Sony/DC - you're just making it too easy for them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ScarletGhost, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Mistress of Magic Well-Known Player

    I sympathize with you. Wholeheartedly!

    Since time immemorial there have been people of a certain, shall I say, class that are tormented by perverted sexual desires. There is a reason why the majority of the internet is filled with pornographic material. It is not because green aliens put them there, it is because human beings want to access that type of content, and have produced them - and have been doing so for a very long time. I don't imagine that it will come to an end in the near future, and women themselves have been exacerbating their condition (sex positive feminists). The degrading treatment of women is going to continue.

    I would like to remind readers of this thread that there were forum topics asking for the styles to be even more revealing. So, please don't expect the DCUO community to endorse your sentiments. Both the community and the SOE team are responsible for presenting styles like the Star Sapphire gear.

    However, I do not tolerate any form of offensive speech. I do not tolerate foul language in any chat (especially league chat). I check people immediately - in a respectful and polite manner.

    Oh, and for what it's worth - I came across the new Star Sapphire outfit...not skimpy at all. (see my signature). It's a shame we weren't presented with that style :(

    I'd be happy to discuss this stuff in a PM if you'd like :)
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  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I don't think that Scarlet is trying to get equality...I think she is upset by certain people in the player base (can't even include them in the forum community because we don't know if they frequent the forums) and wishes that the Devs do something to change it. But, the Devs can only police so much and have given us the resources in game for blocking unwanted or disliked comments. It would be the opposite of equality (IMHO) if the Devs were to decide to change the outfits or reprimand players for their comments about NCPs. Now, if they turn those comments towards their fellow players it will be an issue. But, pretend characters cannot get their feelings hurt...since they don't have any.

    EDIT: This is just opinion, man. *insert picture of The Dude here*
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  3. King Felsa New Player

    Did the devs NEED to make Carol Ferris' boobs that big? Apparently so...
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  4. DawnOfKhaos Well-Known Player

    Sorry to say this but you really need to get over it and move on. That is just life and nothing you say or do will change it. I do not use voice and never will, so just turn it off. To much political correctness in the real world as it is I sure as hell don't want it in my games too. And when all else fails please just remember, this is just a game.
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  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Okay....revealing clothes =/= being skanky. That is sexist. Someone can wear revealing clothes without compromising their morals. Are you suggesting that Carol would act loosely just because she wears a sexy outfit? Isn't she a Star Sapphire because she controls love to an extent? Bringing to mind the excuse "Look at what she was wearing! She was asking for it." Gross sexism.

    And no, these outfits are not too much. Once again, they would be much better if they had heels.
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  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    They could tone it down, but they won't because the fact that it offends some women is considered a positive not a negative by most of the people doing it. Besides, most of the people you're complaining about probably don't read the forum. Most players don't.
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  7. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    They may not be skanky, but those clothes make them look skanky. Can you honestly say you would be seem in public revealing that much skin without expecting to get piggish comments from random passersby? It isn't sexism because someone dressed like that really is asking for it. Revealing clothes =\= skanky, but revealing clothes = looking skanky. That's just my opinion, so feel free to have an opinion of your own.
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  8. Burnt New Player

    I'm embarrassed by my fellow male players. I've heard some of the comments and .... Oh boy :(
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  9. Omega Boy Committed Player

    It sucks that you and other females have to endure the stupid, childish comments. I'm guessing that it'll get better eventually. These are still new and comment-worthy. Eventually they'll be old hat like Power Girl.
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  10. akaivy Dedicated Player

    "Look at me! I'm also a GIRL and I like things that usually only BOYS like! Pay attention to me because I'm a REAL NERD GIRL!"

    Couldn't resist, but it's true. Though I didn't realize this game was designed solely for BOYS. Oh well.

    I can sympathize with the OP's plight, and to correct this, I've done 2 things. 1. Banish the "SHOUT" to it's own tab. 2. Try to stay off the mic in groups I don't know unless I need to be there, as in the raids or higher alerts with minimum level players.

