Price on Complex Mats Outrageous

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stamen, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Entity Committed Player

    You obviously. Dont farm for complex because if you had you would have realise you can get an avg. of a stack per day by T2-T3 alerts and dous
  2. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Oh, make no mistake - if I wanted to spend an hour or more per day farming just complex mats, it would be no problem.

    Thing is, I don't. And frankly, if complex mats worked like everything else in the game, I wouldn't need to.

    Fact: I don't have to spend an hour a day farming simple materials. I have dozens of stacks of them.
    Fact: In an hour of farming, I always have the exobits I needed to make my mods. I have dozens of stacks of them.
    Fact: In an hour of farming per day, I probably could have every plan I wanted in under an week.
    Fact: Complex materials take three times the duration to get than the rest of the mats for mod making.

    You can't get around the basic math. It is disproportionate to everything else in the game. If they were truly dropping at 10 to 4 ratio with simple mats, then why do I have so many simple materials? The 10 to 4 ratio was the creation of the developers, not the community. They created the supply / demand. They can fix it.

    There is absolutely no good reason for such a staple element in the crafting of this game to be more time consuming to obtain than a Prom Box item.

    Hell, for that matter why not make a stack of complex mats a prom box reward?
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  3. Kristyana New Player

    While I agree supply and demand are important in the ingame economy, the fact that simple materials have fallen through the floor in price and complex materials have skyrocketed shows their drop rate is out of balance. It takes roughly 3x the amount of simple materials than complex materials to make a mod or an item (this varies, depending on what you want to craft) but the ratio of salvaging is much, MUCH lower than that.

    Everyone and their mother is modding their new gear, and as people salvage more and more things for the chance to get complex materials, it's painfully obvious that the ratio at which they drop is nowhere near the ratio needed to craft. That's why simple stacks are so easy to find on the broker.

    Plus, unless I'm remembering incorrectly, there's nothing worthwhile to spend simple materials by themselves on.

    I think the drop rate on them should be increased, or give us an option to transmute simple materials into complex ones. Transmutation had a great effect on balancing out the economy among the different exobit types.

    How would people feel about 4 or 5 simple materials combined into 1 complex?
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  4. Goony New Player

    i dont believe crafting made complexes go through the roof i believe it was caused by the demodding of gear which costs the same amount as to craft would unless you get the super rare one
  5. Sumeric New Player

    This is an idea that I really like. I was just thinking about it earlier today. I would love to be able to turn simple materials into complex. Even with all of the salvaging that I do, and all of the level 5 mods and recovery kits that I've made (each requiring 10 complex materials per item) since DLC 7 dropped, I've got like 16 stacks of simple mats in my bank and only a little over a stack of complex remaining. I'm acquiring simple materials much faster than I can use them, and getting complex feels like winning the

    A 4 to 1 conversion rate would be fair. 1 stack of simple = 4 complex materials. This would allow me to clear up some bank space and wouldn't devalue complex materials too much (in my opinion anyway).
  6. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    i have a lot of toons over 70+ CR (5 to be exact) so wen i farm complex i usually switch toons to take advantage of weeklies. I go to Shady because it drops the most blue gear per min then i do battle of the earth duos' together this will take about 20-30 mins next Oan then Area 51 at this point it will be about 35mins. to 1 hour depending on things ... If im up i switch toons and repeat for weekly boxes .... or do Gates i pretty much need on all the gear in Gates,,, call me a ninja truth be told its only gates it takes about 20 mins to do .... and im not that concerned w/ Gates ninja looting i don't even think that's a DC crime
  7. Sylo Committed Player

    Way to miss the point. The dev's have done nothing to help the user base generate revenue outside of being really lucky or having no life to excessively grind. I will never understand why people apologize and ignore a games busted system. Also I don't buy, I sell:)
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  8. Sylo Committed Player

    What I propose is they give us a true source of generating revenue that doesn't require luck or having no life to excessively grind. Look at the trash loot for example, its just that trash. Its not even worth the time it takes to open up the trade menu with a vendor. The vault still only lets you walk out with about $600. Both of these things could be adjusted, bounties could be adjusted, etc.
  9. Sylo Committed Player

    I agree with this as I have no problem getting my own mats. But it doesn't ignore the glaring problem with the userbase economy.
  10. thenewkidd New Player

    I solo some T1 and T3 alerts.. yes.. alerts... anything that has a walk in... I solo... I keep everything that drops and salvage it... I have about 6 stacks of complex.. and yes.. I love selling 1 or 2 for the MILLIONS it goes for :)
  11. darkmoon caverns New Player

    No life? It doesn't even take that long. Even faster with rd scanners for bits and if you greed on everything in a raid/alert you can get a lot of complex materials that way.
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  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Some people only want and need the affinity bonuses...and since they play/replay often, they tend to slot out gear at a rapid rate. In which case, modding with high level mods is a waste of time and resources.

    On the other hand, some people don't get to run the higher content with the same regularity, and they're not as super-skilled as they need every advantage they can get, so they mod higher to get certain stats up (with my Troll, I did the same level of work with a 14XX vit as I do now with a 16XX....but people tend to be more at ease when they hear the higher number o_O...So I put in higher mods).
  13. One_Man_Army New Player

    LOL Run T2 and T3 content then. I get complex materials almost as quickly as I do simples. Heck, I've taken to soloing the earth duos just to salvage junk. Takes me about a half hour to solo them all, I get out with at least 10 things to salvage, and about half of that ends up being complex materials. They really are not that rare. People just need to know what to run for the best chance at them.
  14. darkmoon caverns New Player

    Why's it taking so long?
  15. Zrusa New Player

    I play on USPS3 and some of the prices were 1,000,000. :confused: who has that money?
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Except that if you have several high level alts and you're tired of the lower level content, it becomes more efficient to just buy what you need.
  17. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Me. I typically make around 2 million a day from just exobit farming and selling. That takes me around 2 hours of farming. Then I run 1 or 2 raids/alerts and if I get something rare as a drop then I'll sell that too for a good profit.

    Again the prices are based on supply and demand. If the salvage rate increases then the price will drop. This still won't affect the amount of money I have.
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  18. One_Man_Army New Player

    Because I solo them in easy mode as healer, lol. If I chose to run as dps, could probably cut that time in half, but my survivability is greater as healer, and I'm not respeccing just for the earth duos, lol. Anyway, speed feat for them is 10 minutes. When I solo as healer and still manage to do them in speed feat time, that's fast enough for me.
  19. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    stamen, it is a chase item to get you into the lower tier content. comply, or buy.
  20. Zrusa New Player

    i farm in south gotham or east end ^^