Livestream Preview Episode 29: Riddle With Crime

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    This has nothing to do with the topic but how does it feel to know that you've basically become a meme within the forum community XD
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  2. Zenith Well-Known Player

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  3. Eve YouTuber

    Can't wait.
  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Nice! Though as always seems to be the case more recently I'm working so I'll have to watch replay.

    Now for the million dollar question. Is Mark Hamill coming back to voice Joker? And Kevin Conroy returning to voice Batman? (I'm guessing Batman may make an appearance in the raid or something, if he's missing maybe he gets found)
  5. Everything DC New Player

    Great! can't wait to see it! excited for the Gotham Zoo!
  6. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    Although highly exaggerated, I agree with you. We have been getting a lot of OP pieces recently.
  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Hope this is better than the last Batman content we got. Those duoes are hell.
  8. Dr134t New Player

    after searching this forum for a while i noticed this is the only place i can post anything so i will prob be shot for doing so but i see no other way .
    i used ingame mail to send a few items to another alt .
    they never arrived i did get an error message but the items are lost i logged out in have no other mail in inbox so i don't know what my next move should be . i tried support needles to say it didnt quiet work out lol ...
    thanks in advance
  9. YTarek90 New Player

  10. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    To save money on voice actors, they kept the work in-house; and the character will be re-named Mepps-Bat.
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  11. Eve YouTuber

    Just realized I'm going to miss it. God dammit why every time there's a live stream I gotta have something haha.
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The livestream replay is available here:

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  13. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Honestly though, previewing something at 12PM PST/ 3PM EST on a weekday.
  14. Zenith Well-Known Player

    And this is on top of resuming his role as Riddler from the Gotham tv show. Quite the diverse actor. :p
  15. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    The new henchmen is the best thing. I want them so bad as I got very bored of having my ninjas.

    How do you get them? I have yet to try the new test server updates.
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  16. jay1505 New Player

    New content looks great. Littls disappointed in styles. Kinda boring pantsuits for girls. Id like bombshell Catwoman leggs style available please..
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  17. Megan Morzz Level 30

    Hello, Excuse me, I'm posting this comment because of a big bug, As you know the new episode is right now on the test server, and the test server have been bugged since the new update, all of the leagues and league halls are deleted and we can not get any loot from the new raids and the briefings give no reward, and It almost gets bugged at the Man Bat boss, and please tell me how I can add a new page(conversion).