Test Discussion PvP Adjustments - 01/22/2016

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Then we look forward to playing against you in 5s.
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  2. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    Yeah I can't wait either. Idk what these PC scrubs are thinking. Everyone knows PS is the best, duh.
    PC guys bout to get rekt and exposed.
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  3. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    Better ask Kody lol He's been in legends with some of the rusty ppl in 5s chat.
  4. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    To the pc players, I respect you guys eagerness to scrim but your going to have to wait until maybe sunday to pvp against most of the ps player base that isn't foolish, the main leagues won't scrim against you guys until they have a feel for the pvp changes. I will tell you guys good news, many players have returned to the game in the past week with interest in pvp and have been pvping.
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  5. Absolix Loyal Player

    Fun fact, the Dps of 1H's melee taps, according to Shiny's guide, is a base 0.8.

    For comparison's sake 2H's is 0.9, Bow's is 0.8, Brawling's is 1.0, DP's is 0.9, DW's is 0.9, HB's is 0.9, MA's is 0.8 for the first 3 taps, 0.9 if you make it to the 4th tap, Rifle's is 0.9, Staff is 0.9, and Shield is 0.9.

    So, 1H's melee taps are tied for lowest Dps with Bow out of all weapons.
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  6. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I hold block because I anticipate an attack coming. Why would they keep hitting? These are supposed to be good players, they should have counters on point to my blocking.
  7. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    It's better to block late and attempt to block the power that clips it, as it'll also more likely make the BB miss if they're not doing it off reaction. That might help.
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  8. Kuroki Honoo Committed Player

    That's why I said the other weapons do more damage than 1h by default, its just easier to finish combos instead, it's kind of a trade-off xD
  9. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I'm very disappointed in the new 5 tap, 3 was perfectly fine. From all the people i talked with no one likes this and they all agree this is a bad idea and i'm with them. Once again a few people complain enough on here and the game gets a change moving in the wrong direction.

    Just cause you guys have a problem with something don't try to change the game to accommodate yourselves instead try changing your own playstyles. And enough with this pc elitest crap already..do you guys even have enough people to form a raid group over there lol:D
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  10. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    But not smart enough to counter the guy trying to screen block so you got the tap changed to 5 lol
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  11. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Omni is the only REALLY good one I've came across. That guy has near perfect BBs. The rest I had no problem with.

    There are a lot of good PS players, there are also a alot of bad, thats the same on both servers.
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  12. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    Not that this is related to the topic at hand or PvP in general but...
    Celestial AM doesn't work even in PvE. Might want to take a look at that. I'd hate for all the PvE'rs to get mad and blame the PvP'ers. I can already picture the remove PvP threads if this goes live in this state.
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  13. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Just repeating what I have mentioned, in case it gets lost in all the furore.
    It looks like this tap counter increase is included in the first phase of Pvp changes comings in the week of 25th Jan.

    Personally, I am ok with the tap counter increase. But if it is rolled back, I am also fine with that. And there is every possibility that it can be rolled back, even though it will be deployed to live first. Mepps first post already indicated that ".... however please also remember that work will continue based on the greater population's feedback even once these changes are playable live."

    In hindsight, this tap counter increase change has brought some slight derailment, because the focus should have been on Block alone (block counter, block counter damage, break out after block etc), because of the fact that melee taps being single target will not happen anytime soon, or not at all. But now, people are focusing on weapon taps, and weapon tap damage and weapon hold damage.

    So there is no need to get all hot and bothered about this change. If general feedback after the update is that this change is bad, don't see why it won't be rolled back.

    And if anyone wants their idea implemented, better to upload videos to show what they want. No one should expect their idea (no matter how well-thought out / logical / well-reasoned / years of competitive pvp experience / I have been here since BETA / FNL participants) to be implemented if they don't show at least some kind of proof. Believe that the devs have already pointed out before that videos / data should be submitted. Which is very logical. Its a little bit hard to do code changes or do impact analysis if nothing is shown about how bad it is in the first place.

    Lets highlight the positive, that pvp changes will and should continue. Because like pve balance, it is never-ending.
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  14. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    There is a thread about it - Celestial PvE on test, can anyone confirm? (Possible problem)

    And in that thread, its been mentioned that both Mepps and Loche have been sent messages. So it shouldn‘t hit live, but if it does, the oversight is on the devs.
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  15. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Except it wasn't fine, and we have videos and combat log evidence to back up our claims.

    Feel free to post your own evidence proving otherwise on the test server, playing a group game (4s+) against a group of competent players and where screen blocked taps weren't an issue. Until then however, there's only one side of the argument which has any evidence.
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  16. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

  17. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    All the PC vs PS beef aside, as a neutral party it looks bad on the 5 tap opposers that most of the people saying that have had very little in any of PvP input threads. And when asked what specifically the problem is it more or less boils down to "This is the way we play, you guys should've just adjusted".

    Talking to people or having thought projects about ideas that can be tested isn't beneficial to anyone. Someone post a video of 1H or whichever weapon can supposedly take advantage of the 5 tap change and then you'd have a better standing to sway ppl who aren't obviously biased by perceived PC vs PS superiority nonsense.
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  18. Dibrie Committed Player

    so if i understand it correctly after 5taps you are open to counters instead of 3 taps?

    Please someone explain me please..

  19. Dibrie Committed Player

    3 tap was indeed perfectly fine, who came with this bright idea? #sarcasm
  20. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    Pretty much.

    Player A is holding block. Player B can hit player A with 4 melee taps without being block countered. On the 5th hit Player B will be block countered.
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