Ridiculous crafting system.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ProfessorKanua, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Thank you I wasn't aware of that. Makes sense why I can trade certain things to my other toon and others I can not.
  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    I scrap at least, say, 8 to 10 pieces of gear a day.

    In all the time since this system has been put in place I have seen one scrap of 24, and two times it was over 200.

    Everything els has been 2, 4 or 6.
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  3. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    Same. Since implemented I have seen one salvage for 100 sumthin marks (literally one week ago) and everything else has been 2-20 scraps but typically the minimum amount. It's a running joke in my league about the scraps.
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  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    The "6-8 weeks" thing (sorta) makes sense for the crafted gear that also drops. If you have bad luck, there's your alternative.

    I don't think the "6-8 weeks" thing makes sense for the ones that don't drop though (Rings and Face). With the current system, you are barely able to craft and enjoy these items before the new ones on the vendor in the next cycle come out. I think that's one of the main problems.
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  5. inferno Loyal Player

    I agree 100% on this. I think we all see the passion from all the posters of this thread about this game. We don't want this game to die due to lack of income into the company. Replay badges give them that.
    So someone start up another thread that deals with other options. One that deals and argues about 3 month/ vs 1 month: what qualities did we like and can we combine them for a new format.
    Attaining Best Gear where and how.
    How do we define best gear. What will motivate players to continue playing raids and alerts and maintain the use of replay badges.
    Lets give them ideas that maybe they haven't thought of.
  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I'd go for Greens give 10 scraps, Blues give 50 scraps and Purples give 100 scraps.
    Rares are rarely given. I've got both roles to upgrade. ;) and maybe an appealing base item is in the loot window. If I pick the base item, who knows when i'll get another rare item?
    I'd appreciate a better description of the plan available on the vendor. A description that states the amount of scraps needed to make the item for starters. Sure, the tiny icon shows that the item is a chest item, but why was it decided to not include "Chest" in the item description? I can't remember, is the style included in the item description? It's been bugging the heck out of me that unattuned items are not using the style name in their description. Then i tune it, and it's engineer style? /shakefist
  7. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    As someone who has crafted in many other games, I think that the system that DCUO has is quite generous when it comes to the effort-vs-time ratio, so I'm not sure what the problem is...
  8. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    6-8 weeks for a set.... 6-8 weeks for a piece??
    I'll wait for T10, when the style is added to the rare style vendor. ;) It's 2 tiers above, then it's added to rare style vendor, right?
    I'd be paying less in marks too. (70 marks & 2,000 cash vs ?marks and ?cash to craft?)
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The target is for the set as a whole. The R&D system is designed to supplement, not replace, getting drops. So you get some drops, you build something, and by about that time you have a full set. Again, we continue to hear and gather your thoughts: too complicated, too costly, too long, too random. We do hear you.
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  10. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Tell me that how, based on a system that revolves around RNG, they are supposed to guarantee you an exact 3 month guarantee on your gear? The point is the period in between the two pieces. When the piece you have is no longer the highest one you can get. Which is every 3 months.

    Highest gear from Month 1 gets replaced in Month 4.
    Highest gear from Month 2 gets replaced in Month 5.
    Highest gear from Month 3 gets replaced in Month 6.

    If it took you 25 days to get the chest in Month 1, then that's unlucky. If it then took you 5 days in Month 4 to get the chest, that's lucky. Even though it didn't last an exact 3 months, why are you complaining about receiving a good loot drop?
  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    There's not one part of this post that I believe to be accurate.

    Id love an example, from any game, that took as much time to acquire the materials, for a near useless item.

    Hell, I'll take an example of just time.
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  12. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    My question is what do you plan to do with the R&D System once people stop running the content? just seems like it would be impossible to get that many Marks/Scraps when players don't run it anymore.
  13. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    My whole point of this thread was to remove Matter Enhancers from the equation, yet it has kind of spiraled out of of control. :p
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  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    What about just making it best gear obtainable? I think the best gear in the game should be something you work towards not rely on luck of the draw. Of course adjustments can be made but I think what dissapionts people the most is they expected RnD gear to be something much bigger and meaningful then what it is now. It was hyped up when first announced only to cause mass disappointment upon arrival of final product.

    We want it to be more then just a supplement. We want a full alternate progression method. This could be it.
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  15. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    The crafting system sucks, plain and simple. The cost is not worth it. For example: 20 marks for the plan for the ring, 4 enhancers to make each ring (40 marks total), and then 1200 scraps. So for 2 rings that give minimal increase in stats you are spending 60 marks and all that time to gather the scraps. Just spend the 40 marks on the 2 vendor rings and be done with it.

    Here is my suggestion (i expect no one to agree with it).....Remove loot locks from all instances for Legendary members. Charge an extra $5 a month for Legendary but let us run stuff as much as we want while still having a chance at the RNG gear.

    I know people will say "well I have all my gear now, so I can go to another game till next episode." Guess what, they already do that. Now if you finish your quickly great, start an alt, do other stuff, you will be back the next month to do the same thing with the new dlc. This would lower the complaints about RNG, didn't get your piece this time, no biggie go right back in and run it again. Don't have time, run the next day...complaints solved.
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  16. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    While it is true that there are multiple contributing factors to the general negative response, the most dominant of those reasons seems to be the amount of time investment required and the inconsistency of scraps that result from salvage. These two factors are closely related and would likely be the best place to consider adjustments.
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  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    It tooks hours on hours to first lvl your craft to 50 them you had to throw millions of ingame cash on raw materals to improve your craftijg ability. Then you had to buy books to learn new recipes that required to craft something that costed alot and had liw rng outcome. All in end to craft something lower then raid gear.

    Not to mention all the money spent on modding crafting gear.

    All in all. Great crafting system ff in depth but not really useful.

    Dcs is useful
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  18. MrHoiPolloi Well-Known Player

    Account bound would be ideal because it would allow you to purchase the plans on one toon and make that your primary crafter for that piece of gear. Thus eliminating the need to repeat the same investment on any alts you might have. Making the game more alt friendly seems to be the wave of the future based on the webcast earlier this year, so it only makes sense to incorporate these changes into the crafting system.
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  19. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Account bound gear? Now that's ridiculous.
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yet we're getting it. Ridiculous huh?
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