Scarlet Speedster MP1 Solo..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SigmaAtom, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    hehe.. watch the video LT.. you get a mention :)

    Ohw just to add.. in the video you can hear me clicking the stick to the side to roll and it not doing it first time. No idea what's up with that.
  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Ah good deal man :) . Yeah I didn't get to the end of it with it being 40 minutes but I did watch the first attempt or two. Congrats though on knocking it out!
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  3. The Anxient Loyal Player

    This content is available to everyone who is subbed or purchased purchased the episode. Just because you can get in doesn't mean you should be able to beat everything. OP was trying to beat it at entry level cr. At entry level cr you should struggle. If it were easy at that cr, the players who had full gear from jld would absolutely steam roll it.
  4. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Maybe as a possible compromise, they could make the event version accessible somewhere in the HQ/metal gotham one time as part of the episode mission path, like they did with the Deluge solo.
  5. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Except this instance stops you from doing the open world stuff. That’s bang out of order in my opinion.
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  6. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't be able to breeze through it at entry cr. Period.
  7. tukuan Devoted Player

    I ran about 8 of my toons through it when it came out and 3 I had no problems running at level but the other 5 were not gonna happen so I ran the event version (probably why I ran so many). Sure enough last week I had another alt hit that level and gave it a go and there's no way he's getting through at level, and to be honest I'm not excited about running more JLD stuff to get a few more pieces so I don't see him going and further until JLD converts to MoV and I can grind out the marks then. With the same toon I had a similar problem with Atlantis but the challenge there is significantly less than Scarlet Speedster.

    At the end of the day I get presenting the storyline hoops but it really seems short-sighted to make the open world contingent to finishing a solo instance. Some powers lend themselves to soloing (esp the ones with pets) and others don't. Also while I and others quite like solos, soloing is just not some people's cup of tea. I would suggest that the devs go back and change the content to unlock these epsodes so that the open world opens up, even if you skip out of the solo/duo that predicates it.
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  8. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    There should remove color base gear.
    Each item, item level 1 - ??? or just use the augment stat as level stat, rename stat points tree to affinity bouses putting all bouses from the base, league hall, & artifacts in the tree. Use the skill points to unlock that ability. Could also increase the ability % for Each skill points it has on it example 1 skill point = 1% if 1% is to much then put it at .01%.
    Rename level 1 to level 0
    Remove the level cap of 30
    That mean you don't need augment, and artifact.
    Every enemies give out xp
    They have xp booters why make more of the same items.
    Experience bar could start of 0- ???
    If you want people to spend money on extra xp you could do that with original xp system.
    If the put the high number that they could put as experience bar.
    Example 999,999,999,999
    0 - 999,999,999,999

    Well I just went way off topic lol
  9. Starry Knight Active Player

    Except it's gating the open world stuff. In that sense it shouldn't be comparable to the challenge modes (which aren't nearly that hard even on-rating by the way), it should be comparable to the levelling instances those challenge modes are taken from.

    Having it gate the dailies was perhaps an unwise decision with hindsight and if not for that then sure let Mirror Master be hard to beat, but as it is, yeah, they need to either attach the episode mission arc to the old event version somehow (my preferred solution) or remove the prerequisite (also a fair option) or nerf the boss (an option but not one I like).
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  10. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Wait, are you doing the T10 version of the solo, or the event version? They both count, and the event version is easier.
  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    There is no event version. When Metal Part II released the event version of all the Metal Part I content went away.
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