Sore's Nature Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Sore, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    By "leveling" do you mean going from level 1-30 or increasing your Combat Rating (CR)? If CR then are you going to progress with a group or through Solos/Duos? Are you wanting to be a Healer? I am just confused on what exactly you want help with.

    You'll never need to redo a character simply because you want to play with a different weapon. Go to Midtown or Diamond District Nightclub/Police Department and you can buy a different weapon there or get one as a drop.

    In terms of your confusion the link below should help you out:

    DCUO CR Relevancy Chart

    If you have questions feel free to PM me or ask using the link in my signature.
  2. mbrewer77 Active Player

    Apologies. It is leveling the character and not CR. It's not so much as what to do, but how I should progress my skills while leveling. I expect I'll be respeccing at 30 anyway to a different build for the role(s) I choose. It will be mostly solo, but I'd group anytime and perhaps join a league.
  3. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Ah well to be honest you can work with anything but if you go in this order you won't have to respec:
    1. Vine Lash
    2. Savage Growth
    3. Roar
    4. Canine
    5. Serpents Call
    6. Carnage
    7. Gorilla
    8. Primal Wolf
    9. Swarm
    10. Thorn Burst
    11. Briar
    12. Harvest
    13. Voracious Plants
    14. Weapons Expert
    15. Tactical Genius
    Then progressively with your loadout (what will come in use first):
    1. Vine Lash
    2. Savage Growth
    3. Canine
    4. When you have Primal Wolf set its loadout to : Roar, Serpents Cal, Carnage, Return to Normal
    5. Add Swarm to Primal Wolf
    6. Briar
    7. Add Harvest to Primal Wolf
    That is one way to do it. There are others to spec for Nature for example you could do step 8) and replace Canine with Voracious Plants if you want to attack from human form. Or mirror the loadouts. Or just have human. Whatever works. I'd use this for leveling though.

    Then your tactics would be:
    1. Stack Vine Lash + Savage Growth and attack with weapons
    2. Stack Vine Lash + Savage Growth and attack with Canine
    3. Do 2) or stay in Primal Wolf and attack with Carnaged Roar and Serpents Call
    4. Do 2) or 3) or a mix of both
    5. Stack in Briar in between 1) and 2)
    6. Execute some variation of loadouts in the first post of this thread
    To be honest though You probably won't need more than 1) + 6) for pure leveling.

    Note: This is one of many ways to end up with a spec. I know Crappy will probably criticize me for suggesting Canine as an example. :p
  4. mbrewer77 Active Player

    Why a one hander?
  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It just has damage potential when clipped.
  6. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I have a few questions about Nature Bug Healing, now that powers aren't suppose to cancel each other out with other people in your group.

    -Do two nature healers override each others pheromones still?

    -Can 2 natures have 4 stacks of pheromones each in the same group?

    -With two natures, do we share pheromones or do we have to apply them ourselves for blossom or harvest.

    -Does blossom still cancel out the other healers pheromones?

    - So Savage Growth, Metabolism, Harvest and Cross Pollination all stack with pheromones, how long do these pheromones last? 39 ticks, so 39 seconds?

  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    1) No
    2) Yes
    3) I never noticed regarding Pheromones but for Poison Spores, yes. I have sneaky feeling this is the same for Pheromones as well though. However you wouldn't get 8 Pheromones worth from a heal. If it does work like Poison Spores the Pheromones would simply "transfer" to you. I don't regularly run with 2 Nature Healers so I don't usually notice one way or the other. I have a Nature character on both factions (US) if you or anyone else wants to do a quick test though.
    4) No
    5) 39 ticks every 0.5 or 1 second; I can't recall exactly. As a side Bloom can be used as a replacement for Cross Pollination and hit 16 targets (8 players, 8 pets) if you need more reliability. Jump canceling when needed.
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  8. Talwe Well-Known Player

    • Like x 1
  9. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I really appreciate the help guys, thank you.
  10. Pink Revenge Committed Player

    wait... cross poll and metabolism don't cancel each other anymore????? when did this happen?
  11. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    It did never. However Harvest changed during the last update to Nature. Months ago. Cross Pollination now overwrites Bloom. This allows for 4 Pheromone layers still:
    1. Savage Growth
    2. Metabolism
    3. Harvest
    4. Cross Pollination/Bloom
  12. CS2016 Committed Player

    whats a good power conservative loadout for bug form? Without having to be to close to get your heals off.
  13. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    What do you mean by "to[o] close to get your heals off"? If you want to sit at 25 meters and make every heal (Harvest) count than:

    Savage Growth - Harvest - Hive Mind - Metabolism - Bloom - Swarm Shield

    You'd jump cancel Bloom for the Pheromone layer roughly every 20 seconds (unless you know how to time it). Then heal primarily with Harvest. The only real "range" difference with Nature is choosing between either Cross Pollination or Bloom. This will actually hold true in general for all types of healing. There are specific heals that require you to be at X distance but most can be used at even 25 meters from your healing target.

