Stats clamped concerns... Is content is gonna Resemble LPVE??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ghost27Xog, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. Liko Well-Known Player

    It's going to feel like LPVE when we go from being able to solo lets say Captain Cold to now needing a group of 8...
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  2. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    1. I'd like solo content to remain about how it is now. Even clamped we'd be a few DLCs ahead on older stuff, so I feel like people that smash 'em now, will smash 'em fine after the changes. How hard? something that takes 10-12 minutes at the beginning of the DLC, maybe up to 18-20 minutes for the hardest feats. When the DLC is about toe end, the time should be down to 5-7 minutes.

    2. As a sign of progression, no. Because I have to sometimes, yes but it should be hard.

    3. No. I do think that 2 amazing or 3 decent players should be able to finish an alert about mid-way through the DLC. 25 and 50pt feats should usually require all 4 people, or least coordination between them.

    4. Nope.

    5. 1 person, no. 4-6 people, sure.

    6. I think the clamps will need to be adjusted over time to fit player satisfaction. That will change the amount of help needed, but yes, I do think it's good if players need teamwork to obtain certain items or feats.

    7. Not really. I think the first month or so after the change will have a lot of people logging in confused. Once the general populace sees that you have to play differently to succeed, they'll either adjust or quit. I think that over time, like a year or more into it, we'll see a marked increase in player's understanding of mechanics and mechanic-types. After that, I think it may actually be easier to get certain feats, ones that require not killing things, for example.

    I'm also lucky to have a great league with whom I run feats regularly. That won't change because of clamping or difficulty levels of new nor old content.

    I do have a major concern with feat achievement as it relates to CR skip toons. If they can't utilize the advantage of CR and stats to steamroll enough older content, will they stick around long enough to reach high SP? I feel like this is only really big downside to the whole clamping concept.

    8. That's what event mode is for. I feel that following mechanics in event should rewarded with a faster, smoother victory, but that they should have a built in bypass for when the cats just refuse to be herded. But if everyone just wants to run around dropping elbows on the event versions of things, I say have at it.

    On normal, and certainly elite content, no. I would rather work with my team.
  3. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    The Central City Bounty? Why would you need 8 now when you only needed 3 at level? I wouldn't worry that they'll make the game harder than it originally was. That will still be a bounty aimed at CR 56 (52?) toons, and the devs know that they'll only have level 0-80 artifacts for the most part. I'm sure you won't need a full raid for Captain Cold.

    I haven't seen any devs say they're increasing the difficulty past what it originally was. I have seen them confirm that we will still level past DLCs and maintain a significant edge by being over-leveled.