Tell us what costume styles you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

  2. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Would it be possible to do facial expressions as like a face or accessory style or their own slot? All my toons have some serious rbf, which suits some of them but really does not fit others. If it is possible, I'd like to have that extra bit of personality and character to them. The wiki page about personalities mentions it's possible they were going to be done at some point and several had been sketched. Some of those look pretty great and I can already see some of them on some of my characters.

    Also, would it be possible to do tattoos, birthmarks, scars, etc either as an accessory style or their own slot? Be cool to be able to pick particular ones if so, especially as I want to make a character based on the Norse goddess Hel/Hela who has one half of her being dead, black, rotting flesh. Hair with one side being one color and the other another would also be great for her.
  3. creatine1 Committed Player

  4. Saraphinia New Player

    Darkstar Armor
    Kyle Rayner's original costume
    Sinestro Corps gear that's accurate (no short sleeves or added textures)
  5. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  6. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  7. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  8. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  9. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  10. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  11. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  12. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  13. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  14. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  15. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  16. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  17. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  18. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    What about police badge emblems (different ones for different cities)
    oddly enough I'm actually requesting this more for my base than for having my character wear it.
    The thing is though that a Base's main control panel displays the emblems that are available to the player in their style inventory.
    So while what I'm asking for is for a base I'm putting together (My Speedster's precint with crime lab)
    I can't really request it AS a base item ...
    I have to request it as a style item!
  19. RodrigoVohx Level 30

  20. RodrigoVohx Level 30

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