Stat clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solace Man, Jun 13, 2022.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    You still get stronger, bosses still get easier, next.

    His post would suggest that yes, it was really worth it, even if you disagree, next.

    You can still easily beat up opponents that once gave you a hard time, are you suggesting, again that clamped content is somehow static and the same as it was at release, the answer is that it is not so your statement here is undeniably and categorically false, next.

    Clamping does aid in feat hunting and completion because the content is again easier than it was upon release, quite demonstrably so, yet again your statement here is undeniably and categorically false, next.

    It's easier to create a more satisfying, holistic and appealing experience when its done as a whole, taking your armor off might have made you weaker but when the other 7 people in the raid experience don't also do that then it negates that attempt and makes it futile. The trouble with the unclamped system was that it pitted player against player in terms of whose satisfaction meant more with only one prevailing on almost all occasions.

    You might not like the clamp but imposing it means that everyone's satisfaction revolves around completing the content on an even playing field, with that even playing field being altered through stat piercing so as to reward progression, that reward however has to be reasonable enough so as to be rewarding but not also undermine the entire experience like it did before. You however, simply won't be happy until the entire system is reverted, give up that dream for your own sanity, it's never going to happen.

    Also the only reason rewards were taken away is because over powered characters would have farmed marks too quickly, even now the rewards are built around an expectation of grind v. time, this is tied in with the pricing of rewards and the like. The only reason you find the fantasy of being unclamped while receiving maximum reward to be appealing is because you want to have your cake and eat it too, in that you want maximum rewards and maximum yield without any resistance. You don't even want to play the game, you want to all but log in, fall asleep and get reward, next.

    There is always balance with difficulty, you say "still easy enough" isn't a valid argument but contradict yourself by implying that "it isn't easy enough" is somehow more valid.

    You worked hard for progression and you can still work hard for progression, you just don't get to break the game anymore and no "breaking a feat, is not earning a feat", keep telling that lie to yourself though, next.

    Feats do become easier as you get stronger, they still do, your suggestion that they do not is undeniably and categorically false. The truth is feats do get easier to obtain as you progress, if you still can't get the feats then one ask around, look for videos, see if others have completed them post clamp, if they have then you need to get better, if you can't find any evidence of the feat being completed then post about it and begin contructively discussing whether there's a specific issue.

    If there is anyone denying reality here, it's you, because you're outright lying to yourself and everyone here about the entire clamping system and how it operates, next.

    Again, categorically and undeniably false, you do progress and you do get stronger and feats do get easier, next

    You should care about "how easy other people do it", because if other people do it easier than you, it categorically and undeniably shows that you have more to learn and need to get better, the issue isn't the content in that case, it's your character build and approach, next.

    Nope, actually no next, looks like we're done.

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  2. The Con Dedicated Player

    That's okay.... Didn't really read all that crap you wrote anyways....

    I'm sure most of it is just how you view the clamp... and not really what the clamp actually is.


    Seriously, tho..

    You want to have a serious discussion, respond to each point in its own post...

    I not responding to a wall of what I assume to be your stupid twists on what the clamp actually is or does.

    For example - I just scanned your post for the shortest response and found this:

    You're not as strong as your natural progression.... THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED A "CLAMP"... :rolleyes:

    By that definition, they don't get as easy as they should be if you were doing them on your own merit.

    So... Yeah.... Probably for the best that I didn't read all of it.
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    I felt bad... Thought maybe I wasn't being fair to you.. So, I'd go ahead and peruse your post.

    Got to that quote.

    Why are all you of pro-clampers such a*-es that you think that you can tell us what we actually want.... especially when you are ALWAYS soooooo wrong about it??

    Every thread gets derailed with that stupidity...

    You really weren't worth responding to... twice.

    I'll stick to my instincts next time

    And.. Yeah... The rest of your post is just non-sense.
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  4. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Your responses are just child tantrums. You try to speak like you know what’s best but you resort to name calling not only that but you included “all” pro-clampers to your frustration. Why are you even on here if you’re going to act like a child? Serious question!
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  5. The Con Dedicated Player

    Just to drive the point home that your post is utter nonsense.. and really not worth me responding to...

    Yet, I will... again.....




    It seems all you have as an argument is empty insults.
  6. The Con Dedicated Player

    Soooooo... You don't think I should respond to an idiotic and completely meaningless assumption:
    “You don't even want to play the game, you want to all but log in, fall asleep and get reward, next.”??

    If don't think that I will make fun of such an arrogant, empty presumption...
    I got a few names for you...

    You're right, tho, on one account: I shouldn't have used to word "all"

    That accusation does get brought up in all stat-clamp threads, tho... That's more to the point.
  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea super hard work to play a game that with progression gives you gear. and playing content that super easy or getting carried by others creates a sorry player base that comes here and wines and cry's that its too hard causing the game to be watered down and not enjoyable for most
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You're not looking for a debate, you're looking for an echo chamber.. Anything that isnt anti-stat clamp, you are trying to shoot down.

    Proxy did answer you, and you brushed them off because you dont like what proxy said?
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  9. The Con Dedicated Player

    Yet another failed mid-reading experiment from you...

    You guys are really batting 1,000.
  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Whats baffling is how you refuse to let this anti-clamp thing go. It isnt going anywhere, but hey if you wanna continue being in denial about it...
    You have some military grade copium youre on.
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  11. The Con Dedicated Player

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  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    It seems you edited your response... so I'll reply differently.

