Tell us what Base items you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. willi3bx Committed Player

    to be honest just allow me to place ALL of my amenities out at the same time, if its 8 or more please like me place them all
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  2. Master Manipulator New Player

    Sounds like a lot of people in this thread would rather be playing "The Sims"...

    +1 to anything actually useful in game...

    ie: Teleporters, More spots for amenities..

    How bout any easy way to charge Super Charge?

    People ask for objects to be interactable...

    How about some of the crystals already in game charging super charge like the ones in robinson park used to...

    My Vote is clearly for "USEFUL ITEMS"

    For non-usefull items just go big or go home... stop dropping dumb chairs and little things...

    More things like the Dinosaurs or Aquariums, Just Big Ticket items...
  3. TrueOlympus New Player

    There's a lot of awesome ideas here
  4. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    they add a base electric base and electric base theme items
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  5. Gravitic New Player

    Posters and advertisements for the various businesses around Gotham/Metropolis (Stacy's and Yap posters, especially! I want pretty girls on my wall!) Maybe even some photos/posters of DC heroes/villains?
    More lighting options. Heck, more ceiling options in general.
    Trash cans (indoor and outdoor varieties)
    Normal household items
    Modern fridge!
    More desks/computer terminals, etc.

    LOTS more items that let us define a space. The kitchen counter is a great piece, but there aren't a lot of things like that. Dividers are hard to come by, and you don't always want a wall. Think "open concept" design. You still need bars (the kind you sit at), islands, even half-wall/dividers, to designate the various living spaces.
  6. Man0fSteal New Player

    I would like to see my T5 rings being modded... u guys said we would be able to mod them after the update 28... so why wasnt i able to mod my rings today after the big update
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  7. nevadafenix395 New Player

    More solid wall dividers like the Luxury Room Divider. I mean, the other ones are nice and all, but they don't match the styles of most of the bases as a whole. I want dividers! :)
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  8. IAmLetterJ New Player

    -Different Colors of Kryptonite
    -Iconic statues
    -Costume cases
    -Collectibles turned into base items (i.e stagg maps collectibles turned into wall pieces)
    -Portal to the HoD/Watchtower
    -Music boxes
    -Armory with the weapon styles of your choice
    -"kill" list (i.e Batman's picture with a red X over it)
    -Style stands (i.e a manican head to display a head style)
    -Items that can overlap each other (i.e a table can go on top of a rug)
    -Larger chairs/beds for the characters that chose large body type or enlarge some already known base items (it can be known as a "Large Occult Chair" and still have "Occult Chair"
    -Robin's costume case with the costume in it
    -Videogame systems/ T.V.s with channels other than the news
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  9. Agent Fiftyone New Player

    Aliens in Test-tubes and UFO debris
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  10. Martian Reaver Well-Known Player

    Armor cases that have a trinket to swap out your armor sets. Something so that you could put your pvp role armor in one and have a trinket(or a single remote) to don the whole set. It would have a slot for the weapon and trinket with all the extras so that you could preset your whole environment for your pve dps, pve role, pvp dps, and pvp role gear.
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  11. Scotty Ohura Well-Known Player

    Today was not the update just a hot fix.
  12. krimzonk Committed Player

    Can we have some base items designed and themed around the JLA. That would be awesome. We could have JLA themed banners, computers, posters, statues. I would love to have a huge poster showing off all the JLA members and put in in my lair! Now that would be awesome.
  13. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Definitely need a tron-inspired light cycle!

    Or would Disney sue? :D
  14. Sivet New Player

    Vehicles - Cars, Planes, Space ships etc.
    Also in Star Wars Galaxies, we were able to place NPCs in our bases that greeted you or followed set paths, that would be cool.
  15. Cryptonic92 New Player

    SWIMMING POOL! and a rubber ducky.
  16. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    Interactive items, like bulbs u can turn on abd off, or piano that plays music when u press e near it
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  17. Redshirt New Player

    Phase-shifter amenity.

    a bar, like the villain nightclubs. also, pool tables.

    a non-heart hottub.

    various control panels and consoles, like in Batcave Outer (only without the bat-icons). think Star Trek. the few base items now that fit the bill are all run-down looking, and clash badly with the Tech theme.

    NPCs, like a cat that wanders around, or maybe groupies that just dance in place.

    a better refrigerator! the shabby one doesn't suit my restaurant.

    the ability to "stack" certain items, like chairs on a rug, or the Blue Crystal Sample on a table/shelf.

    hey, thanks for this thread, by the way! :D
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  18. Spector Knight New Player

    More animated lair items. We have the flatscreen TVs (lame as they are), but also there's a fan that spins, and the seasonal event portholes with animated water in them. There's a medical monitor that beeps. More of that kind of stuff. I'd also like an amenity that displays the stats from your combat.log file.

    What would be REALLY nice is to make the lairs BIGGER. Give us a huge room like a gymnasium or trophy room, because I have four lairs and way too much stuff for them.


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  19. MercedesMiranda New Player

    I would like to see interactions with items in our base as well being able to put stuff on rugs/tables etc....blankets sheets etc.. for the beds,the exo farming is another great idea, some sort of machine u can put ur extra furniture in so it clears up ur base inventory of unwanted items or to be able to use marks to repackage it so u can sell it. pets the u can breed and sell to the community, a way to convert game cash to ur country's cash like secound life has this would also put more money into ur pockets cause of the conversion rate. a real interacting bank would be nice as well like a savings account that collects interest.
  20. Circe New Player

    Seahorse Statue from the summer event.
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