surviving the hack

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mazarati, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I read a book and talked to people that i could see in the room... and they wasn't jist in mah head!

    btw- do you get the mask in the in game store? the female version would be a cool cyber cat start.
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  2. Inpent New Player

    Should switch to uspc :)
  3. BigAl Devoted Player

    Don't think that Sony is the only one with issues.
    Someone got creative and had too much spare time. Sounds like former butt-hurt employees from the gaming community wanted to get even.
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  4. Mazarati Active Player

  5. Jeff Bond Committed Player

    Lol... DC was down for a day... Not a month. If you didn't survive the actual hack.... No soup for you.
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  6. Bast10n Committed Player

    PSN has had issues.. Period.

    Last week I was not able to sign in to PSN for three days. What we were told from PSN was that the servers were "fine" and that we needed to check with our service providers. Pretty much the entire Midwest had an outage. From South Dakota all the way down to Texas.

    They had a note up on their Website

    Servers - Online

    We are aware of an issue that may be effecing some users. The servers are experiencing a high amount of traffic and that may cause people to not be able to access the PSN servers or have intermittent connectivity.. or something along those lines.

    Isn't that exactly what the DDoS attack did... overload the servers with fake traffic.

    DCUO may not be responsible for PSN issues, but we are paying for DCUO services that require PSN.
  7. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I subscribed literally hours before the game was shut down for a month :(
  8. realTREDD New Player

    no this is nothing like the hack of 2011, your not getting **** and im not sharring my hack attack hoodie.
  9. Fenrir New Player

    Kinda sums up the playerbase that received the hack attack rewards :p I promise we aren't all like this!

    Personally I couldn't care less if they handed them back out. Go nuts.
  10. realTREDD New Player

    i got that hoodie for my loyalty if they dint desplay that loyalty than y should they get the reward..
  11. Threesunsight Active Player

    So we won't be recieving all.
  12. Fenrir New Player

    We were 'rewarded' for simply being there earlier than most of the playerbase. We aren't more 'loyal' than anyone. Nor should we be able to act as though we are some how better than those who decided to join the game later. Its pretty lame that a majority of the playerbase doesn't have access to a decent looking batman cowl, something that dosen't exist in this game outside the mask we were given.

    These guys 'earnt' themselves a batman inspired mask as much as we 'earnt' a batman inspired mask: by playing a video game that's service is occasionally interrupted.
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  13. Avatar Raziel New Player

    ok - the "earned" it bit is over the top, but let's keep it real:
    • The "bat inspired" mask doesn't look that much like Bat-Fam equipment. The ears are too small. The eyeholes are weird, and it looks metallic.
    • Most of the people that complain to get this are just doing it because they are afflicted with gamer-type ocd and can't stand the fact that someone has something they don't have. If you are in this category, I have zero sympathy for you.
    • If what you really want is a Bat-Fam lookin cowl, you are better off to ask for a new bat-cowl which is much more likely to happen because the old one is exclusive. Confirmed again that it will never happen just a few days ago
    • Bravo to the devs for keeping their promises and not caving to entitled whiners
    • I do like the old "inspired" one generally but for Bat-Fam gear I want something that looks like this:

    Because I get a little bit more sick of j lee's dumpy little nubbin bat-ears every single day.

  14. LordStrongsword New Player

    DDoS and hacks are different. There wasn't any personal information compromised, so it wasn't a hack. Hacks are done to obtain information, while DDoS floods servers with fake traffic to slow down or kill a server. The game was down for a day, so we deserve nothing. The ToS that you agreed to also state that you get nothing, if the Devs gift us with something, that is their choice; honestly, we didn't lose months of game play, so we deserve nothing.
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  15. Fenrir New Player

    Oh I would like nothing more than a new bat-cowl. And if the forums are anything go by, that sentiment is shared by many :p But I meant more as things stand right now, its the best thing we have.

    Only alternatives include daring vigilante bathing cap and t2 alien helm.
  16. realTREDD New Player

    we are more loyal, based on our acts..we played b4 the hack and came back after a huge delay and many weeks of uncertainty.
  17. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    "Gangstalicious got shot..."
  18. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    better be ok with "nothing"...
  19. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    i think so
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  20. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Every time something "hack related happens people ask for this. NO!
    Unless you suffer through a month of not being able to play, like we all did! You wont get that feat.