Support roles in duo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VintageWine, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. VariableFire Loyal Player

    I don't have a problem with a support role per se, but if the support role is trying to scrape by on the minimum CR to enter the instance instead of the recommended CR, I will leave, especially if it's a duo. Read the thread about not carrying people to understand why.
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  2. CosmicHorror New Player

    I personally hate support roles in duo. Duos are designed to be played with 2 dps. Generally if u are having trouble finishing a duo with 2 dps its because someone isnt doing there job. Whenever the new content comes out i can beat it with maybe 1 or 2 wipes on a boss tops even at just the recommended CR. Maybe im just an "elitist" that hates taking longer then 10 min in 2 player content.
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  3. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    Saying that is like saying the duos are designed to be solod...they are really not, but they can be.

  4. Zlohsac Committed Player

    I've never had trouble with at level duos running 2 dps.

    If people want to run with a support role then do you. Either way, the duo will get finished.

    The only time I mind somebody running a support role, and this is more of a separate subject, is when they have full gear for that episode and still heal or troll. But, not because they're choosing to, but because they don't even have a DPS armory.

    To me, you should be as versatile as possible. Even though I hate raiding and PvE in general, I still try to cover all bases just in case, for my league's sake.
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  5. Glacial Breeze Well-Known Player

    I know a few people who have toons that they don't have a second armory for, so instead of dpsing with said toon all of the time they only work on the support side. Play the game in a manner that gives you the most enjoyment, if someone has a problem with that ignore them.
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  6. ermike Committed Player

    I do not walk out or ask anyone to switch in duos, but I will admit that i groan a bit when I see a support role. I get that some people cannot dps and thats fine and the reason I do not ask people to switch but truth is, support roles just serve little purpose in duos. Every fight has barrel so healers are not really needed. Because of AMs power is not an issue at all and 2 dps can burn through everything before anyone gets overwhelmed. As people have said, do you, but the same should be said about those that do not enjoy having a support role in the duos.
  7. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Play any role you like. Tell em to grow up
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  8. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Last week I went into the Wonderland duo and found a tank right at the minimum CR, stuck on the last boss. He'd had 4 partners before me and been in there for over two hours. That one is a longer time sucking mess because you have to spend a good bit of work setting up every last boss fight attempt.

    It was kind of sad watching him pull adds and then get killed by them because the CR difference was too high to overcome. I obliterated the boss for him, but I wondered if I actually did a good thing there. I dislike players who expect to be carried through instead of paying some attention to the recommended CR. Letting them succeed with that strategy teaches them a bad lesson.
  9. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I'm a strict supporter of support roles in any content, including duos. Only once in my entire playing career, have I encouraged someone to leave before the duo even started. I was on my earth alt at 130 I think and I Q in and there is a 120 something dps with me. I typed "this ain't gonna happen." He cussed at me and left. If he'd been a healer, I would of tried it. But two low dps (even with earth) is just too time consuming. Oh and it was the Flash duo.

    Anyway, I usually get thank yous from support roles in duos which I rarely get from dps. It seems, those support roles have to put up with crap a lot in duos. I just play and get it done and I'm happy to not be an *** to people in a game (well anywhere really).

    Here's the ignorant and ironic thing. For raids, people will shout all day for support roles and say, where are the $%#@%& healers/trolls/tanks, but will shun them in small group content shouting things like "beast dps for no tank run." So there's all this complaining about noobs at end game, but those same people go out of their way to discourage support role play in small group, but want those beast, experienced, awesome, solo tank/troll/heal in the raid when it's the first time they've been "allowed" to play support.

    It's dummbery. (Made up word so it sticks).
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  10. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Funny how everytime new episodes hits with new duo, we get thread like this one. ;)
    Let it be. So I personally think, support role in a duo is not the problem, what player in support role does is.
    If I get troller partner, I expect not just PoT and full auto pistols spam but CC, debuffs, lunging bosses, bringing barrels, he needs to be PAIN IN THE A** of our opponents, not just a shadow of dps. Same healer, melee enemies, don't hide behind Dps'es back, stay active!
    Tank role is the obvious one but, don't be a turtle, it's not a raid!

