sorcery healer in 1 on 1 lair battles-- discussion

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by HeavenSent, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. dbtenken New Player

    Actually when I fire tanked PvP (which I love doing) the dominance effected both my buffed health and self heals, so having more was useful at least for a fire tank. Then again, you need a lot of SP for that. Even with all my SP I was only able to pick up all the damage innates, dominance, resto, and just get started on crit mag/chance heals.
  2. dbtenken New Player

    I realize that adding dominance does nothing for you lol. I just mentioned that a tank (at least a fire tank) would spec into it.

    On another note, a good place to get SP is to spec into the other movement modes and do all the races. It only took me a few days but I think it was well worth it.
  3. BASSNUT New Player

    LOL yea having so much SP makes whatever spec you use very good but hey not alot of healers have 90+ let alone 100+ SP .

    Not sure what server you're on but I think you're a rare breed of healer / DPS as your post is so againts everyone elses experience of a sorc DPS or maybe you only get nubs to fight and the 2 times you got beat was by someone in equal gear and with near same sp?

    but keep repping as we need a few good stories about healers as compared to electric / nature dps output we normally blow.

    plus like everyone said as a sorc you need all the mods @ 4 and pets galore to compete so we are only on an equal footing with all the gear + More SP than our counterparts right?

    Ohh wait your post is a dream then you woke up?
  4. HeavenSent New Player

    yeah , like i said..i fight straight duels and lair battles

    when my opponet uses a cola, then i know i have one if i need it

    if my opponet calls in henchmen and or sidekick m then i know if i need them i can call upon them

    if my opponent uses a SC, then i know ill give em , my grand summoning

    if they use nothing i dont use anything, etc...