Price on Complex Mats Outrageous

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stamen, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. tukuan Devoted Player

    This is part of the problem and why the prices are so inflated. Most of the players that are hungry for these mats just run raids and avoid solos/duos like the plague but duos/solos are the easiest instances to farm for salvageables.

    I've been running a few duos daily with my brother. We both pass on loot equally and have the understanding that after salvage we split down the middle any complex mats. The earth duos and shady both drop a lot of purples/blues which tend to have a higher complex salvage rate. If you have any that you play with that you can trust I recommend this. Likewise the T5 solos drop 3 items in less than 10 minutes running time and typically you'll get at least 1 complex per run.
  2. Statman New Player

    I have also found this, hence why I have a lot, coz I run these style farming!
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  3. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Can I just ask who made up these prices? I mean....We did right? Ourselves? When we put things up in the Broker right? So who was the first one to make that very first outrageous price?
  4. Tule New Player

    It isn't outrageous. It is what they are worth. Complex Materials are the purest form of supply/demand. Only so many out there and they are constantly being used so they are more valuable to people who need them and dont want to farm solos. People who don't need them will sell them for what they can. And because of the high demand and low supply they can sell them for the "outrageous" prices. Buy as many as you can now because when DLC8 hits everyone is going to have to re-mod their Raven/Brotehr Blood gear. Prices will go up, unless the new duos/alerts drop obscene amounts of trash that can be salvaged into complex easily.
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  5. Statman New Player

    They developed over time.

    When R&D first came out, my mates were selling a single exobits for $1mil each (on EUPS3), purely because it was something new and people needed them to get their mods in and they valued their time rather than their money.

    As time goes on, prices go down, but when there's a new demand (new mods, recovery kits, etc) of course prices are gonna skyrocket coz demand is higher. If people aren't willing to put their time in to get them themselves, why shouldn't they pay a fortune to those who are willing to?
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  6. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I was told that I should try out personal dampening field with my tank for T5-raids, since he is not very good geared yet.
    I found out I have the Plan IV with him and checked which materials I need to make them.
    Silicon thingy, katalyst or how it is called, and a complex material. Wait, what, complex?! Sorry, no way I'm gonna waste them for consumables!

    A change, which might at least help a little allready, is, if we wouldn't get anymore FE for salvaginig, but complex materials instead. FE drop often enough, even from reward boxes, there is no need to get them for salvaging.
    Complex are more usefull and should "drop" more often from salvaging.
  7. Sylo Committed Player

    Thats my point. It is the players who set the prices but the devs do nothing to add to the game a way to make money that doesn't require luck and excessive grinding. Instead they sit back and claim the economy isn't broke or inflated....then brag about a furniture piece selling for $400million dollars and introduce an aftermarket aura that apparently goes for big bucks.
  8. YodaDog New Player

    Yep, that^. Its just supply and demand. If it seems outrageous, dont buy it. If the market agrees, the price will drop. The market, however, does not agree at this time... Cha-CHING!!!!! XD
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  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I need the Finite Element Vs from salvaging since I am unable to run the alerts or raids due to CR requirements and gear inspections. I have mostly green gear with only two T5 pieces. It takes me 25-30 days to get a T5 piece since I can only run the solos. Currently, the solos are the only source of Finite Element Vs for me.

    It would greatly hurt my ability to mod my gear if I stopped getting Finite Element Vs from salvage, and that would in turn make it impossible for me to ever get into the T5 alerts/raids due to the gear inspections people do with their microscopes there.
  10. WorldsDown New Player

  11. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I don't know what server you play on. It sounds as if you are not in a league.
    I just know that they drops so often in the Raids and OPs, that people pass on every single FE V, which is why I and most people I know and play with have tons of them.
    I haven't even checked on the broker if it is worth selling them, becaus I assumed it was not worth it.
    I would happily give to people who need them for free, if I read a shout for them on the WT or so.

    But anyway I understand what you mean. The compromise would be to let us only get trash simple, complex and the highest FE from salvaging, since the lower ones can be easily found in the lower content and people don't really use them anymore.
  12. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    When T5 came out I sold a stock pile of simples and complexes. 1 mill for stack of simple, and 3-4 mil for stack of complex.
  13. darkmoon caverns New Player

    Well what do you propose they do? Limit how much we can spend or sell for?
  14. YodaDog New Player

    Thats OUTRAGEOUS!!! How dare you, sir! How dare you!
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  15. YodaDog New Player

    The economy isnt broken. If the prices are so high, then just sell and dont buy... Its a really simple concept. Ill never understand this mentality where people's feelings are supposed to matter on an open market.
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  16. TroEL Dedicated Player

    I stashed many many stacks of complex away long ago for this very reason. I'm still farming some styles so I get all my solo and duo boxes on reset and they yield some good complex. Like most things in thie game it's all about the decication to will pay off in the end. I also try not to stay liquid in this game and sit on wealth. It's been my philosophy since day one; whether it was rare collections, styles, bits, etc.

    Selling that plasmic aura didn't hurt either
  17. Boster Rocket New Player

    You guys probably don't want to hear this but as a Premium player who doesn't like to beg friends to buy recipes for him, I have NO value for the materials I can't use and they are just space hogs in my inventory. Sometimes I delete them. Sometimes I sell them to the vendors. Sometimes I'm feeling generous and pop them into the online broker for whatever the max I can cover the escrow for is (because they are always going for insane prices). I don't really need the money, because I've let go of the DCUO in-game monetary system completely. It's kind of freeing, actually. I guess I'm playing DCUO as Ragman instead of Batman. lol.
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  18. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Hmmm, looks like I need to clear out some of my bank space and replace it with cold hard cash.
  19. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Some people tend to mod every new piece of gear with highest mods - I ran into green gear people with all slots modded with lvl5-mods
  20. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Trade them - "1 stack complex for 16 stacks soder zero..." ;)