    Also, I'm not really a GIRL, but a WOMAN over 50, so I have pretty much heard it all. I don't care if someone wants to curse or talk about Carol's rack or whatever. I do not correct them or reprimand them or demand respect. I am not their mother, we are not in church and this is not an arena which demands respect. It's preferred, but not necessary.

    Though I do not believe this game was designed solely for boys, I do believe that it is a male dominated game, so I take that into consideration when dealing with the players. They want to kick their feet up, relax and play a video game. They don't want to worry about etiquette. And frankly, neither do I.

    Honestly, usually once they realize I am female, most of them tone it down voluntarily, after saying "oh, I didn't know girls played this game".
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  11. Aglorenzini Dedicated Player

    It's the pug life. You need it at certain times. I regret doing it in 90% of the cases.
    I went thorugh Breach with a group where the healer was in dps role. So we had a tank (me), a troll and 2 dps.
    After beating Mantis (I repeat, AFTER BEATING MANTIS) the main dps started calling the healer (that was dpsing) a stupid because his damage wasn't high enough (there was indeed a big difference between them) and saying that he should have healed. I just don't see a reason to do this AFTER it's all done. Wanna complain politely? do it in the beginning, middle, whatever, but why act this way?
  12. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Have you listened to the Pop music scene in the last few years?
    Instead of saying girl, baby, or woman, they use the B-word.

    In the race to be "more extreme" than everyone else, pop culture has really turned the English language into a joke...
    I've heard kids (mid-twenties or younger) misuse phrases like "double or nothing" or "on the dole" - that one's in a song where the writer obviously had heard the phrase, but had no idea what it means before using it...
    Then, as with the B-word, you'll hear various degrees of profanity to substitute for actual content, and the n-word just as often, depending upon who the singer or speaker is. (No, I don't call rapping singing - it's speaking)
    Additionally, most of the "pop" songs I've heard are degrading towards women, as well. (admittedly, I don't listen to pop if I can change the station, so my "sample" may be skewed)

    So it's no wonder these kids get on the mic and are disrespectful.
    That's how their real life heroes act.
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  13. TormentorX Well-Known Player

    To the OP, I understand what you are saying and agree with you but as you have read everyone's favorite answer is " it's an MMO, get over it" This answer will never fly for me. I have played this game since launch with my daughter at the time she was 12 . We were hindered quite a bit by the language in the game, usually from a PUG our in the chat. Then the answer was " you can always just turn off the chat feature, it's anMMO, get over it" I never understood profanity in chat, especially when you have the option to not type it.

    The best thing I did was find a good league to run with. It took me a couple of league before I found the right one. In our first one, a league leader was creeping on my daughter! But now I am with a great league. Great people, no creeps, clean language and we have a blast. If you are looking for a league check us out. We have a thread on the League Recruitment page. We are HeroicEducators. Best of luck to you, either way
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  14. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Rated T - for Teens.
    Do you honestly expect maturity?
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  15. SuperBell Loyal Player

    The title made it seem like you were asking or blaming the devs.

    Unfortunately, the people that do this, asking them nicely won't get them to stop, because if they were that reasonable, they wouldn't be doing it in the first place.
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  16. SuperBell Loyal Player

    But then we'd get daily complaints from Circe.
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  17. trinity040400 New Player

    This. I have spent 3 years PUGing and I have come across a lot of people who get really, lets say mouthy, when they found out I was a girl. I found the answer by getting a really good league who could careless if I was a girl or not. I don't think there is anything the devs can do to stop people from acting stupid.
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  18. Hraesvelg Always Right

    There is certainly a market for Nth metal underwires on Zamaron.
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  19. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    The preview picture (the one that was on the front page announcing the DLC was coming) for WOL 2 was ridiculous. I mean were the heck is she keeping her nipples? The actual artwork for the DLC is nice, but that cut scene in Zam is straight 12-13 year old fap fodder.
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  20. iSmashly New Player

    I can't even. first the thread complaining about Doctor Light being in the game due to some of his more offensive crimes and now this. Don't be so over sensitive about how some random nobody refers to a fictional character he's probably never heard of untill this DLC.
    Besides if he's using those terms he's probably upset that he's getting wrecked and trying to make himself feel better for getting beat up by a girl.
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