Ridiculous crafting system.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ProfessorKanua, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    Let me break down my mental breakdown while considering to craft the Quickstryke belt:

    You need 400 scraps: "What? Seriously? That's gonna take forever."
    You need to pay up 10 Marks of Victory to fuse them: "Are you serious? They are my scraps.."
    You need to pay up 35 Marks of Victory for the Belt Plan: "Well.. so I'm pretty much paying vendor price for all this work I've gone through"
    You need to buy 7 Matter Enhancers of 5 Marks of Victory each as crafting supplies: ".............."

    On top of all this lunacy, you can't even trade any of this stuff, nor is it account bound. Whoever came up with this wants people to not use this system, I suppose. I sounded fun, but I don't think I can support this any longer.
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  2. Fies Committed Player

    I need a 146 weapon... 2 of them would be even better...
  3. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    log into the game
    go to your inventory
    find your scraps
    spit a them
    delete them
    be free
    Best decision I made, they're not worth the hassle.
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  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It could be worse. You could be needing 1200 scraps and 50 marks for a weapon.

    RnD gear was good idea but implemented poorly. It needs a redo. Either reduce scrap requirement or increase scrap yielding.
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  5. ErnieB Loyal Player

    or....run the raid.
  6. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    I was pretty excited when the crafting system was announced. I still haven't crafted a single piece yet, the scraps fell out of relevancy before I had enough. Guess I'll just stick to vendor gear.
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  7. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    R&D gear should be the absolute best gear. It requires the most effort and everyone who's willing to put that effort in should be wearing gear better than those who can't be bothered.

    It's a complete joke that I could spend 6+ weeks grinding scraps for second best gear and someone else goes into an Elite instance, gets the same piece from the first boss and has added perks over the piece I spent ages trying to make, all because RNG rolled the right number for them.

    It's not enticing, it's not engaging. It's ********.
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I havent even looked yet how much are the weapons?
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  9. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Better yet, gear is only good for 8 weeks, so that piece that took you 6 to make is useless in 2 more weeks.
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  10. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    My biggest issue is the fact that I was ready to craft my piece and I had to spend (7 Matter Enhancers of 5 MoV each) 35 extra marks just to craft that piece. Matter Enhancers are so trivial and the cost is not based on anything. It shouldn't be a part of this process.
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  11. CS2016 Committed Player

    great idea among many have been great thoughts but only that. They get implemented horribly so they remain merely thoughts. This crafting system was a great way for people to spend marks that didnt like raids. But they went over board with needing everything to make 1 single piece of gear its not worth the pathetic stats you'd get from the piece of gear.
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  12. CS2016 Committed Player

    1200 scraps lol 55 marks for plan, 10 enhancers
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  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    seems high i really wish they would losen up on the requirements some i mean hell ive never crafted any of the items since it came out and i still dont have enough of the older crafting materials to have that many
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  14. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Why bother?
    Seriously turn your scrap gear to cash and buy some nice auras.
    The Auras won't be worthless in 2 months.
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  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    I have to say, its really disheartening that they still haven't done anything to adjust this.

    In reality, I'm blown away that it ever even made it onto test, let alone live, as is.

    Honestly, its actually insulting to us as paying customers. Its so overly terrible, I can't believe they think its OK to put in the game, as is, and expect us to fine with it.

    Really says a lot.
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  16. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    I think a lot of people don't even know how this crafting system works. Almost nobody in my league even knew that you had to craft the Rings and Face and assumed that the 144 rings and 141 face were the highest you could get. Hell, it says nowhere how many scraps you need in-game for each piece unless you actually buy the plan. DCUO Blogguide is lacking quite heavily and DCUO doesn't have a high enough community that there is a clear go-to site for information, that's the same reason people at end game don't know anything about RnD in general.
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  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    Even if I could get past that this system was put into the game as is, the fact that there is no description on the gear plans (prepurchase) is ridiculous.

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  18. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    No, no, no. It's exciting!
    The above quote is from 1 year ago. For reference: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/improvements-to-the-loot-system.240645/

    And random is so exciting (you know you love it), that we put RNG into part of R&D. Maybe you'll get a lot of scraps from that salvaged piece of gear, maybe you won't (usually I don't, but hooray RNG).


    The problem is that every worthwhile chase at endgame is random. Vendor gear, which is less CR and stats than Rare and Elite gear (because reasons...), can be bought in a matter of days (no replays) after an episode drops. How is that an exciting chase?

    R&D is a joke. Completely random meaningful gear drops are a bad joke. But it will always be this way because Replay Badges are the best joke of all.
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  19. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    The crafting system is terribad. Since it was implemented I have crafted both face pieces and one ring. The second face piece was only because the RNG Gods smiled upon me and granted me a 100+ scrap drop one time very recently. The amount of marks+scraps+effort for the reward is nowhere near enticing enough to care too much about this system. The idea was nice but it was implemented extremely poorly.
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  20. Backseid Devoted Player

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