PvP today and the Issues we deal with

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Curse Bringer, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Get ready for a long read because I've about had it with PVP with S3

    Yes, I'm a filthy casual. PvP isn't my sole reason I play, It's what I do when I've completed all my raids for the week and I'm looking for something to do. It's been that way for me since day one of the game and will continue to be that way. Let me start off by saying that it isn't S3 that has gotten me annoyed enough to make this post, It's the community and it's desire to use every bit of possible leverage in PvP to win. Now it's always been like this, there's always been a power that's stronger than another but as of late its ridiculous! If I want to win in PVP I feel like I have to play Rage, Sorc, or one of the other top 4-5 powers. Not only I see people switch to a different weapon to abuse it's WM combos, But people will drop 1000SC to change their power! If you honestly have to change your power to abuse the latest and greatest "Flavor of the month" Then you're part of the issue.

    Next thing on my list... Immunity!
    "But Curse, Immunity farming is the only thing that takes skill in PvP."

    NO! Not it's not. Skill in PvP Is learning your power/role/weapon and efficient ways to use all three of them in a rotation. Skill Is not based on a rock paper scissor mechanic that grants immunity to the opposing player!

    I block break you, I get immunity, But If I'm blocking and someone lunges me, They get Immunity... Fathom that for a second, All I have to do is block, You lunge me I get Immunity. You block, I block break you, I get immunity again. All that is is rock paper scissors. THAT IS NOT SKILL! I can easily just fly at the top of an arena and spam WM combos that block break you giving me immunity keeping me from being knocked from the sky.

    Say it doesn't happen, go ahead I dare ya, Go play Moon 5v5, Go play Isis temple 4v4, pit 5v5, WT 5v5, the lsit goes on and on... Anywhere someone can fly, people are just staying in the air and spamming WM combos! When you're the only person on your team that knows how to block break them out of the sky, the other team will focus you down and return to the airborne WM rotation.

    So if you're telling me that takes skill, then some of the best players in the game right now are low levels...

    These days it seems like skill is just gone anymore in PVP. I remember the OG Moon 5v5, (Get ready kids, grandpa is gonna tell you a war story) People would be so obsessed with killing in the center that someone could snake around to the enemy base Grab the rock and score it before the rest of the other team realized they couldn't win just by farming kills! Now that's changed and all you have to do is sit in the air and spawn WM combos or block breakers while your team keeps their attention off of you. PvP use to be so enjoyable, now it just feels like you're going in knowing that because you're not running the FOTM build you're going to have a bad time.

    S3 took a step in the right direction, Trying to balance out everyone BUT, what they did wrong was try to streamline everyone to play DPS. as of now the only viable healer for PVP (IMHO) is Sorcerey, No other healer set can keep your health topped off like Sorc can. That's the only Healer role power I've seen actually play as Healer in arenas. Nature, elec, and celest and get chewed through compared to Sorc.

    The problem here is not entirely the game. It's the community as well. No one want's to admit it but someone has too, There are so many exploits and unintended advantages that can be used to gain leverage in PVP. what needs to happen in my opinion is that Devs need to sit down with people like myself who play PVP casually, not people who use these thing and say point blank that there is nothing wrong, and that's what is happening. And it needs to stop.


    Now that I've said what I've had too Please do feel free to agree or disagree.
    Either way there's issues that need to be addressed. whether or not you agree is on you.

    Let the feedback roll in!
    • Like x 8
  2. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    Pretty sure they fixed getting immunity off of someone who is immune.

    Edit: I didn't write what I wanted to say right. Yes, to counter, you need to block, lunge, and block break (rock, paper, scissors). But you need to know when to block, you need to time your block break correct, and lunge when someone is vulnerable to interrupt.
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  3. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    When you look at it, it's really not.

