Support roles in duo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VintageWine, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Okay, so in LFG I saw someone say stop playing support in duos, and I'm just wondering, is playing support role in duo really that bad of a thing? :confused: I was doing Tunnel of Lust t5 duo and this one guy was actually happy that a troll is there. He/she said how I can CC and stun the adds while he/she got his/her combos done without being interrupted. I can totally understand if there's two controllers and someone having to go DPS, I had to do that one time in another t5 duo, two controllers and even though I suck at DPS, I changed my loadout and just kept trying to hit the WM crit even though I only have 60+ something SP and didn't have all the crits, it definitely made the duo easier than having two trolls.

    But is playing support role in a duo really frowned upon or something? :confused:
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  2. Wishful Knight Active Player

    People are ignorant. Having a support role in the duo is often a good idea. The newer duos are extremely hard to do without a support role. So if you wanna be a troll, then go in as a troll.
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  3. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Having a tank or a healer or, sometimes a troll, actually helps in some duos. Especially if you are lower CR.
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  4. Wishful Knight Active Player

    I have an Electric Healer. Every time someone asks me if I can switch to dps, I tell them that I am electric so I do crap damage either way, they usually laugh and allow me to remain healer. By the end they tell me that it was a good idea because it saved their bacon a few times. Unfortunately you can only change 1 mind at a time like that.
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  5. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    I personally have nothing against support roles in duos but please be able to help in a duo for example using dual pistols is fine but when your full auto pushes adds out of my range and makes the duo take twice as long because you wouldnt stop after being asked you will get walked out on. Because you are actively making it harder.
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  6. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Many are so focused on finishing a few seconds sooner that they'll waste 30 minutes of dying for no reason.

    It's like the story of the monkey who put his hand in a small hole and grabbed a coconut. The coconut was too big to fit through the hole, and the monkey died because he wouldn't let go of it.
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  7. Wishful Knight Active Player

    As long as said person is at least being asked. I have seen jerks not say a thing and just walk out. How does that person know they are screwing it up if people can't take the time to explain it?
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  8. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    I think tier appropiate stuff is to difficult. Its doable with lower CR but you can tell they were designed around people having a majority of that Tiers armor set.

    I dont enjoy doing anything Tier 1 as a cr43 healer. I love doing the newbie 4 man dungeons. Maybe if I get to cr48 I will enjoy Tier1 stuff alot more.
  9. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I always appreciate when a dps stays and doesn't leave. If I que into an instance with a support role who can't dps I usually leave because two support roles doing an end content duo is possible but too time consuming when i could just leave and they get a dps.

    When I'm on my sorc or earth, i switch to dps and use either of the op pets.
  10. Veritech Loyal Player

    I used to say "I'm a pc villain, I'll take any role as long as my queue pops"

    I guess I need a new reason to be tolerant. ;)

    Ran First Piece duo with a support role today. I don't care really, it didn't take much longer, 2-3min tops. I helped them find all the briefings and we got 5sec rule feat. Seemed like a successful pc/ps teamup at the time.
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  11. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    It really depends on the support role. Healers, I will take any day because they make my life easier. However, I play nature and if I get a controller or a tank it really means its going to be much more difficult for me to complete. I take in more damage because I kill slower than a tank power. A controller that stuns is helpful but at the end of the day it usually isn't enough to get me through it in a way that doesn't cause frustration. If I get a tank then I still can die to the aoe because the tank can't prevent me taking damage, and by doing very little damage themselves (unless atomic) it becomes sort of miserable.

    I just queue in as a healer and if I get someone around my cr I will switch to dps. If I get someone extremely weak I will stay as a healer. The most frustrating is getting a sorcery healer, because they have the ability to do a ton of damage, and they want my weak nature to suffer through it... My thought is why are you wasting your wonderful ability to play both roles? I like having the ability to play both on my sorcery.
  12. Controller Devoted Player

    It shouldn't be frowned upon.

    Gives me an opportunity to turn my Combat Troller loose.

    My best duos are when I get a DPS that loves to drain their power bar AND do subsequent damage. I keep them powered AND add more damage than normal for my role.

    I'll add in stuns and debuffs and we beat it.
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  13. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I love when the other player go in support role.

    Healer - I can go do more damage thanks to the fact that I have to block less and Burn more.
    Controllers - Stun them, trap them, I don't care, do that thing that you do so I can kill them.
    Tanks - Oh yeah! Go Brazilian Jujutsu on that guy while he ignore me and I can go all out!

    I seriously encourage players that run with me to go support role and let me do the damage. If we go both DPSs is like a roller coaster where both are trying to be on top of the Scoreboard and don't even care what happen along the way.

    My 2 cents
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  14. Ragnarok Well-Known Player

    I always stay tank in a duo. And after the first pull the dps realizes: "hey I can just pewpew all day and no mobs notice me!"

    Then we're bffs.
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  15. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Best advice ? Ignore ppl like that b/c chances are they've been carried and continue to wanna be carried. No duo or alert take more then 1 DPS, and no raid takes more then 3 DPS'. But ur DPS' had to actually work on their toons. Mods/SP', learning the power in and out, otherwise you will need the extra DPS' to make ^ *** burn lol
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  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    30 minutes? Bit exaggeration isn't it? Even if you were to die 20x it wouldn't take 30 minutes lol
  17. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    The ones that complain about a support role do so because they suck. Now if you go in as support and I get no support I'm out.
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  18. lukelucky Devoted Player

    U will deal with clowns who cry about it. Ignore them and do u. Support roles and I mean some of the best to ever play dcuo learned valueable lessons playing support roles in duos. Think about it a second. A healer dor tank needs to figure out how to live keep agro and do so without power flowing. This teaches healers not to be spammers for an example. Helps atleast.

    Small contemt adds experience and allows players more opertunity to get better looks at their powers and how they work. I wont ever bail on a support role
  19. Van_Gho Committed Player

    lol I know them feelz, I usually go dpsfor duo but when matched with a support role, they usually switch as soon as they see how slow the burn is and if they don't switch they whine about how slow the burn is when they themselves could help it by switching, hell it goes even faster if iswitch to heal and they go dps.................I hate electric......electric....08 lions all over again. [IMG]
  20. Magician Dedicated Player

    I tend to DPS because most duos are able to be completed as such. But when in alerts and raids, I am usually in a support role. I try to be efficient with both roles and keep a close CR to match to prevent issues.