Reasons why I stopped carrying people through duos, alerts, and even raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    Good idea! The best solution until now. :D
  2. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    Abandoning the Unskilled or educated who don't know the game.

    Developers making the game easier and easier by the month.....
    ............Yet not making Tutorials or Broader Descriptions of the Powers, & Game Mechanics.

    This is a old problem that has never been addressed. An people always say "We Dont Need Tutorials", "That Ship has Sailed", or whatever nonsense people respond with when I make Threads or address the issue with players not understanding the game.

    Now we have more players then ever in T7, CR 145+ That don't even know AM's, WM's, Healing, Throwing P.O.T., Tank Mitigation, or what the Skull means next to Lifebars.

    People are looking for Carries because they don't understand the game. Surely not those who are just standing there waiting for you to mow everything down. However many of those who are being carried have never been taught correctly.

    Going from Area 51 to Desecrated Cathedral never having explained to them the ends & outs of the game.

    It's Developments fault. Not the unskilled players.
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  3. MenToc Active Player

    People are acting like there was some magical time in the past where all players were good, and there was never an endgame carry.

    This is one of those things you just have to live with when you play an MMO. Some people are rude, inconsiderate, unskilled, or elitist.

    Nothing the devs do will stop this out side of a possible interview and skills test before allowing them to make an account :rolleyes:.

    We now have the ability to just put the annoying people on ignore and only have to play with them on an unfortunate invite. In these cases I try to help, and if they cant or wont deal with it.... IGNORE and get on with my life.
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  4. Controller Devoted Player

    I wouldn't just stop "pugging" all-together, even though I understand the OP's angst.

    I "was" one of those carries a couple of years ago, and at one time I took my "Controller" role quite literally - doing hardly ANY damage whatsoever until I learned that I "HAD" to put out damage to get bursts of power back.

    Several players, including leaguemates and a few posters from the forums giving advice and I'm on the right path.

    I'd venture a guess that the majority of "carries" are players that are really trying to better their toons and learn the instances. Those that seem truly lazy? Don't worry about them. Could be someone's baby brother or sister playing around.

    Could be a foreign player (we all know we have a LOT of them) who barely understands the game - even to T7.

    Behind the keyboards, all is not always as it seems.

    For every bad pug instance, I can count 3-4 good ones.
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  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    The problem is the forums, people cry and the devs cater to them but what they don't see is the big picture. If you keep dumbing the game down and nerfing things for these players they will never learn anything or become a better player. The CR thing really killed skill points along with OP and easy AM's and a hand full of other things. Also it frustrates older players that worked hard to better their character.

    If the devs have learned one thing I hope it is that no matter how easy you make the game people will still suck and it will actually create more bad players rather then make people more even. I hope in the future we can do away will all the easy mode and equaling out crap and let people work the way us older players did. All that grinding and stuff people don't like today is what made some of us older players into the great players we are today.

    Also I think there needs to be some sort of role tutorial on the ship when you make a new character and unlock your main role on the ship not at lvl 10 or whatever lvl its unlocked at.
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  6. Lara Kelly Well-Known Player

    is it really an issue abot "carrying", carrying existed At AF2 and was way easier to get carried since high levels can still get marks on low level content thus more ecaraging to do low level stuff. and it seem like things were ok then.

    Maybe it just the lack of tutorial? like I am now playing Blade and Soul, after some level ups I keep getting a tutorial mission where it shows you lastest stuff you have and how to use it plus make you practice on it too. very helpfull, saves me time then looking up videos on youtube trying to figrue out stuff like what I used to do for DCUO, [you can also skip this tutorial missions it if you want, it kinda a side mission that pops up].

    maybe also before there was more time since a dlc was 3 month now with monthly episodes it such a rush so used to have more time to figure things out?
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  7. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Man there was a 147cr pug in AnB and he didn't know the mechanics of the raid :confused:
  8. Marek Committed Player

    Im 150cr and i dont know the mechanics to that raid. Mainly because ive never done that raid. Never stepped foot in it
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  9. Senko Committed Player