    Scissors=Block Break
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  4. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    You replied before I edited my post lol.
  5. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Ok I went back and read it lol, Yes knowing when to block is important, but you can also win fights by not blocking at all and relying on the other two ways of countering and immunity gaining
  6. SeeMeFight Well-Known Player

    When you do that, it's because you have more skill than the other player.
  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player


    In PvP simply running a rotation isn't enough. Being able to think on your feet, adjust tactics (IE lunging the jerk who is spamming block breakers and keeping someone on him/her to prevent that) is the skill. Really one of the only times you should be running a rotation is after you have immunity as you can't be countered then.
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I've tried fighting people without blocking. It does not end the way you're thinking it does unless the other person really is just horrendous.
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  9. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Oh trust me I know, but It can be done is the point I'm trying to make
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  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I've also won PvP matches without ever having to block, roll or block break either because they were just so bad it wasn't necessary. If you're winning without having to resort to all the counter mechanics, it's reflective of your opponent's skill level. It's not reflective of the combat system itself.
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  11. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    There is so much oversimplification in this post I don't even know where to begin.
  12. Wanted Demons New Player

    OP you're in for one hell of an argument. The three guardians of anything PvP (Clutch, The Enquirer, Sabigya) will descend on this thread and trash anything you say if you disagree with GU 41 changes.

    It's ok, I agree with you. You're 100% correct. PvP is 100% rock paper scissors.
    I mean, there is no point of using anything that has a might in it, if it isn't burst damage, or an AM (gadgets)
    I know I'm not crazy but, I know for a fact that not everybody likes these changes. The Guardians need to understand that.
    It's obviously something wrong with this update, and players who think that they're right and they know best is why PvP is the way it is currently.
    • Like x 10
  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I can tear people to shreds as a celestial healer.
    and yes I can beat Sorcery. And heal as well as sorcery.
    It took a lot of readjustment. The update turned my world upside down and wrecked it.
    they destroyed Malediction cBenediction and further weakened Benediction cMalediction (a stupid move on the devs part)
    But oh well. Granted it's not the most power efficient and it's not as easy as Sorcery or Electric but it can be done.
    Shield rotation is useless unless you're a dps lol.

    My loadout for all situations is RcC, AcB, BcA, CS, WcR, DL.
    I have a loadout to keep power loaded but I wont share it because it utilizes Word of Power

    nature is the real victim. It's way too power hungry.
    The healing needs a buff too for PvP (Nature and Celestial sans consume soul and Blight into corrupted admonish)

    This is just to point out the healing.
  14. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Please come to SOE live next year, you deserve to be bought a drink!
    • Like x 2
  15. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Ok, when was the last time that you have PVP'd since gu 41 hit?
  16. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    2 days ago.
    I understand your frustration. Trust me.
    I know. It's a pain. And the broken CC dont help.

    I dont record either. Just letting you know.
  17. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Ok so 2 days ago you pvped, when was the last time you've fought a sorc that knows what they're doing? and please don't see this as me coming at your neck i'd just like to know
    • Like x 1
  18. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I fought a Sorc user before I logged out. Was the player good? Id consider the player good. He definitely knew how to counter and use his surroundings to his advantage. Granted it was a 1v1.
    It was a good fight. I just hate that Grand Summoning SC.
  19. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    the only thing I notice in pvp is, it went from dot damage to
    just throw every hard hitting burst damage in your loadout at your opponent along with spam wm
  20. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    If that was truly the case then there would be no good players, everything would come down to chance. That however is not the case. The core mechanics are RPS yes, but there are so many extra facets that you either are omitting from your argument so that it doesn't undermine it or which you don't understand or know of at all.

    You have blocking, block breaking and interrupt. On top of this, you either need to or can learn weapon combos, load outs (both what you should be using and what your opponent will be using), counter punishment, how to roll properly (both when to full roll and when to roll cancel), how to read an opponent, conditioning, baiting (which itself has varying forms), block breaking on reaction, animation timing on taps (relates to BBing on reaction), positioning, kiting, map control (depends on map) and who knows what other things I might have missed.

    You mean the fact that legends is currently more balanced than it has ever been and Arena PvP has also taken a huge step in the right direction?

    That sounded like it was meant to be a negative statement which inadvertently was a positive one, so thanks I guess?

    You should see Talve play elec.
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