Server Downtime - February 3, 2015 - Game Update 44 + Amazon Fury Part II!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. KiddGabe New Player

    maybe 2-3 hours
  2. Dark Angela9 New Player

    The solo is over in the bottle area of under seige.
  3. True Lasombra Well-Known Player

    Cold as hell in Canada! It burn!
  4. KiddGabe New Player

    cold here to in the u.s
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  5. Dark Angela9 New Player

    My day is going ok so far. Ty for asking. :)
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  6. Odd Spierce New Player

    The cure to a caffeine crash is more caffeine. And my day is going swimmingly.
  7. Captain Liberty Well-Known Player

    I'm not sure if Mepps has mentioned it already, but there were patching optimizations included in GU 44. They dramatically reduce download size (this would have been a ~4 GB patch for PS4 using the old system, but I recorded 1.37 GB). PS3 and PC were smaller as well. I saw under 600 MB for PS3 - and it would have been ~1.8 GB previously.
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  8. Sinister Jeorge New Player

    Damn! Catwoman... Go away!!!
  9. Thomas Falls New Player

    this really sucks :(
  10. Animaphagist New Player

    OMG we're going to have to do something else with out lives for indefinite period of time when there is only DCUO???

    There is no DC, only Zuul..

    But a serious question since I'm here... is there going to be any cleaning of the choppy lag a lot of us experience on ps4 since PVE Legends came out? Preferably with the current update?
    NO!!! It is not my internet connection, or my connection to PSN. All other games work fine. All internet devices run unhindered. The only way to fully science this problem is to buy another PS4 and create a control group system, and also use someone else's internet that has the exact same service that I do. Costly to say the least. That along with the fact that everyone else I play with has the exact same problem, good chance that something is broken and it's not on our end.
  11. Rjr24 New Player

    • Like x 1
  12. KiddGabe New Player

    you guys just have to be patient and find something else to do while servers are down
  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I have a 1.34 gb download for ps4. So pretty nice small download.
  14. Captain Liberty Well-Known Player

    There is a fix for the frame-rate "lag" that was inadvertently introduced to PS4 and PC with GU 43. There are also a couple of small fixes that will reduce latency and benefit PVP, counter mechanics, etc. There are more networking optimizations coming in future updates, but you should notice improvement today.
    • Like x 7
  15. Odd Spierce New Player

    Patience is a virtue I can never seem to grasp
  16. Ninetails New Player

    Dafaq are you talking about?
  17. True Lasombra Well-Known Player

    Looking at awesome new song to enjoy the labyrinth of death!! Hell! i feel playing those fight book before...OK! Need to go page 52 to face the cerberus or 34 to take the treasure!!:)
  18. Embercon New Player

    Guess its some time for some LoL til work. ^_-
  19. True Lasombra Well-Known Player

    Your game your talking about ff14 right?
  20. Animaphagist New Player

    WOWZERS that was fast.

    Yeah, I read further down the forum under the updates to see that there was more than the first post and noticed something called Client Performance only for ps4 and wondered if that was a part of that.

    Nice. See you all on the other side of the screen. Thanks, fellas.