    I think part of the problem is people aren't willing to help you get better because there comes a part where guides just don't help. I'm a sorcery player, I like sorcery its the power I've used from the begining prior to the pet buff and its what I'll continue to use after its inevitable nerf. However in that time I've changed my white mods, changed my powers selected, changed my rotation, changed my SP and there's still some invisible glass ceiling I just can't break through to equal the top dps. I've been kicked multiple times for being too low a dps as I'm tier 2. I've noticed that are distintct tiers I've had runs with 1-2 people several million above me and other dps in my area as well as runs where I'm the top dps or no one outperforms that massively maybe only a few hundred thousand and it switches throughout the raid. Now I know these aren't all FOTM's as I've seen sorcery dps doing more than me the thing is I'm done. I've changed everything I can think of based on guides online and I can't get any better. So I watch for sorcery dps who are outperforming me and ask them if they could help me improve. Sometimes I get ignored, others told to look it up, a few make suggestions e.g. using offering and clipping WOD. I'm already doing that though so I just can't figure out where my problem is.

    Now if one of them where to take the time to run a few duo's with me, look over my SP allocation, examine my mods and offer advice that'd be a fair time investment and I can understand why they don't/aren't able to do that. However without that I don't have the skill and experience necessary to figure out why I can't improve my dps beyond this point. So I que up, I play, I keep an eye out to try and see if there's something I can spot and then I get accused of being carried and am kicked because the 146 atomic dps is doing more damage than my 151 sorcery one.
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  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    It's one thing to correct people's ignorance. But when people queue up for content where they don't meet the suggested CR (barely meeting the entrance CR), get shredded, and still think they know what they're doing or that the problem is you instead of them...:mad:.
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Make content have minimum SP requirements as well as minimum CR Requirements.

    Sit back and watch the screaming begin.

    (I am not actually suggesting this; I know it isn't realistic. But one can have a dream.)
  12. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  13. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I like them raw with a bit of salt. Peeled, of course.
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    had me worried

    was about to break out crazy ppl pics on ya ;)
  15. SuperBell Loyal Player

    No, it's still playing. And even if you consider it watching a show, I'd still rather have people watching then not watching.

    All these suggestions I hear to fix the "problem", things like stat clamping and SP requirements, will only drive people away and kill the game. You can't make people play how you want them to play.

    I always hear the anti-nerf people say, "It's an MMO, it's not supposed to be easy". Well, there you go, you get paired with someone who doesn't know what they are doing and you have to do all the heavy lifting. Not all runs have to done in 6 minutes.
  16. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I just thought of something. You know what I see more of than people truly being carried? OP player who rush through content.

    PUG horror story from the other side of the coin: I'm leveling up an alt. I'm in the relevancy widow for Hand of Fate operations. I respond to an LFG request for anybody for Dawn and Vengence. I'd say half of them have CR 100-150 and a few of them are in a League together. So I'm doing what I can, struggling to keep up as they melt everybody. On the way to fight Eclipso, I hit a big lag spike, which is weird because I rarely do. I thought I was going to disconnect. By the time I got into Eclipso's lair, they just killed them and I didn't get any credit. I was kind of bummed. As someone who levels up a lot of alts, I see stuff like that all the time.
  17. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    Any thing you say after saying this shouldn't be taken seriously. .. five years later...smh.
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  18. Senko Committed Player

    Yes I've seen that too I disagree with the dev's Min/recommended CR levels I doubt a group of min CR players could complete several of the raids out there and even recommded have trouble. Not to mention all the "I know how to do your role better than you why wont you listen to me so I don't get killed when I'm trying to tell you how to tank."
  19. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

  20. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    I wouldn't say it's complaining but expressing the sad state of some of the player base who are in a hurry to get to current game content. For example, let's be honest:
    Most of these players skip episodes entirely which is why you see players totally under geared #carry me
    Mainly run in DPS role but brazenly choose dual role during raids but aren't able to or don;t want to switch to support
    They're there for higher gear but when obtained they never even mod it; not even base mods :rolleyes:
    Constantly switch to and use the top FOTM / buffed power ("I am a beast DPS bruh" :confused: someone in chat actually said that)
    Can't handle wiping once or even going over 10 mins because then they would quit and leave