next 3 triologoys

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nohealhere, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Pretty sure they said one of the new trilogies will be a sequel to Origin Crisis. Or maybe Spytle was joking. Sometimes I don't 'get' his humor.
  2. nohealhere New Player

    i never heard about that but it seems like a second oc and aquaman is what ppl want to see
  3. Falco Committed Player

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  4. nohealhere New Player

  5. Falco Committed Player

    The fun thing about OC is that there are so many origin stories to explore, and so many alternate worlds that can be created by the dcuo staff. I think they nailed it last time and I'm really looking forward to more.
  6. nohealhere New Player

    the good thing is by doing these trios is that they pretty much know the story behind them. so going forward after halls of power 3 you probbally expect some good storylines after all the time they had to build them up you can only pray right?
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  7. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Crime Syndicate is the no brainer. The characters / powers are already in the game; they just need to change the skins to make them Crime Syndicate.

    I also want Legion of Super Heroes or DC One Million.

    Underworld Unleashed story where characters make a deal with the demon Neron to get a big power augment.

    It might also be cool to visit the Armageddon 2001 story with the mystery of which hero turns into Monarch. A neat twist would be the surprise reveal that Monarch is a future version of your character.
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  8. HazeTA New Player

    We NEED more Batman and Joker content. Trilogy please :D
  9. nohealhere New Player

    ok first off when you think of dc most iconic villians. you don't think SINESTRO, CIRCE

    you think JOKER handsdown u think of joker because he is one of the best villians overall
  10. HazeTA New Player

    YES, a Batman/Joker trilogy would be epic. Weve had trilogies covering alot of DC characters and getting a Kryptonial one next, only logical that we get a Batman/Joker one at some point.
  11. nohealhere New Player

    exactly. u would think batman vs joker would have been a early dlc
  12. HazeTA New Player

    Yh, we haven't seen much of Batman since the BCs, and a bit more in OC but hardly nothing from joker at all. Its a shame.
  13. Lionxoft Committed Player

  14. GregDawe New Player

    I still don't understand why we need to keep going with nothing but Trilogies.

    1 On-going trilogy at a time with stand alone and/or 2part DLC's in between.

    With stand alones between a Trilogy, you can knock out a Trilogy much faster, with the added bonus of having constant variety of a new story each DLC between.

    -Trilogy part1
    -stand alone
    -trilogy part2
    -stand alone
    -trilogy part3


    -trilogy pt1
    -2part pt1
    -trilogy pt2
    -stand alone
    -trilogy pt3
    -2part pt2

    3 ongoing trilogies at once is litterally 3 stories that span over the course of what will be roughly 2.5-3 years in 9 DLCs.
    Knock out the stories a little faster in my opinion, I am currently being taken out of the story of this series of DLCs cos they are taking so ******* long and being so bloody vaigue.
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  15. nohealhere New Player

    they ha one Trilogy in the game already. lignting strikes>Battle for earth> orgin crisis not named a trilogy but you cant deny all 3 invole each in a sense.
  16. GregDawe New Player

    I see that, but not really my point.
    I like how they are going for structure and larger story arcs, however the current 3x3 set up is a little too much time on the same theme for my liking.
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  17. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player

    If the next trilogy isn't about Ambush bug I'm calling it quits
  18. Toshknight Loyal Player

    yes there was alot of content but it was all based in the same maps.. the tier 2 duos.. are all the same map. the alert. same kindof area, my point isnt that there is not alot of content its just the big motivations for some dlcs are the powersets, and WOL1 and 2 are perfect examples of that. specially now, with the slim pickins of memory usage on what they can and cant do. with the ps3
  19. nohealhere New Player

    i get your point and people have been getting sick of lanterns for longest. im guessing they do it this way to try to do the longer storys like you said and to make it a good one.
  20. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I can't say where I heard it, but I do know that the next trilogy is entitled

    "The Matter of the Matter Eating Lad!" Part 1-3
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