    However Power efficiency won't come because of a loadout. You'll need to know what would be considered "too much" for healing which comes with experience. Usually this breaks down to you using 2 heals (roughly) per damage spike (which is hard to describe without experience as well).
  14. CS2016 Committed Player

    fair enough I probably should of stated a max range build :p

    and Im not the best healer, I actually stopped healing around when T5 first dropped, but have a healer alt that is CR158 so I stay active in the healing department. Been thinking of going healer again on my main since it started out as nature healer before it became OP lol
  15. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Glad I could help I guess. lol

    Just a note though: Nature healing has been largely the same throughout the time game. It actually started (in the tier 1-2 days) as "overpowered" due to the insane buff Hive Mind and Insectoid originally gave. After that point Nature healing hasn't really changed. Shields were changed throughout the game at once affecting both Sorcery and Nature. Pet utility was increased but only because of the increase to pets. It changed nothing regarding potency. Bloom did get a large change but it hardly changed the general mentality of the community since in general Nature Healers say "it is too long." Then of course the Power back with Insectoid but that doesn't affect potency.

    I'm a little confused regarding your last sentence and your reasoning for switching originally. If you thought it was "OP" before than you won't want to switch back since it hasn't really changed. I just thought I should make you aware of that so that you can make a better informed decision.
  16. CS2016 Committed Player

    Bad wording on my part I suppose >_>

    as for loadouts Im running this in bug form on my alt:

    hiv, metabolism, savage growth, regeneration, harvest, swarm shield,

    was able to solo heal PBR which I have only solo healed 1 other raid before this raid which was BDR at CR140 (I think?)

    and reason I wanna go back to healing is because its the 1 role I started out as and I feel like I gave up on it to easily. I been all roles but a healer in end-game content and done them realistically. Like I can tank/troll/DPS raids/alerts everything if needed. Healer on the other hand is the only role I need work/practice at. Mainly solo healing since most groups get pissy if theres 2 healers / if you cant solo heal.

    Cliff Notes version?

    I abandon healer role due to thinking I sucked, so I wanna revisit the role now as I feel like Im better :D
  17. Warlock Well-Known Player

    Hey Crappy, can you recommend a duo build and adds build? My my son is looking to make an earth or quantum char, and I'd like to level up Nature--because I'm curious to check out its healing style and the famous power return. Can it pull of any battle healing in duos?
  18. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The way I battle heal with nature is to have a dps trinket, an orbital strike, be in Insectoid, use Savage Growth for DoTs, use Harvest to spread and for another Might tick, but mostly to have Hive Mind and Acid Spit going (Acid Spit gets a boost from Hive Mind). I've seen some throw Swarm in, because its damage is based off of combat rating, not your gear's Might and Precision.

    I usually do the same in duos that I'd do anywhere else:
    Lunge, Savage Growth, Vine Lash clipped with Carnage, Briar clipped with Hive Mind, Harvest (to spread Vine Lash and make sure all DoTs are at the buffed levels, and restart the clock on the DoTs) , Scissor Kick clipped with Briar two or three times, then clip it with Harvest to renew/spread. Clip in Carnage and Hive Mind to keep them on cooldown if the opponent is high health, otherwise save them for the next quick-dot-application.
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  19. Rammy Well-Known Player

    I've been gone for a while, so I apologize if it's been changed while I was gone, but some of your second paragraph is wrong. In healer role harvest does not refresh dots yet, only spreads them. If your in human form you don't even get a hit from harvest itself. When the nature update finally gets here it should change to work like in dps role to match the am because of the whole support roles getting dps ams thing. I'm also not sure if you meant use scissor kick in insect form or human. Insect doesn't have scissor kick last I checked. Again I've been gone for a few months so if this stuff has changed ignore me.

    I personally would use Savage growth, vinelash, brair, harvest, hive mind, swarm in insect form for a duo battle healer right now. Use swarm and hive mind right before you engage then lunge in and stack your dots. Use uppercut clipped with briar repeatedly. If anyone is still alive when swarm comes off cooldown, clip uppercut with swarm clipped with hive mind and reapply dots. Use savage growth or harvest whenever heals are needed. If you need longer range or feel your using too much power, use acid spit or pulse beam instead of uppercut clips. You can also swap vinelash or swarm for metabolism if you need more heals. Note you will only get power back from the healer powers not the dps ones.

    To be honest with you Warlock, if your son goes earth there's not really any point to battle healing. Earth's Crystal can pretty much solo all of the low and mid tier duos. You won't really need to do much until the two of you get to t6 or t7. In this case it would be better to use a normal healer loadout but with your movement mode supercharge to help keep Crystal alive and powered. Just keep hive mind up and spam pulse beam or acid spit to build up supercharge and heal/supercharge when needed.
  20. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Battle healing really isn't really natures thing but there are a few things you can do. In bug you can drop swarm shield and get swarm if your power points allow you to, I can't remember its been a while since i've been nature cause the dps side is real bad at the moment and i lean more toward human form but the bug is nice cause of the power return though.

    Another thing you can do that i used to mess around with in small group content (and even raids cause i'm a goof lol) is the gorilla super charge. You can heal and do a bit of dps in it and its only a 35% super so you can use it a good amount. Now it doesn't do killer dps but it is fun to mess around with. The gorillas fun but running swarm would be your best option cause it can be out doing damage 100% of the time and it scales with cr not what role your in.

    Hope some of that helps and good luck. Any other questions just let me know i'm always around to help.
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