The Tank Appreciation thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sage-Rapha, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Look, I could always use a tank. I love running with them because you guys aren't as squishy as dps... I hate healing them.. especially short rannge ones.. ugh! I always shall approve of tanks. I need one to run the 4 man inner sanctum alert. And trigon
  2. Feenicks New Player

    I have this killer move that when the mob is on fire it wipes them out. Problem is it has a long cast time. My love for the tank is when they are too busy being agroed by said tank they completely ignore me while I'm casting.

    LOVE tanks!
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  3. Nemisor Committed Player

    oh god, i thought he was joking, my eyes!!! they burn!!!!!:eek:
  4. Psycfyre New Player

    As a Troller I LOVE having Tanks around. Also, my preferred Duo makeup is myself as a Troll in DPS gear and a Tank. Things just WORK when they are there.

    Tanks, you are awesome. You keep absorbing the damage that'd flatten me and I'll keep you powered up. Thanks Tanks. :)
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  5. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

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  6. Feenicks New Player

    OMG! I always thought this a joke!

    My eyes!!!!!
  7. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Love the picture lol.
    Just keep the aggro and I will keep your health full even give you a shield or two.
    Things just work when the tanks are present
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  8. Psycfyre New Player

    Isn't it funny how both Healers and Trollers love having Tanks around, yet the big thing that's heard is "Tanks aren't useful"...
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  9. Nemisor Committed Player

    thats cause alot of people wana blitz through everything in five minutes with 2 dps. just like this new trend of 3 trolls and solo heals. i actually saw somone shouting for 3 trolls for fos3 the other day:(
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  10. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Dps' just hatin on them skillz dat killz.
    I personally think dps' are a dime a dozen but a good one is lke finding jadite.. rare...
  11. SnakeEyes606 New Player

    Does anybody know what the name of JEEBIE's twitch channel is called I can't find it typing in JEEBIE but I seen him talking to Alpha saying he was gonna post a video of him showing the Tanking mechanics of rage and I would like to watch it.
  12. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I love me some tank so much every time I hear we don't need a tank well just get another DPS to make it faster I leave group. No matter the level no matter the content. I love me some tank.

    Gotta have me some more tank
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  13. Kristyana New Player

    If only the devs loved us as much as you do ;)
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  14. Ghostof91 New Player

    I remember my Tank took on 5 Villians Lv30 and I still Prospered therefore I love Tanks:)
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  15. cravex15 Dedicated Player

  16. RitzyDitzy New Player

    I love tanks!
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  17. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    You know, it's not always bad. Last night and earlier today, I was privately and publicly thanked by several people I had just pugged with. And it wasn't just at the end of the raids either; people actually noticed the little things I did to make their lives easier and sent me tells during the instances to say thank you.

    Whenever I saw someone get dropped, I moved to the other side of the map and pulled/threatened the boss and adds so there was clear space for someone to revive them. I was thanked out loud twice in the same raid for that.

    Whenever the healer and troller were on sliver-bars of power left, I adjusted position towards them and activated a supply drop before rolling away and taking the enemies with me. I got thanked three times for that in Tells.

    When there were AOE's and I could maneuver the map so that terrain or level dips could help break the effect, I shifted the fight position so the support and DPS could bring about safer fields of fire. Someone actually noticed that and thanked me afterwards.

    Whenever there seemed to be hesitation or questions, I asked if everyone understood the impending fight and explained my strategy for their benefit in case it was something they hadn't seen before. I had two people reply sarcastically that they didn't need to know any of that cause they could plow on through. Three others then spoke up and defended the explanation, thanking me in chat and in Tells.

    It felt good to be appreciated.

    I think that there are many people do recognize what tanks bring to an instance, probably more than we give credit for. Some might be shy, others might be slow typers, but every so often they all stand up and say something, noticing the little things we do to help win the instance and thanking us. And it's a good feeling when that happens. Whenever we say thank-you and give a compliment, for ANY role, it's a little bit of a good thing to pay forward. If we each took the time to do that, to pay something forward, even if just a few words... it'd go a long way to making this community feel connected. ;)

    So to all of those people who I played with recently, THANK YOU and keep up your good work! :)
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  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    the other day I was in a group trying to do BIA with the Jor El feat, now I know it's possible without a tank but we wanted to be on the safe side so we had one, then a troller comes by and just like that he said "why is a tank in the group" and left, I PM him to explain we wanted the feat and he just replied with "I don't do anything 4 man with tanks, it takes too much time". Ok so in the interest of time I do understand where he comes from, but how can you say you don't do anything 4 man with a tank when it's another role just like troll, heal and dps. Tank are the ones that have to take burden of a entire mob, have to keep a boss distracted while everyone else fights, even still as nerfed as nexus is, a Tank is still needed. Also on another day we had a Black Dawn group, long story short, the docks area where you need to change atlanteans took us almost 30 minutes because (and I mentioned that at least we needed it if we didn't have a tank) no one had a pull, not even the gadgets troll. people need to stop thinking that every thing in the game is a speed feat, yeah some things have one, but once you get it you can still run the content with the 4 roles, I am a HL DPS but that doesn't mean i'm invincible, I appreciate all roles, but tanks have a special place because they are the ones taking damage not us. anyway tanks to all tanks, and hopefully we get more when DLC comes out (btw for what I've seen on test most ppl are using Rage as DPS and not Tank :( , maybe i'm wrong but that's how it seems).
  19. crimeware New Player

    That buff for missing roles was unnecessary and the buff for missing a tank is OP if you run content without a troll the buff is not a good substitute same with healers but if you run without a tank nothing lives long enough and because the whole group is buffed healers are able to keep the normally squishy dps up.

    I support this thread tanks I love you guys.
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  20. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    This is why I love tanks. You guys are just awesome.
    Btw, that's some really good stuff. A supply drop is always welcomed... oh man... emergency power in the times of oh crap I need to heal moments...