surviving the hack

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mazarati, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Fenrir New Player

    We played a video game. :p That doesn't make us 'more loyal' it makes us bored and means we felt like firing up DC. :p Something I'm sure much of the player base that currently exists would do. Acting like that somehow makes you or I 'better' or 'more deserving' of something seems kind of unhealthy to me.
  2. realTREDD New Player

    i know alot of ppl that dint have that loyalty to come back asd just never commited back, by the devs on words that makes "returning players loyal"
  3. Fenrir New Player

    We just played a video game man. If mcdonalds sends out a batch of bad beef to its stores, and I go back after getting food poisoning, does that mean I should be entitled to be the only one allowed to eat big macs? :p We aren't exemplars of virtue just because we played a game a little bit earlier than someone else. xD
  4. Archangel Rafael New Player

    Heck, even if there was another month-long shutdown type hack there should be a new feat. People that sat through both should get two.
  5. JSnaples Committed Player

    People always expecting something from a nothing..
    It wasn't a hack and it didn't even last a whole 24 hours, the way people got the cowl in the past was a HACK that lasted for 1 or 2 months not a flooding in the servers that lasted for a few hours..
  6. thelight420 New Player

    Eh..... Free stuff is nice. Leaving the money they would use for something longer lasting would be better.
  7. realTREDD New Player

    your way off. those returning players kept the game alive and payed the devs salary b4 the game really took off, maybe if ppl dint come back after the hack the game wouldnt exist today, the devs tress how grateful they are to returning loyal players all the time.