Server Hotfix - January 28, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Vestments of rage collected pieces not recognized since the new hotfix

    Some people are having the same issue
  2. StopPerving Dedicated Player

  3. DPRINCE New Player

    Why can't I buy dlc9. It's Tuesday 7:30
  4. ContainedNRG New Player

    How come there is no DLC9 in the marketplace?
    • Like x 2
  5. Hero of Justice New Player

    Yeah, wondering the same.
  6. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    check your power tree and see who of the both tree have more power point ( 1 of the tree have a 10 vit bonus see if u get it right when u switch into your troll armory ) if its still dosnt work just respec your troll armory ( full respec power and skill ) then save it .
    before 1 year its happen to me also and i didnt understand why so if u wanna tell me your power ill explain to u why and how to fix i if what i say didnt workt
  7. Tecnangel New Player

    Still havent been able to log in for the past week but hey okay add more maintenance maybe it will fix it finally
  8. Qoojo New Player

    yep, as of yesterday morning, the game is completely broken for me. I can logon with a character, but after that, sometimes the power bar does not load. Or I go into a mission, and nothing works and cannot progress. If the server was bounced, it did not change anything for me.
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    He is probably referring to the 10 points you get from the power point proficiency for the two DLC controller powers. Light and Quantum probably lose it when you switch. Though, I think you can fix it by hitting t twice and/or swapping your weapon. Though, at current level, 10 points means NOTHING. lol
  10. Neo-Jehuty New Player

  11. Neo-Jehuty New Player

    They should really it that anyone with the kick me sign can really be kicked. Now wouldn't that be something,:)
  12. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Would of been nice to have the utility belts in the vendor, however glad the other stuff is getting fixed, still quite a few issues though with this dlc, like someone said that briefing, the ps3 load/render in the alt metro and few others.
    • Like x 1
  13. BumblingB I got better.


    /tell "Neo Lighting" WHY'D YOU KICK ME?! YOU !#$@$

  14. Kirney Slane New Player

    Still unable to sign in. Well done, whoever did the psn maintenance.

  15. Tecnangel New Player

    how long you been unable to sign in for? ive been out for the past week
  16. HalfShade New Player

    When will the DLC be available?
  17. Containerofmike New Player

    Can't login on PS4 while the wife is playing on the PS3 fine. I was able to get on with PS4 yesterday. I'm getting tired of the PS4 issues, we are people too, you know.
  18. PerfectLegend Dedicated Player

    There is, I got one a day or two ago.
  19. Oddpodd Dedicated Player

    Funny about that Belt was that I haven't seen it drop since the day the DLC arrived and then, out of nowhere yesternight, half of the group just happened to get that Utility Belt from the first boss! Really weird coincidence there...

    P.S.: Hey PL!
  20. adarkpassenger New Player

    so what about people who completed the "Burn" feat before this fix? Do we still keep the feat or will it be taken away?