    1) Proxy's "points" were either just based on his opinion and his own perspective of the clamp.. or just denials.

    2) You really shouldn't accuse others of looking for an echo chamber while citing the responses of others.

    "You're looking for an echo chamber.... Aint't that right, Proxy?... Ain't it, Proxy?.. Proxy, Ain't it?"
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It’s post like this that throws and credibility you have out the window. People have been responding to you trying to have a mature conversation and you respond like a kindergartner.

    You make claims that you won’t read what he said because of a wall of text. Yet he went out of his way to separate every single point into its individual section to tackle each one of your claims. Are you seriously not able to read without everything being broken down like a Dr Seuss book?

    If all you want to do is whine and cry than fine. But don’t go out trying to make it seem like everyone’s points are invalid when others are able to coherently express their points of views while you struggle read something that’s been broken down for you.
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  14. The Con Dedicated Player

    It's just easier to keep each point it's own response as these walls have a tendency to get bigger and bigger as they get replied to and replied back.

    And, btw...

    STOP PRETENDING LAME INSULTS ARE AN ACTUAL ARGUMENT. It's not an actual coherent expression.... and it does kinda make the point invalid.
  15. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the simple answer to that is a CR skip should only be used by returning players or people running a alt it is not now ment for new players or at least it shouldn't be for new players. for many reasons

    leading among them is the early game or the 1-30 portion of the game is great.
    its story driven with great cutsceenes and voice acting
    a player is slowly introduced to their powers and leans strategy's on when each one is needed over others
    a player lvling them selves in slowly introduced to mechanics and player survival a skill sorely needed at end game

    this list could go on and on but I'm sure you see my point
  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The clamp is needed so everybody can have some experience with the content. 1 person should not have such a degree of impact on content that it can dictate a run for 7 others. Should your gear give you greater impact? Yes Should it be enough to straight up disrupt someone elses enjoyment of a run? No.
  17. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I agree that cr skip shouldn’t be used for new players until I realized it was beneficial to me if I were to start a new account on a different platform. My main is on PlayStation. I have an Xbox, PC and Switch. I was grateful that I could use a cr skip on a brand new account. Saved me time getting feats and cr. The thing is I already know how to play this game and have years of experience so in my perspective there’s no negatives, however there is for brand new players who haven’t even touched this game.
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The issue is the genie is already out the CR skip bottle, and its unlikely they are going to start adding restrictions to it now, especially when its already monetized.
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  19. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Very true, so I don’t know how to fully feel about it because I do see the plus side of it but I also see the negative. I was also going to add that the cr skip needs to be balance but well you know ;) lol
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    The fact you're not reading is why you continue to struggle with omnibus and the clamp, it isn't just my view of the clamp it is what the clamp is, there's no perception, there just is, next.

    I just did have a serious discussion, you just seemingly ignored a bunch, also the "wall" was mostly your quotes of your own text ;), next.

    You don't have to be as strong as your natural progression in order for their to be acceptable progress, progress within omnibus itself also doesn't stop because of the elements that pierce, they're just controlled and slowed - for there to be definable progress it need only be easier than it was when the content was new and it undeniably is.

    Allowing yourself to retain full natural progression as evidenced under the previous system resulted in copious problems, people were breaking the game and ruining it for others, next.

    When I said "You did not want to play the game", that's because that's how easy you want it, you're all but not playing, so much so, the next step is just logging in and receiving rewards without touching the controls. Running without the clamp allowed you to kill things with virtually a single button press; that might bring a smile to your dial in making you think you're good, but when your satisfaction comes at the expense of the game and a better experience for all, it is no longer an objectively good idea. No one wants to play a game where the instance breaks and the boss spasms through a wall because you attempted to one shot him in a cut scene and nearly did; that's not a good experience for anyone, that's a s*$t experience, next.

    Just to drive the real point home, yes again, you should look at how others are playing in omnibus, because it can give you ideas on how to improve your own approach. You don't even really have to come up with any of it yourself you can just replicate another.

    Again, if others are completing the clamped content and getting the feats then that should show to you again, its not the content it's how you're personally approaching it.

    There is also no exploiting the system without the clamp, there's no "without the clamp" there's just the game now, you need to adjust, adapt and deal with it, next.

    None of my points were opinion or perspective of the clamp, they directly address the realities of the clamp, you unfortunately however, are denying all true realities, to recap

    1. You assert that we don't progress - this is a lie;
    2. You assert that feats don't get easier - this is a lie;
    3. You assert that the content doesn't get easier - this is a lie;
    4. You deny all realities that the previous system broke the game - this is a lie.

    The list of your denials and lies realistically goes on and on, you're in an echo chamber because you don't want a discussion, you just want validation, next.

    Lastly, the reason I said "You want to have your cake and eat it too" with respect to the mark farming and rewards is because the only reason you now want source marks is because there's so much more you can buy with them.

    The green eyed monster has got a hold of you and without the clamp you perceive yourself as being able to farm heaps more marks and buy heaps more stuff more quickly, but that's not how it works and that's not how it would go down if you got your wish.

    The cost of the rewards would all go up by the required percentage to keep the time v reward grind exactly the same as it is now and you'd just go back to locking people out of boss fights and glitching out the game.

    You should really spend more time, building your character correctly for omnibus and less time living the impossible dream ;)
    • Like x 3
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