PvP today and the Issues we deal with

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Curse Bringer, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Sure, the same could be said for PVE as well.
  2. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    all i have noticed is alot of pvpers using broken mechanics and taking advantage of immunity's, broken breakouts, op powers, and WM that are just op! granted if your group runs this setup because its unstoppable, how is it skills, i understand the immunity's and the CC but its not skills for those that cant understand it... i can play dirty, play fire with fire, but how is it skills? trust me if i won 10-15 matches in a row its not skills if i know im taking advantage of something that people will never understand! l will continue to play pvp with my league mates and we will lose until we learn the mechanics the way other people abuse powers,WM, and immunity's...
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  3. Brother Omni New Player

    The point being...PVE is all about what you said in that line. Not PVP. Being good in PVP is getting counters/immunity. If you can't do that reliably you'll get crushed. If you can, you'll succeed. S3 showed this. Hell, I can admit I'm not that great at countering so I've struggled a bit in 1v1 and 2v2's since the GU. However, I play Troller mainly and just que with my League mates most of the time and leave the countering to them and just give them the juice they need to kill. I can't give S3 enough praise. It has made PVP worth playing again because it centers around skill. Not who has the most toys and best gear.

    However, those CC issues can't get fixed fast enough.
  4. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Ok, but as I said yesterday Countering takes very little skill, what do you do after you counter? counter again or use a WM combo? As Stated in my earlier posts the system needs more to it then just Rock paper scissors. it needs to be more like a game of chess. something that requires strategy in your build and how you play, not just counter,counter,counter,counter. The Immunity system is so *** backwards to the point where anyone can easily abuse it. It needs to be removed or re worked.
  5. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Healers need to use Immunity and kiting to survive.
    It takes skill to do that. Either us or trolls are targeted so we gotta use it
  6. Master Play Committed Player

    Do you think we queue up all day to exploit these broken CCs and immunities purposely? Lol, you crack me up. You are one of those players utilizing an "OP" power, and you STILL lose. Give it a rest already. Play dirty, fire with fire, that won't help if you don't have the skill to match. Skill is knowing how to counter the opposing team, knowing the team objective, knowing who to target and playing strategically for the win; if you don't understand that, you will not win against any solid pre-made. I'm willing to bet that I can take a team full of ice players (or whatever power you think isn't OP, because it seems to me like you think everything that can best you is OP) and still destroy you just to show you an example of "skill", since you obviously don't understand what it means.

    Because the CC's, Immunities, counters, are universally messed up, you assume people are purposely exploiting this lol.
    Because someone out-counters you, you call it an exploit.
    Because someone is sorcery, you call them cheap.
    Because someone is gadgets, you call them cheap.
    Because someone is hardlight, you call them cheap (even when you're hardlight yourself).
    I can be hardlight and never touch chainsaw, and beat you.
    I can be gadgets and never touch EMP, and beat you.
    I can be sorcery and have one power on my bar, and beat you.
    Because I have skill.

    There's a video of you SPAMMING chainsaw and losing dude.

    You are one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever seen on this forum. You are a hardlight, chainsaw spammer. Yet, you rage in arenas at the opposing team and call them exploiters because they're wiping the floor with you.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and suggestions, but yours are just.."Wut...?" You complain on the forum that you don't want PvP changes that will interfere with PvE, and then you suggest things like giving players an iconic loadout for arenas...I don't know whether to take you seriously as a PvER who will take part in potentially ruining PvP, or assume you're trolling.
  7. Brother Omni New Player

    Agree to disagree man.

    The skill is in countering. Nothing really else left to say other than that has always been the primary skill in PVP. Everything else was second to it as it should be.
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  8. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    Not who has the most toys and best gear, but this game has come down to who has the best power(toys), best weapon, if it skills to counter rock, paper, scissors... yeah i can see that having skills! but everything that surrounds this is broken! OP powers, broken breakouts, infinite immunity , and broken WM, mixed in a one whole mess lol, it comes down to luck and not skills is what i see..
  9. jr1nc Dedicated Player

    i honestly dont care if i lose or win just see a disadvantage and there is something wrong! chainsaw seems broken i wont cry if they change it, because it needs fixing but i can man up to it! i can even man up for taking a whopping in pvp! im a scrub.. im trash, lol im not a pvper... maybe im trolling... im a casual player who is ruining pvp! my opinion it sucks! you can call me out all you want pvp is broken period... certain powers make it difficult to enjoy it! and if you dont like what im saying you can kiss my nah i wont go there lol
  10. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Cause this is skill... all 15 kill in isis 4v4, just by flying and doing WM combos.

