So what's the next QoL thing you want in the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Roth, May 17, 2023.

  1. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Now that we've after 50 years got new emotes+ an emote wheel, I'd love to see:

    Aesthetics/Powerset Skin Vendor - let's you change the aesthetic of your abilities. For example, change the look of Atomic to be green and black, change the look of Earth to be crystal themed, change the look of Water to be Deadwater themed

    Housemate Vendor - sells iconics like Ambush Bug that roam around your base

    Sidekick customization

    The ability to sit in chairs and seats

    More iconic powers, make them earnable by completing certain objectives or dropping at random from iconic NPCs

    New Amory Change animations
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  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I want a forum thing where if anyone asks for free stuff they get a smack in the gob. that is all.

    & sidekick customization.
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  3. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    How about the ability to accept or reject a queue/instance/duel invitation pop-up with controller buttons, that are NOT constantly in use? I don't know whose hare-brained idea it was, or why the player-base seems to have accepted it, but it's just idiotic, that jumping, managing inventory or closing a menu can cause you to be pulled into an instance you didn't want to run, or were not quite ready for, reject an invitation you wanted to accept, or otherwise inconvenience you for no good reason whatsoever.

    Also - if we have a way to mark an inventory item as "important", why can we delete it with 2 quick taps of an X button? If I want to delete a marked item, I'll click L3 on it to un-mark it first, thank you very much...
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  4. Tori Slainte New Player

    I wish we could have a Quality of life "Spring Cleaning" aka delete button for all of our unused clothes and base items. Especially if you have a lot, it can become quite tedious and annoying and time consuming. Sometimes I forget what I'm looking for because I have so much lol. I understand it's for feats most of the time but then the items are just there becoming an eyesore. If not that, I would love an armory wheel like the emote wheel ❣️. I'm a woman who has sooo many outfits on this game like I used to have on PsHome and being able to access at least 8 of my 16 would be totally awesome!
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ooooh. If we are getting forum things, can I get one whenever someone comes in with a grandiose 'I'M LEAVING!" post, I automatically post saying goodbye and asking for their stuff?

    & Feat tracking system, broker option to search by style vs 'name'....and AQS of course.
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  6. SirHyper Active Player

    90 degree rotation button for base items plsss @Mepps
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If not a different about push and hold to accept? Even a +1 second hold (X to accept O to cancel) would eliminate 99% of the 'false' execution of these things.
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  8. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    Something else to spend Marks of Valor & Marks of Legend on. PvP gear is pretty much worthless, and the style vendor hasn't been updated with new stuff in years. And we haven't gotten a new legends character in what feels like forever.
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  9. spikeat Well-Known Player

    An option to unlock feats by episodes would greatly help alts. We have over 800 SP in the game and I can't sit there unlocking them one by one. Also, apply an extra confirmation box so we know how many replays will be withdrawn.
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  10. KidKretz Committed Player

    this seems a good place to ask this question, because it there isn't, i want this.

    i may have overlooked it in settings, so sorry if it is there and i missed it...BUT, is there a way to hide my fellow leaguemates when i compose a mail and JUST see my friends list? if there isn't, i want that option :)
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  11. kallader Committed Player

    They should bring back creatures drop or add product that we can sell or trade for other items etc because the economy in the game is really bad right now have to get capsule to make money
  12. Jcal Dedicated Player

    For me it's the same thing it's always been - custom party size queue or a teleporter to all Instances/Operations. Let people solo/2-man/4-man/6-man whatever they want.

    That's my #1 and it's not even close. I'd also like to see a fourth Chroma slot. I just need one more. Maybe a second Accessory slot, too, since earring Accessories are now a thing.
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  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I think this has been said elsewhere. A preview of what a furniture item looks like. I know size would be hard to convey, but knowing what an item looks like before opening it would be helpful. I can recall a young man in my league being rather miffed because he thought an "armoire" was an armory.

    While I'm here. A more logical method of auto sorting inventory.
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  14. Limey Committed Player

    Allies immune to CC effects?

