So what's the next QoL thing you want in the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Roth, May 17, 2023.

  1. Taerah Active Player

  2. Taerah Active Player

  3. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Crossed one off. Apparently, this already exists. I pressed yellow Y on the xbox controller I use with PC, (which is the triangle ▲ on a PS controller iirc) when going to sell an item, and it searched by that item.
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  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Just to spell it out, Quality of Life enhacements don't mean "man, I wish this was in the game."
    QoL speaks directly to usability. Fixing interfaces and the like.
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  5. Forceofwilly New Player

    Bump - because I'm not a hater
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  6. roxy spaulding Active Player

    I would like less clunky gamepad bindings for abilities, utility belt and ally.

    Final Fantasy XIV is a good example for expanding the ability bars to be compatible with gamepads.


    Also, something like the emote wheel but for artifacts would be nice.
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  7. xGMZen Well-Known Player

    I have to honestly agree with this idea. its conveinient and it saves time for those who DO make alts.
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    Exactly - some of this thread went from QOL to wish list so quickly lol
  9. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    1: Fix Super Speed Lightstream. It's been 3 years. I want to **** rainbows as I run :(
    2: I just want the game to run properly/smoothly.
    3: I wish they'd stop breaking the game by messing with "legacy code"
  10. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Fewer idjits posting to the forums.

    (No, not anyone in this thread. I'm just saying.)
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  12. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Everything and anything stacking to at least 99, where not impossible.

    Unmanageably large drop-down menus being broken off into smaller selectable menus. Because collapsing them has never worked, historically.

    See above, so this might be covered:-
    Completely overhaul the R&D and Fortify UIs. They're horrific, but I'm required to deal with them multiple times daily.

    Similarly, be able to imprint gear and SP to Armories on the fly. Since I can't put Armories anywhere but my base, I must return there to imprint. It's a glaring bottleneck.
  13. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Making Tokens of Merit and their seasonal variants useful in some way would be nice.

    I'd still like to see more cars be able to be picked up in Dakota City.

    It's past time to expand our inventories and banks and shared banks by now, with all the tons of stuff that is now available to fill those slots.

    Anything that can be done to make more items stackable in inventories would be appreciated.

    I'd still like the ability to batch post and buy broker items.

    Being able to batch remove Friends from Friends list would be good.

    Making all journal entries complete automatically when you've finished the mission instead of in some cases requiring us to return to the Journal entry and click to complete them would be nice.
  14. CGEMINI Committed Player

    I would like if KBM was correctly bind on console showing the actual kbm bind layout and the mouse actually working and sensitivity options.
  15. PennyBoom New Player

    I just came Up with these new power sets Dps, Tank, Heal, Troll Feel free to reply and tell me your opinion

    First is Troll: Accelerated Tempo: - Ability 1: "Time Warp" - Manipulates time, reducing the cooldown of the character's abilities and those of nearby allies. - Ability 2: "Haste Burst" - Releases a burst of temporal energy, increasing the attack and movement speed of allies within a certain radius for a short duration. - Ability 3: "Chrono Shield" - Erects a protective shield that absorbs a portion of incoming damage and reduces the duration of negative effects on the character and nearby allies. - Ability 4: "Temporal Distortion" - Creates a localized time distortion field, slowing down enemy movements and abilities while hastening those of allies. - Ability 5: "Time Siphon" - Drains time energy from enemies, reducing their cooldowns and granting it as a temporary cooldown reduction bonus to the character and nearby allies.

    Tank:Guardian Knight: - Ability 1: "Divine Shield" - Raises a protective shield, reducing damage taken and providing immunity to negative effects for a short time. - Ability 2: "Righteous Charge" - Charges at enemies with righteous fury, knocking them back and dealing damage. - Ability 3: "Vigilant Guard" - Takes a defensive stance, intercepting and redirecting a portion of incoming damage to protect allies. - Ability 4: "Inspiring Presence" - Radiates an aura of inspiration, boosting the defenses and morale of nearby allies. - Ability 5: "Valiant Stand" - Unleashes an ultimate defensive stance, significantly reducing damage taken for a brief duration.

    DPS: Solar Beam: - Ability 1: "Photon Blast" - Fires a concentrated beam of solar energy that pierces through enemies, dealing heavy damage. - Ability 2: "Solar Flare" - Channels intense solar energy, releasing a blinding explosion that damages and disorients foes. - Ability 3: "Radiant Nova" - Radiates a burst of energy, damaging enemies in a wide area around the character. - Ability 4: "Luminous Shield" - Creates a protective shield of pure light that absorbs damage and reflects it back to attackers. - Ability 5: "Solar Ascendance" - Ascends into a radiant form, unleashing a devastating beam of concentrated solar energy, obliterating enemies in its path.

    HEALER:Techno-Medic: - Ability 1: "Nano Surge" - Releases a swarm of nanobots that rapidly heal a targeted ally's wounds. - Ability 2: "Emergency Repair" - Triggers an emergency repair system, instantly restoring a large amount of health to the character and nearby allies. - Ability 3: "Shielding Field" - Deploys an energy shield that absorbs damage for allies within a certain radius, gradually restoring their health as the shield holds. - Ability 4: "Revive Protocol" - Activates a reviving protocol, allowing the character to resurrect fallen allies with a portion of their health restored. - Ability 5: "Techno Surge" - Overloads the character's nanobot systems, releasing a surge of healing energy that restores health to all allies and provides a temporary boost to their defenses.
  16. Limey Committed Player

    The stat page actually breaking down stats and their sources, so people stop complaining about bugs or the math not adding up because they dont understand percentage bonuses are a percentage of base stats, not total stats, and that multiplier bonuses are additive not multiplicative.
  17. Skille Well-Known Player

    Griddy emote gotta be top 5
  18. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    Well now that the feat list is being improved and we have the feat list on the scorecard there is one silly thing i would apreciate:

    -A monitor to check the open world feats. The idea is that on the area you pick the missions there would be a monitor (or whatever suits the episode) that when you interact with it a window would open showing the open world feats you are missing (to defeat X bosses, to rescue Y cats, etc). Necesary? Not really, Apreciated? Totally.

    PS: Also a wish, not a QoL really, could be that at the end of the month the most deleted item would appear on the broker (maybe in groups of 10 items) with a cheap price. Sometimes i wonder how many catalyst people delete and how many other users could find them helpful.
  19. OdieBadger Well-Known Player

  20. OdieBadger Well-Known Player

    Make it happen