So what's the next QoL thing you want in the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Roth, May 17, 2023.

  1. MattHattr New Player

    More color distinction in combat zones for dynamics. Maybe even more than a hair trigger heads up on impending super power use by enemy (for us more big finger, little button player) would be nice as well.

    I give as example:
    Terrorium miniboss combat phase, get under the electrostatic shield to survive impending super attack. The color scheme on terrorium and the domes are so close you can't even see the dome in time to even scramble under the dome. Make the domes very prominent and a universal color as apposed to hostile zones. If not a color scheme effect, then decorations that are specific safe zone, like the hide behind pillars or step on paving stone with a symbol type of thing. I would suggest the standard Green good/ Red bad HOWEVER there are those color blind or near color blind that wouldn't help them.*

    The alerts of impending attacks: Sometimes it says things in the chat box, sometimes not, you can't count on that. Sometimes it has text in the play window, sometimes not. Even when it does, it's always standard white on screen or standard yellow in chat and not short and sweet some times. Have it always be on the play window and in a text color that is obvious not normal, differentiate between bad mouthing from opponents etc. And maybe more than .3 of a second for us more ham fingered folks would be nice too.

    I give as a GOOD example: Dr. Light, professor? Whatever, the F5 guy that actually says he's going to burn your cornea or lend him your sight...THEN a text pops up to block is impending attack, then a couple seconds a major attack happens.

    *Which brings up another point:
    People with color blind or sight impairment (like mono vision). Many game companies in an attempt to meet American with Disabilities Act compliance, have build into their player access, options to reset the graphics to a more accessible mode, like turning the colors to chromatic effects, in place of the Red/Green/Blue that color blind persons have problems with. How about some of that AND testing on servers in those modes to see if it works for them and not assume it does.
  2. spikeat Well-Known Player

    In addition to Open Next, we need a 3rd option for nth metal cache, which is an Open All. Got tired after opening 100 caches.
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