PvP today and the Issues we deal with

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Curse Bringer, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. Yallander Loyal Player

    Block, Lunge, BB, or roll are fundamentals. Just like any other system there are basics. It could easily be said that any other game or sport is "easy" however if that is the case then why isn't everyone equally as good?

    It isn't the fundamentals that makes someone good, it is the deeper understanding of gameplay around these mechanics. So you can throw a BB--GREAT! Now can you throw a BB and gain immunity while being focused WITHOUT getting countered first?

    So you can lunge--AWESOME! Can you do so while avoiding a screenblock in 4's or 5's and recognize the max distance?

    Its said the "devil is in the details" and nothing could be truer with the combat mechanics (weapon, powers, and team setup) in this game. You say people are "defending broken mechanics" yet I don't see anyone coming on here and saying that S3 PVP is perfect and that there aren't imbalances.

    Fami, PH and Hope were some of the major testers of S3, provided feedback about many broken mechanics (block for instance wasn't mitigating damage.) Where were you to have such a strong opinion now? Where were 1/2 the people who want to speak negatively about the testing done. It is impossible to test EVERYTHING. Much of the feedback was also sent directly to devs instead of posted on the forums to avoid abuse.

    Several of the things you have gripes with now were already brought up to the devs, who hopefully are working them.
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  2. ??? Well-Known Player

    Honestly, people complaining here are from USPC that DON´T EVEN SCRIM OR DO COMPETITIVE PVP.
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  3. Yallander Loyal Player

    Agreed, its unfortunate too. IMHO USPC seems full of duelist who want to just be L33T solo PVPers, not work as a team.
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  4. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    why would it matter if he played against you to prove a point! the problem is not many players will ever be interested in pvp because they dont understand it! if the system was better there will be better players then you! pvp is a joke and its always the same players who seem to understand the way it is now! if DCUO wants a better community for pvp they need change and a better system! then you will have 10 clutch's instead of 1.... my point is there isnt many people interested in pvp! if you look at this thread its the same people who think pvp is perfect and new people against it... when will DCUO have a better tournament at SOE! i remember a team signed up and didnt show up! that was a joke! also i went against a nice couple who had no interested in pvp and i felt bad going against them... this is how the tournaments are its a joke and Clutch granted you are a great player... you have my respect but going to SOE collecting a check just for showing up knowing there is no challenge is a joke! all im asking is to be open minded!
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  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    First this is a video game full of nobodies. Just because a player can't do a stragedy against a premade, don't make it balanced. If we were to compare every mechanic with premades nothing would be fixed. By that logic most premades didn't have a problem with SS, or the old system. "Against nobodies" lmao
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  6. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    You're getting a drink too if you come to Live.
  7. Yallander Loyal Player

    This is how the first round of many gaming tournaments go...you have the fans and then you have the competitiors. Fans are just glad to be part of the event and having fun doing it--which is also a necessary part. This also happens in road racing (take the Boston Marathon for instance--80+ percent of participants aren't there to complete, just participate.)
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Locked. We are too far into trolling in this thread to remain constructive, and the original post is a blanket nerf call.

    If you have concerns about balance, please post them constructively with as much detail as you can, preferably with some sort of comparative numbers that can help us see where you're coming from.

    If you have concerns about bugs, please post them in the bug forum or PM me directly.

    If you have concerns about exploits, please PM me directly.
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