Rebuff the venom wrist to rival the Lernae’s amulet

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. gemii Dedicated Player

    I thought the game was heading down the right path in terms of balance but you can’t nerf precision and turn around and drop a pure OP might artfiact like the lernaes amulet and leave precision players in the corner.

    Precision players have no artifact that even comes close to doing that type of damage capability. The risk factor with artifact is to easy to override so there’s really no “risk factor” because y’all turned around and buffed the artifact stronger than it needed to be. you have might players able to keep that 30%’might buffs and barely having to use there finisher (especially if your powers like gadgets, munitions, fire who have a clear advantage using the artifact than the rest of the powers. there not even balance within the might powers when using the artifact let alone compared to precision.

    You guys did a weapon rebalance but have we gone back to see what weapons are still under performing? This is it no further tunings for precision players?

    I was strongly against how strong flurry shot and venom wrist were initially but the game is shifting back to one play style again with precision dying out quickly devs.

    These huge damage buff type of artifacts do more harm than they do good and if you do release arts like this it should be for both play styles at least
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Learnae's Amulet is OK and not OP. Precision DPS just got a fancy new Artifact. Most people dropped VWD for better artifacts anyway.
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  3. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    I have yet to be out dps by anyone using this artifact. I my opinion its not worth killing yourself over using it. Still gonna say transformation card, strategists card and solar amplifier or grimorium better.
  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I'd rather see amulet nerfed lol

    And before anyone says I say this because I lost on your life score, it's not, I'm 100% heal
  5. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Nah, Amulet has much risk involved for the reward we get, there is no reason to ask for a nerf on an item that is working as intended. Just because weapons were blatantly overused due to it being broken and were finally nerfed 5-6 episodes later (1-2 years),. You could do crazy dmg, while having no risk whatsoever. Now that might is again able to compete with those numbers again, you wanna nerf it....yeah find another thing to spam to be "OP". I hate it when ppl have nothing to do when their main "cheese" is rightfully nerfed, and they start going after everyone else.
  6. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Perhaps your ability to read and/or comprehend what it is you're reading is low/bad.

    one hundred percent healer, maybe numbers arent your thing? But the post you quoted even says that. Try reading, re-read if needed, then comment/quote me in future.
  7. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Ill quote how I please and interpret the posts as they are laid out, to the best of my understanding. From what I gather from this is: you are a healer complaining about this?

    1. Why?

    2. Its your choice who you want to run with ( you know don"t have to run with people that use it, if you dislike the artifact that much).

    3. Personally, as a DPS I actually pay more attention to my health when using it, to prevent my death and see if the healer can keep up or if I need to cancel and slow down/help the healer a bit (yes I run a cancel, I dont enjoy seeing boss fights from the sidelines).

    I just really find it low that people that people are always looking to nerf the next best thing, especially after they were the ones exploiting the best thing before that, which was later nerfed (just being broad in general, not being specific to anyone).
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  8. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    if anyone thinks that the Amulet is "ok", youre nuts. it is DEFINITELY OP !!
    easily one of the strongest artifacts for single target loadouts that dont need Strategist.
    Even a really strong artifact for AOE loadouts for powersets that dont need Strategist.

    to be able to sustain a 30% might boost is just tooooo good.
    and before all the BS about risk vs reward, run raids with good healers, and now a days, 2 healers!

    no need to reset it, just stay at a constant 10 stack.
    ive seen raids run smoothly with 4 dps running it constantly at 10 stacks. easy with two good healers.

    (im not asking for it to be nerfed, but clearly posting about how GOOD it is)
  9. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Is Venom underperforming? yes, slightly
    Is Lernea overperforming? no unless you have a might buff troll in your group.
    Is there a huge variety of other artifacts to use instead of Venom? definitely

    In conclusion, there is no need to buff venom since Grim is better anyway except for a few powersets that were given the weaker PI for their powerset. And that is only for AoE. Btw, having a Prec buff troll in your group, makes Venom outperform Grim slightly.
  10. gemii Dedicated Player

    Exactly I feel like casuals would look at this different and say “oh yeah there is a risk factor I might die” yeah you’ll die if your playing with random pugs but a good healer will keep you alive just fine especially if your playing with powers like munitions, gadgets or fire. In elite with 2 healers there is NO risk factor applied because two healers will keep you healed and that allows a constant 30 percent buff for the duration and little to no use of the finisher and that’s what makes it OP. Your technically ignoring the mechanic function of the artifact just because you have two healers in the group.