    Mandatory minimum number of power activations or attacks during seasonal instances to receive loot credit?

    A per-character cash cap that matches the trade cap, as a safety measure for all the ppl that buy from gold sellers then get scammed?

    Server-based watchdog script that monitors/detects players performing more than 10 weapon attacks per second, disconnects them, and generates a report for GM's to assist in cracking down on speedhackers?

    Any player idling long enough to activate the (AWAY) tag instantly bypassing the 5 minute wait time for kick option to allow kicking idle players?

    I'm sure I could think of more, but those are the 5 easy ones.
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  15. Achikah All About That Base

    The dream for me would be to have an account bound furniture pool while decorating. I can't tell you how many times I've consumed furniture I'll never use on a specific character that works perfectly for an alt's base. It's also help with inventory clutter since I don't have to wait and decide which character of mine is going to get which base theme/concept- if I know I have a base in the works, and said item for that base, I can just consume it outright since it'd go to the shared pool.

    However, I know that's a big undertaking, so if not, the next big one would be just having every piece of furniture, especially older seasonal and DLC items, to stack like bounty box/exo/soder/etc. A lot of us decorators keep furniture unconsumed to trade/help each other, or to keep specific seasonal furniture, through the year. Making these stack to 99 would be a huge quality of life for a lot of us. I know they've started to roll out newer things for 99 stacks, but we really need that on existing items pretty badly. If they could do whatever they did to the Anniversary vendor this year? Maaaan, us decorators would be over the moon.

    Subsequently, a year round seasonal vendor could also help combat this. No need to rush and spend all your marks last day while cluttering/consuming your inventory space. Run the seasonal when it's out, have the marks, buy the furniture when you need it anytime. So long as you're online and putting in the work to get the marks while the seasonal's in play, I see no problem being able to by year round. It'd also help with inflated broker prices, as well as people wanting seasonal styles midway through the year so long as they had some currency leftover from the event.
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  16. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

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  17. DarkMastery Active Player

    Cross faction grouping
    Power customization within limits
    Army building
    Feat tracker
    Multiple league characters
    Account wide ignore
    Custom artifact builder within limits
    Base Generator reminder

    That's all I can think of atm .
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  18. comrade sonya Committed Player

    The ones you listed are great, right now I’d have to say a new travel power like teleporting and skin packs for Nature/Sorcery’s pets (we could get some new styles like a fairy skin for the Watcher pet or dragon for the Bug form)
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  19. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Armory wheel similar to the emote wheel.
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  20. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    I want five things for QoL things...

    1) A search bar on the Teleporter for those of who have a TON of bases on the list of places we can visit. This way we're not spending five minutes scrolling through all the names trying to find that one base... THE STRUGGLE IS REAL FOLKS!

    2) The ability to place things on counters and shelves without having to clip them in. you know... just an Up/Down Axis for the items as well as floor placement. It means so much more freedom with base crafting. It would also mean that you get the opportunity to create base items specifically for that function... E.g. Small bowls of food to put on countertops, Books and lamps to put on tables etc... (If this is in the game already... HOW do you do it lolol)

    3) The ability to hold money in our banks. It would be SO nice if we could put money into our banks, have a cap on the amount in the shared bank say (1mil cap). Just thought. would be a simple QoL change that means we could manage savings easier. I know quite a few players who are literally carrying billions hahaha. Lets lighten the load a little and let them keep it in the bank.

    4) Have multiples of furniture items, Collections, and more importantly the new capsule stack. It will help MASSIVELY with inventory.

    5) The ability to customize SIDEKICKS, or at least have a few different style options for them like we do for Henchmen. The T-shirt and short shorts isn't a great look at the best of times lol. We spend a lot of time and love creating the looks of our heroes and villains, would be nice to kit them out too... Perhaps their own style list. Plus, gives would be an easy expansion concept wise. Speaking of pets... The powereset Earth pets needs some visual love because dang... they look rough when next to the Sorcery Tank pet which weirdly looks more earth pet-like than the actual earth pets.... yeh...
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