Downtime Server Downtime - January 6, 2016 - Episode 20!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are checking into the duo on US PC.
  2. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Frankly as good a "30 words or less..." type description for what Lanterns do as is a very descriptive and economical phrase I think...from a writing point of view...
  3. McShotzz Well-Known Player

    im on usps3 and it crashes everytime I go in duo. and its the hard crash where I have to wait for linkdeath to expire.
  4. XAOC Active Player

    I had no download for EU so the issue must persist there as well..
  5. hadriel27 New Player

    Download time just popped up for me and mcsjotzz I was having the same problem
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    If you are on US PC or ps3, please log out and back in to pick up the download of the map.
    • Like x 1
  7. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Just beat Nekron. No scorecard popped and no headline popped. After leaving we had Deserter. May want to fix that.
  8. The Valor Well-Known Player

    Unable to download update on PS4
  9. speedster1981 Committed Player

    I q'ed up for duo and got disconnected now that I'm deadlinked and try to get on game I get a message saying must be signed into network to play.... and yet I'm logged into psn the whole time..antone else got this?
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Well that's a complete and utter lie. Mepps used to give small update times, like "Downtime should last about 4 hours." but as soon as it went into 4 hours and 1 minute people flooded the forums "OMG YOU SAID 4 HOURS AND IT'S OVER 4 HOURS NOW OMG!" so he started saying 8 hours for almost every update, and a very, very small number of updates have gone over the 8 hours. When Mepps says 8 hours it usually takes between 3-6. He only says 8 hours now to shut those kinds of people, that I described above, up.
  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Also I just want to say a massive thank you, THANK YOU, to the devs for finally giving EU and US separate update times. EU always got the short end of the stick by having the updates take place for most EU countries from the afternoon until late evening, meaning a lot of us used to lose out on the majority of our game time for that day.

    Please let this be the start of a new trend and not just a one off. It is very much appreciated!
    • Like x 1
  12. ErnieB Loyal Player

    just wait until the GU to see if you'll thank them again.
  13. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Just logging back in. I've been using my other character. I'm going to use my strongest one, now.

    Yoda: No, try not. Do or do not. There is no try.
  14. aortenruptur Well-Known Player

    I know I am a negative Nancy sometimes (just because I love the game so much :))
    BUT the decision to move the server offline time to a 4am US/5am EU start is outstanding!
    Waking up at 06:30am CET to start the day with a nice new Duo was one nice start into a draining work day :)
    Now, 7pm CET it's time for a nice new raid :cool:

    More thoughtful actions like that speak louder then the "SOONs" and other promises ...
    Much obliged ...

    • Like x 1
  15. aortenruptur Well-Known Player

    Well, they (finally ;)) did something right ... So appreciate it and stop pooping on the icing of the birthday cake :p
  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club


    SO much better the way it has been handled today.
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    To those commenting on the time, we are limited in how we do publishes based on the type of publish. Full game updates will still almost always be at one time globally.
  18. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    I got the 1-Wildcard-3-Trinket Utility belt just today after a successful run on the 8-man Blackest Night instance, along with lvl 132 pistols. This works for me just fine & gave me a 1 cr point bump. I purchased the Unliving Weapons Box plan & intend to craft those weapons. I use the Prime Brainiac weapons as a skin/style.
  19. bakesIt1138 New Player

    Well sir ever since you guys had it on down time I cant log back on could you please give me a little bit of help please?
  20. ErnieB Loyal Player

    If you do the raid then you didn't need to buy the weapon box, those will drop, in 2 runs of the raid I already got 1 neck 136 and 1 weapon 136, plus a lvl 132 ring.