so now we see...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by minuteofdecay, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Stark23 Committed Player

    Did people glitch the door in Ava because it dropped the best gear?
  2. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    Didn't know u could glitch that door, guess since it didn't drop the best gear it wasn't worth ppl crying about it.
  3. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    *opens mouth for his big helping of truth*

    especially when the glitch was reported on the 4th, day after dlc member launch i know cuz my post "magically" deleted itself 3 times, and nothing was even done till the non members got to run it. so yes the legs i have came from the glitch but thats also they way i was able to identify what happened. if like said above, the content hadn't been messed w 2 days before live, then none of this would have happened. also i'd like to point out that only a small % of players got the gear. which means pocket$ weren't lined like the paradox glitch. if ur taking gear and feats, take ALL feats obtained w glitches. E.O. feat, in one piece feats, volitile robots, four corners. these are just a few feats that were completed while ppl shouted for said feat glitches in lfg and shout. i understand ppl are mad at ur descision devs, but if its gonna happen, start checking the whole game on ur past 5 dlc's
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Glitch was reported on Day 1.

    Also when the best gear drops in the raids, it removes the face value of alerts and duos, and solos. Thus shortening the replay value over time.

    Instead of everyone rushing to get vendor gear, people are replaying raids only to stop playing 3 weeks later. Luckily legends pve and seasonals have stopped that.