arguments over the matter of one existing or not lol
    (or calling out the My Little Pony fanbase aka Bronies and/or Pegasisters as blame and mocking them when not all who like unicorns are My Little Pony fans... you guys know who you are)
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  13. HermanRuth New Player

    We will be able to see who spent a lot of scratch on booster bundles.
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  14. Notangie New Player

    I think the trinket falls under the 'something to flatten your opponents' category of vault drops. I didn't think l'd be as excited about it as l am.
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  15. Harlequin_Nox Committed Player

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  16. Tule New Player

    I got mine.

    First time I've ran vault on all my chars in awhile. Is it just for today?
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  17. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Will it become tradable?
  18. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Got one on all my toons!! Woo!!
    It's So Fluffy!
    *Edit* I dare you to Press 2 repeatedly :)
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  19. HermanRuth New Player

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  20. Craven Green Loyal Player

    Well done. Happy April's Fools to everyone.
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