PC Client Crashing Multiple Times Daily- US Server Instability

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Iconic Simulation, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I've curtailed my playing a lot in the weeks since these crashes started. I don't do instances now, because I crashed too many times during the final boss fight. I stopped doing the weeklies because it seemed like I always crashed just before the big demon in JLD dies. I have basically cut down to the open world dailies and not much else. I even cringe going into the vault because I'm worried I'll crash there. So yeah, I hear ya.

    This is a game-killing bug.

    Edit: Huh. I just went back through my posts to see when I first commented on this - March 11th. It was noted by others more than a week before that. This has been going on a LOOOOOONG time now.
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  2. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    still happening :(

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  3. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    Been playing for almost 8 hours and crashed 6 times so far. Fed up with taking 45 minutes to get a group together and then crashing two minutes into the raid. I dont understand why this isnt the number 1 priority to resolve rather than new textures and a messaging system.
  4. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Well, that will be hard to test, since I crash just about everywhere, whatever I am doing, at random times.

    These are examples I remember over the last few weeks:

    Warping (no matter where to)
    Moving (open world, instance, WT - in any movement mode)
    Picking up a collection/investigation/briefing
    Talking to vendor or mission giver
    Trading with a league mate
    Doing nothing except checking inventory
    Logging in to game
    Entering the game after selecting a character (or switching from another one)
    Logging out of game
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  5. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I seen it mostly here too, also opening my inventory or bank too fast (when first log in, new zone) it caused some crashes for me. Also loading into some decorated base made huge lag most times for me, and 90% of my alts bases are decorated :( (probably gonna have to sacrifice a alts base and clear it out, just to have an empty base lol)

    I really hoped they would actually look at the list I made a few pages back, just to help out, at this point I hope they do, this problem is getting out of hand in how annoying it is

    +crash in base decor mode
    +loading in bases (from log in or teleport in)
  6. RealTegan Dedicated Player


    This is the first mention I found, but only because I commented in the thread. Others may have mentioned it in threads I didn't see. Zneeak says "ever since the Bonus Artifact XP-event went live" he started having problems. That event went live on Feb 28th.

    However, if you read on in the thread, lots of folks claim they were having crashes long before that. For me, I believe my crashes started about the time Zneeak said. So I wonder if the dev team ought to take a look at what was changed in that particular hotfix/event update for hints as to what is happening?
  7. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    No crashing last night for me. A friend did crash on us when we ported into DR alert.
  8. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Crashed this morning switching characters. This has been happening for awhile now.

    They patched it and I believe patched again like yesterday because I got a small install

    prior to character selection. Did main went to switch to alt...crashed.

    MS Virtual C++ Runtime Library error.

    Submitted ticket.
  9. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Yeah, it crashed for me today, when warping from Chaos Gotham to my base. And that was shortly after starting the game.

    I am also fairly certain that this has only been happening to me since about the beginning of March. Before that I used to read posts about crashes and server instability, and wondered what people were talking about ... :(

    And, as I've mentioned previously, I'm on the EU server, so it's not just a US thing.
  10. iNeoN Active Player

    So far it seems the crashing has been reduced for me atleast.

    Was crashing every 10-20 mins of gameplay
    Now crashing every 1-3 hrs of gameplay
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  11. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I've been crashing about every half hour, which is actually great because it reminds me to get up and get the weekend chores done. And I can also stop to read a bit, or feed the cat, or go out for a walk, or play a different game...
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  12. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    This is pissing me off seriously. Im not spending another dollar until this is fixed. I cant even run a raid, be in the HoD, or use the phase functions without crashing. Im so sick of this, I just delete the file the crash report creates so I dont get the pop up the next time I relog. This is no way to play a game I pay annually for, I may not have legal right to demand a working game but I can stop my personal funds from going into the game until this problem is resolved. This has been going on for months with countless crash cache logs sent. Its only because this issue has gotten way worse with this episode, that its finally too big to ignore. Each time it crashes it eats away at me bit by bit and now Ive had enough.

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  13. Axle New Player

    17 pages and a fix is workin-ish? I'm having the same problems as everyone else. Sometimes the crash comes up but if I just go back in game it's fine but after a while higher level lods wont load and or audio loops or just the screen freezes and then I have to click the crash report buttons.
  14. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Yep, still crashing.
    -and, since "working on it" is the gamebreak techspeak equivalent of "the check's in the mail", that second term is exactly the response they will get from me the next time they want me to pay for another month. I refuse to pay any more for a game that has more crashes that a demolition derby.
  15. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I'm not really crashing I'm more dcing from the game. Ever since Daybreak did their maintenance, I can't even stay connected to the game. I can't tell if it's my end or their end. After all. I do have Comcast, sadly they have a monopoly where I live so we don't have another choice for internet provider.
  16. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    Just curious, does everyone just play windowed mode at this point? I'm sick of the game hard crashing my pc. I have to hope i can hit "cancel restart" in time just to close the game...
  17. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I’m stuck in window mode at this point, afraid to return to full screen :(
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  18. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Ive gotten used to windowed mode because of the same reason...the only thing I didnt like about windowed mode was how you can see the border for the screen window...so I went into my PCs customization tab and made my stuff, including borders black. It is less distracting and is more immersive like fullscreen.
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  19. High Troller Loyal Player

    Did the crash feel the same? Or different?
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    It always feels like I'm being violated.
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