Survival Mode Kudos

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 2, 2014.

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  1. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I was talking about the screamers that fail in round 1. I remember after I had my last fail group you would have been laughing at a few players. It even spilled into trade and, 1 went to LFG to scream. With bad words. Congrats for going that high. I still have not found a group that can beat round 1.
  2. HazeTA New Player

    lol right I get you now, yh i'l be avoiding pug groups like the plague for SM.

    Round 1 is pretty tricky though, its sets the standard most definitely. The tanks have to know what their doing and pop group immunities as Ursa sucks in or its game over.

    Just because of that pull we found round 1 as hard as any other round, if not harder, untill round 7. Black Adam hits so hard you need 2 full T6 tanks to take that damage, one of ours was in full vestments as was the healer for that matter, infact alot of us still needed a piece or 2 here and there.

    Round 8+ is on the cards for us soon with a group fully T6 geared & a bit more SM experience. Both TA's round 7 runs where 1st time runs for the majority of both groups. GL with your groups.
  3. Gunny New Player

    Two tanks that separate the round 1 bosses from each other will result in your group falling asleep while dropping them both. It makes the fight considerably easier.
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  4. TheLoneLantern New Player

    LOL @ PC being a no show. Hopefully I can get a legit group to run by this weekend. Pugged it 4 times and only one of them beat round 1 (took 35mins to do it...)
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  5. Little Sister New Player

    How did you make it to Round 7 with Flightboy in your group ?

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  6. Gunny New Player

    I was rather surprised myself.

    When mepps further updated the post, both PC servers have not completed round 5 yet either. Sounds like some leagues need to get players on - even if they visit their houses, superglue their hind-ins to the chair, and chain them to the computer.
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  7. HazeTA New Player

    We didn't separate them. Our tanks just tanked them together and 'screen blocked' them from the group and used immunities to stop Ursas pull. Same with basically all the bosses until Black Adam kicked our behinds lol
  8. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I think some of it might be that us PC guys and gals have access to the test server, so we exhausted SM a lot more before it was released to the PS players. It's much more fresh to you so that's probably why there was a big rush to attempt it.
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  9. junglejim New Player

    Awe we were late to the party on our 2nd attempt at sm we done 6 wiped at 7.
    Mass terror eups villains.
    Flirty ivy ( mix of 88 -90 gear just scraped cr)
    Poke on you
    Ms vh
    Only insanix and caoss are full t6 im still 105 . Pews in 6 x 91 pieces . Most in exp mods. Ideally we could gear but mepps just made it real
  10. junglejim New Player

    Round 7 to follow shortly
  11. Flightboy New Player

    I wasn't drinking duhhhhh, BUT someone else may have been :p *cough* immortal *cough*
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  12. Little Sister New Player

    I miss Immortal lol. He always reminded me of Schmidt from New Girl.
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  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    I know I'm not in any hurry, lol! Need to find a window where I can dedicate enough time. On vacay currently. Maybe next week sometime. It'll be weird to heal or DPS it. On test, I tanked every time.
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  14. Umi New Player

    Great job, everyone! Phew, I'm actually really proud that we got past Round 4 last night (and were down 1 Troll and 1 DPS for all of 4, maybe part of 3? I can't remember, lol). 154 minutes of the most awesome kind of stress. Totally loving SM~... even though it took me hours to formulate an outfit around that Bronze Shirt, haha. :D
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  15. blklightning New Player

    So many leagues are whining about the time commitment rather than just going in, having fun, and seeing what's up about it. :(
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  16. blklightning New Player

    Healing it is fun. There comes a certain time when you're just funneling heals to your tank/s at time. There were a few times on test where Tikkun and I had our entire hotbars on cooldown trying to keep them alive. It was fun, for sure.
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  17. Hero of Justice New Player

    Or the rewards, which completely confounds me. I wish people would realize that the challenge is the main point rather than expecting to be named the Masters of the Universe or something for their efforts... o_O
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  18. HazeTA New Player

    Seen alot of this aswell and cant understand it. Two hours to get to the very end of round 7 is nothing compared to how long people spent in some raids on release like BC2 and FoS2 back in the day and Para and Nexus more recently and their not the only ones, plus there's a 10 minute break every two rounds in SM if you choose to take it. The time really shouldn't be an issue.
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  19. blklightning New Player

    And, in those raids, much of that time was spent waiting or regrouping. Survival Mode is to be PLAYED. Cuz, if you don't play, you die, and if you die, you're done. It's quite simple, really.
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  20. Pew New Player

    Gz to TA for representing EUPS as always :D
    My excuse for day 2 completion is we all have jobs (what would be a Pew post without a friendly diss! :D)
    Weekend is coming!
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