    BTW! There are Support elitist who leaves DPS in a duo the moment they enter it even though Dps is 1 cr lower than support. Think about it.
  11. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Please show me where this has been stated, as I am quite sure that no dev has ever said this. What you mean to say is that you prefer to play with two dps's in duo's.
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  12. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    The duos are designed around their suggested CR. By the time you have the majority of the armor set they are trivial. The only recent duo that I considered a struggle at the recommended CR was the Flash Museum. The solo with corrupted Hal Jordan wasn't easy at the low end of its CR range either.
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  13. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    If you're a damage player who needs another DPS to finish the duo quickly, you're not doing your job.
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I have no problem with a support role being in a duo but essentially the only role that generates any real benefit to me is a tank. Reason why is no damage from a duo requires a healer or even your sidekick.
    Second is that dps role can stun enemies so much so that I can stun enemies on my own and 3s later they are dead.
    And lastly is that support role damage can be so low to where it hinders progress sometimes or drastically slows down your traditional run.

    But the biggest gripe I have seen from PS players in the past is support roles who expect a free ride and these are people who just sit back and watch dps do all the work to get free loot. However I think this is a side effect of high CR players in lower instances burning everything so quick that the new player expects the same at the end game level.

    Like I said I have no problem with a support role in a duo. However at the same time its like really its endgame and you dont have some dps gear.
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  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Me and a friend sat and got all of the duo feats last night. We sure as hell didn't do it with both of us DPSing.

    Ignore the ignorant.
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  16. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    Support role, dps, who cares. play the game how u want to, and have fun. If u want to troll then troll, if u want to run with a troll, then run with them, if not the dont.

    Everyone has the right to play the role they want, just like everyone has the right to leave and play with people/roles they want to.

    The person isnt a jerk for wanting to run a support role, just as the person who doesn't want to run with a support role isn't a jerk for leaving. Its all about personal preference, and with all the players out there, and all the choices to either kick someone, leave, re q, shout in lfg, ask league mates, and friends, there is really no reason to expect someone else to play with or how u want them to, and certainly no reason to bash them for it.

    Like many ive been playing this game forever. I have multiple toons 150+ and i run with who i want, when i want. Sometimes i have all day and will play with whoever, whatever role, as long as they're trying. And some days i have twenty min before i have to get to work and need 3 marks to get a piece ive been working on, and need to burn thru it quick, and will re q if i get a 143 troll and hope for some better burn with the next roll of the dice. Then pray the loading screens aren't too long. (curse u ps 3).

    Am i a jerk for that? I personally dont think so

    On the other hand, ive been the guy thats the low cr healer in a duo. Ya we could burn thru it a min or 2 faster, maybe. But id die 6 times and probably not get picked up, and sry but i want to play 2. And that min or 2 isnt a big deal to me at the moment. If it is leave and re q. I wont hate u for it. Trust me ive been there too.
  17. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I would usually go tank on final bosses of the AF1 duos at Tier because they were a PITA. The statue was more about counters than anything else and it hit hard.
  18. BigAl Devoted Player

    Noob! Learn to pew pew more!!!!
  19. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I'd block this guy. Anyone can play the role they want if they do their part of the job and help for completing the duo.
    Again, it's some bad people who dictate how the game should be played but you play the way you like it.
    If they don't like it, then bye.

    Anyone can play any role with me.
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  20. Tikkun Loyal Player

    People are stupid and would rather wipe half a dozen times to get the duo done "faster" rather than take 1 support role. For this reason, I refuse to mod DPS gear and instantly ignore any anti-support player because if you won't run a simple duo with me, I won't solo heal your raid.

    Funny thing is, I used to run the solo as a healer in DPS gear...and I could easily double many DPS's damage numbers. I'm not going to spend my money upkeeping the gear any more with current attitudes though.
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