    This match took 3 minutes. 0-1000, Not a single counter was involved. This is what goes on in every match. The skill in PVP is gone...

    People can keep saying it's not broken but it is, and most people saying it's not broken know exactly that it is, they know if it gets fixed that they'll have to deal either learning a new system or just getting use to the fact of loosing every couple matches

    Like someone said, you can't win them all. But with broken mechanics and things like this, you can.
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  11. Brother Omni New Player

    So you whooped up on a bunch of noobs. That happens a lot in this game. You have to play against a group like Hope Brothers, Fami, Penthouse, etc...not a bunch of noobs that have no idea what they are doing.
  12. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    and these groups are doing the same thing...

    No one should be able to do what happened in that match, but that's have every match plays out.
  13. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    So much truth here. But, the 'guardians' have everyone's best interest in mind (especially theirs), so no point in arguing with them. You are wrong if you disagree (and they'll tell you as much). Stick to Legends (they haven't got around to completely ruining that yet).... :)
    • Like x 2
  14. Brother Omni New Player

    Well I can't speak for Fami and Penthouse but I can speak for Hope Brothers. We only have one flier in our group and that's our Healer Talve. He's too busy being focused to even think of raining down WM combos over and over again. The rest of us are SS and Acro.
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  15. Master Play Committed Player

    Flyers flying in the air for a cheap advantage to deal heavy damage without being noticed has always been an issue, it isn't new to this update. This has been an issue even before weapon mastery, hell even I used to sit in the air in pug matches and spam retribution and plague when celestial came out. This isn't a "broken mechanic" this isn't a mechanic at all, it's just a cheap strategy that needs a better way of countering.
  16. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Being able to do that against a bunch of nobodies is not representative of anything curse bringer.

    If you really, REALLY want to prove your point then make a 4s group later. Me, vengeance, slob and omni will scrim you. If you beat us using nothing but WM spam I will send you my $1000 winnings from SOE Live. Until then, your arguments are about as senseless as a homeless person declaring the apocalypse is coming.

    Also, if you think countering takes no skill then likewise come to EUPC and beat me in a legends match and I will also send you those $1000 winnings.
    • Like x 4
  17. Talve Dedicated Player

    But it is more complex than rock, paper, scissors.
    Base is yes -> interrupts, blocks, blockbreakers.
    It's not blind luck. Blockbreakers can be done by reaction. So can interrupts. So can blocks on certain situations.
    At the same time block divides to normal tap block, a block into roll to bait blockbreakers or a block into roll cancel'd by a block to bait interrupts.
    Then we have powers in between which add another layer on top of the basic rock, paper, scissors.
    And then we have dodge, which interacts in its own way with the above.

    Now take away that counter system from the game. What will you have? It becomes even bigger spam fest.
    What "strategy in your build" you want. It's not like this game has vast character customization like Shadowbane for example had (races/classes/subclasses/skill runes/stat runes/stats/masteries to name a few). Here you have your weapon, power, couple of choices on top of that and your good to go.
    This rock/paper/scissors base is what this game is built on. If you don't like it, there are many better options on the market for you to go and try out.

    And you can fly and spam your weapon mastery combos in bugs all you want.
    If you ever meet Hope Brothers premade in arenas, please, try to get away with it. I never say no to free counters. Makes my life that much easier.
  18. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Because proving anything to you means what?:rolleyes:

    keep your money, you need it more than I do
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  19. ??? Well-Known Player

    If it takes little skill why you havenĀ“t win in SOE live brah? :D
  20. ??? Well-Known Player

    LOL vs Pugs.. dare to do it vs a premade?
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