    That’s all fine and dandy if the devs are ok with the artifact being buffed to that point but don’t leave the precision side sitting on the outside looking in because precision players have nothing that is capable of that and no the new computo art does not come close to the Performance of the lanerea

    This artifact is in the same light as when the venom wrist gave a huge buff and it only catered to precision players this lanerea art is a walk down the same path a huge buff that only caterers to might players with a “so called risk” that’s easily bypassable
  11. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Comprehend it how you wish lol doesnt mean its accurate.

    Also just because you run a cancelling ability and dont force healers to heal everything back doesnt mean majority of the ppl who use this do. Its essentially like running with nothing but rage tanks with ways to mitigate or cancel rage crashes.
  12. ALB Dedicated Player

    The rusk is minimal. Players are running it in elite with one healer
  13. tukuan Devoted Player

    I think the risk reward for the amulet puts it in the right place. To use it properly you need to tie up a slot and be grouped with healer(s) that are on the ball. For solo, duo and most likely alerts you either have to have it not equipped or be super careful when you use it.

    There's enough moving parts there that if you can use if effectively then more power to you.
  14. Fwames Well-Known Player

    I think the amulet is in it right place as it require more skill to operate in the absence of two healers or when the group is in shambles when the boss mechanics drops in. When playing as a healer, there is nothing more I hate than an half-wit who stacks up so high and steals the priority heal away from the tank or a group member in dire straits. I remember when this first came out and we were running FGSe and Zeus' cages were fukkking us up and low and behold the half-wit who keeps on stacking.

    But then again... I do agree the VWD needs a buff(s). I feel giving it an extra more prec just doesn't make it. I certainly feel a lack of "umph" when using it at 200 unlike some arts. Maybe add an additional effect at 200? I honestly don't know what it needs since I am only using it on an alt that I barely play.
  15. ALB Dedicated Player

    Groups are using it in elite with 1 healer. Nothing to do with skill. Just avoid mechanics
  16. ALB Dedicated Player

    Risk vs award with amulet is a myth. Groups are running one heal. Only skill is avoiding mechanics. That's it, something that has to be done anyway
  17. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    Just give it more time op, once amulet become the meta and most might players switch over they'll nerf it. You have to give the developers more time to profit off it first before they nerf something. Just keep complaining with threads like this and it will happen eventually. Just have to be patient.
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  18. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    ...And you being a healer doesnt mean you exactly have an accurate idea about what is too op and what's underperforming either does it? If I were you I guess I'd stick to my healing and leave the dmg discussion to the dps crowd, it doesn't seem you have a horse in this race. If you run with ppl that run you dry on heals, then that's on you. Don't take poor decisions and put them on the community as a whole. Prec dps and some healers have despised this artifact, because it's become popular and shows the good from the not so good healers.

    Then good for them, they have a pretty op healer or they spammed alot of heals (which isn't always a good thing in elite). That doesn't mitigate or erase the fact that the artifact does involve risk that is quite noticeable. Players that know how to avoid unnecessary dmg, skull one shots, and follow/avoid mechanics will shine with this. Anyone who uses it unwisely and poorly find out what sitting outside the fight is like. This discussion is over if you honestly think there is no risk with this artifact.
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  19. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Ehmmm ... the presence of players with an amulet in a group, very much affects the game as a healer. If an artifact affects the comfort of playing as a healer, then the healer has the same right to express his opinion about it.

    The stronger the artifact, the more people use it. The more it is used, the greater the influence on the game for the healer. If this influence causes discomfort for the rest of the group, then the opinion of the tank and the healer on this issue is much more important than the opinion of the selfish DPS.

    In the greenhouse conditions of the league , everything is possible, but because of how effective he is in such groups, every inept DPS starts using it, which leads to difficulties and toxicity in the "Pug" groups. Yes, in theory, the artifact has "great benefit at the expense of risk", the problem is that most of the bad DPS (and good ones) shift the problems with risk onto the shoulders of the healers, the tank and the controller. As a result, your statement that the healer should leave talking about an artifact for DPS is sheer hypocrisy.
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  20. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    It is merely a choice of who you choose to run one says you HAVE to run with certain players. Some players in this thread claim there is no risk involved and yet there IS enough risk that even some healers don't like healing dps with it. All in all, it's about knowing your dps you run with and self control on the dps' part if the healer is having trouble healing some of it. Otherwise the healers need to run with people they feel more comfortable with. The trade off is risk for reward, that is the artifact mechanic, which is CLEARLY stated. If anything this thread proves the artifact is working as it should be, it's just that some players don't care for how it affects their gameplay.