The Tank Appreciation thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sage-Rapha, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Needs a bump.

    People gotta be more positive nowadays.
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  2. KildareSmudge Well-Known Player

    I appreciate all you tanks out there. I need you. We all need you.
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  3. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I'm fire tank. Really hard since I don't have a shield so when I open and don't block, I take the beating of my life if the healer isn't there to back me up. Of course I have my healing but sometimes I can go down. I'll try to get the shield in iconic powers, maybe it will help me.
    So as a tank, thank you for all the healers who backed me up!
    And I'm glad I helped some group to pass contents. Sometimes I want to take a vacation from tank and dps for a while. lol
    And thank you.
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  4. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I understand now why they named this feat that way. lol This thread explain it all.

    Tanks a lot for taking the beating of your life and help your team stay alive.
    I know, too long for a feat. lol
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  5. Controller Devoted Player


    Love the tanks out there.

    Your performance in a raid or alert is often buried on the scorecard, but big THANKS to those out there doing their role.

    I will be hitting you all up for Tank advice once Atomic goes live. Will be my very first time Tanking.
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  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    Hard Light Shield is not very good. It has a high power cost and a long cooldown. And it breaks too fast (not because its weak, but because how Fire Tank-Defense-Shields works).

    My advice to you, always try to get the combat immunities (blue flash). This way it will be easy for you to come out of block to cast a power. Also, always try to rotate between Burning Determination and Stoke Flames, so you can have one or another active always. The heals from them will also help you in those moments when you have to stay out of block.
  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I always spam enflame with stoke flames or burning determination. In BS, when I want to use them, it is in these moments that I can take the beating of my life, also when I use backdraft and fireball to keep aggro and taunts. Well, that just sucks. They could give us a a temporarily shield for these moments. I try burnout to push adds away too. Fire tank is the hardest tank but I like challenges.
    I really wanted to try hard light shield... Devs should make it available for all tanks.

    And fire tank is turtle. Always scared to open up and I might go down. I hate when bosses use block breaking. -_-
  8. Korlick Loyal Player

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  9. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    It is available but not helpful like you say. But I tried it and it takes 1/15 of my power bar, I'm 135cr. And the shield last long but if it breaks fast...

    And yes, I always try to get immunity with burnout and anticipate what the bosses and adds will do. But sometimes with all the power animations like earth for example, I get blind. It can be really hard to see what the boss will do. I keep trying to get better.
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  10. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    The Joys of being a tank lol.
    In those moments of heavy animation pollution, Id tell the healer to be extra attentive to my health bar lol
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  11. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Yeah. Dem tanks tho..
  12. Ghostof91 New Player

    Every Role
    Wishes they can take in damage
    Like a Tank,
    Which is why Tanks will
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  13. tiempo Well-Known Player

    That moment the whole group but the tank dies, boss is at 9%...........................................................................................................
    aaaand your loot window pops up. You're welcome, and thanks to all the other support role players as well.

    p.s. Shout out to Reflect, Supply Drop, Soder, Sidekick, and One handed/WM.
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  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    no orbital o_O

    9% HP I'd throw everything lmao

    orbital, side kicks, boo's, my cola would be tossed at the boss the whole 12 pack lmao
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  15. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I'm just curious what boss
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    idk I was quoting tempo lol

    but for me? idc any boss if everyone but me dies and Im tanking I'd be throwing everything at the boss the trick grenades everything lmao
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  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Lol im just trying to image in my head a tank soloing 9%. He would be a amazing tank. Noone could doubt his abilities
  18. tiempo Well-Known Player

    First time I solo'd a boss after team going down was first week of trigon's prison against Circe, to be honest she was at around 25% and only those that where in that pug with me will know. But I finished her, by using combat mechanics, attacking, and rotating shields and everything that gave me life.

    How? 2 main shields reflect and hardlight shield (at this time in the game winter ward was dropping aggro), important thing is with the white home turf mod for the hands "regenerative shielding" they give you hp back. 1 handed's 3 tap hold melee was mvp in power regen and activating home turf weapon shield mod, farming immunities via combat mechanics, kite-ing when needed. u belt had personal dampening field ,orbital strike (sorry i didn't give you a shout out), supply drop, and sidekick.

    It was a good 10 min fight, I didnt use powers when I didnt need to, I fought her like a pvp opponent, countering, blocking, lunging, i would wait till my hp reached 15-20% to pop anything that gave me life in efforts to stretch out the rotation. I remeber phisically shaking and my palms all sweaty.....omg i was so nervous but i had to try, and 2 minutes into it the other 3 started cheering me on. When I beat her i had reached a new milestone as a gamer personally, i knew i understood the game better, oh man, it was the best feeling. Since then i have done it many o times, mostly 10% or less, Oh I also solo'd Raven in wastelands once I reached top gear in t5.

    I have a league but I pug often, my leagues knows, but those who have ran with me will attest, I'm a badass tank/dps/pvper. All due to personal experience, time put in, and last but not least, all the help that good people offered along the way. I have tried my best to pay it forward as well. USPC JadeLunara, forever been ice.
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  19. Nu31 Well-Known Player

  20. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    137cr/225sp Fire Tank/DPS. Try hitting Burning Determination or Stoke Flames both followed by Backdraft. That gives you two HOTs.
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