New Look for Sorcery Pets

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Plasticman, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Stay tuned for GU 34 details about how the Fury and Guardian are changing.
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  2. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Exactly. GW is pretty much Hell, so a lot of inspiration should come from there. There are so many ways to summon things using sorcery. I really love the flame idea. Most of the demons enter the battlefield from a flame, so that's most likely what would happen.
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  3. 478874 Dedicated Player

  4. H4ZARDFULL New Player

    And the watcher.....right?
  5. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Oh look at Mepps sporting the teaser cape today. ;)
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  6. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    This is awesome! Love the new art and super excited for the changes to Fury and Guardian's functionality! (how did people miss Plasticman saying "now that they'll change in gu34...." ????) Of course they're gonna change functionality, silly to think otherwise with this much effort put into revamping their looks.

    I would however, like to add my voice to those wishing watcher gets a visual update as well. He'll be the most lack luster of the pets now and I suspect he'll remain the most used.

    I don't mind waiting another month or 2 for some nice visuals added to watcher. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Thanks again for this guys! It's pretty spectacular tbh :D the only downside is sorcery wil be fotm once again, last time that happened we got the nerf cannon bombard us all the way to oblivion, especially our poor watcher :(
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  7. Zim New Player

    I don't understand this. To me this looks like a giant waist of resources. Why THESE two pets when the majority of sorcery users use the watcher? It just appears pointless and a waist, especially when there are other powerset issues that could of better used the resources spent on this pet revamp.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    That's more or less exactly why. Put it the other way. Why don't people use the other two pets? Partly because they were less-than-awesome and could have looked better. Well, now they look pretty good...
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  9. danielqpk New Player

    No.... they aren't used because they SUCK!
    Rather use robot sidekick... but that also doesn't fit in the rotation.
    & to top it off they die in a single shot in T5 content so... why would i use that?

    Weapon of destiny, Vengeance, circle of destruction, shard of life, phase dodge, soul well.
    See? no space for Any pets....
    and i am pretty sure i would rather keep these instead of put in a pet for what? a red soul aura? that will do nothing considering this loadout doesn't need that.

    EDIT : meh i did not read what he posted a few post above
  10. Mai3coh New Player

    No Watcher?? :confused:

    Oh, well.. They still look awesome!
  11. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    The only problem here is that these look so fantastic that it overshadows the Watcher :D.

    HOpefully they'll actually be made worth using so we can actually see these bad boys. Sad that watcher didn't get the same kind of reworking, these two are truly awesome, makes all other pets look like poop.
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  12. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I think the point Mepps is trying to make is: if you're going to improve functionality, start from the ground up. Make it look appealing to draw attention and watch the flood of feedback. Why go through the trouble of trying to improve something that no one will use because of cosmetic reasons? I'm looking at you Nature bug form.
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  13. Meta Flare New Player

    You know, I changed my main to rage tank and its awesome, so is the dps. And this adjustment was greatly needed and just a really good adjustment.

    Now this sorcery pet revamp is what I'm mad about. I just switched my alt off of sorcery back to quantum. Now I have to switch back to sorcery.

    I want a free respec token now or I'm going to quit.

    In case it wasn't glaringly obvious, I was being sarcastic. I loved the rage adjustment and I love these new look pets. I can't wait to see what the actual change to them are. Keep it up guys.

    Ps. Good point
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  14. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    During the discussions for the sorcery revamp, they promised us they would make nice changes to pets to make them more viable as they are an integral part of the powerset's design. Pets where by far the biggest complaint in that thread and the revamp didn't touch them. This is the devs making good on their word, wether the most efficient use of resources or not, I'm glad they delivered.

    Why improve these 2 pets you ask? Well easy, because they sucked! They were the worst thing about sorcery, utterly useless and ugly. To me it makes perfect sense that they improve what needs it most. Watcher was the least ugly and by far the most useful so it makes sense to me that they focused less on it since he needed less work.

    Having said that, watcher is not perfect by any means, he needs more survivability and better scaling of it's heals (yes i know this exactly what they nerfed, well bring it back up since you overdid to please pvpers) And now, his visuals also need an update it will be a rather sharp contrast going from the great looking Fury and Guardian to the boring little watcher.

    edit. LoL mepps beat me to the point i wanted to make:mad:
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  15. helvetica New Player

    He already said they're changing the way they look dude. Updating their graphics helps players know they're improved.

    Why didn't this happen with the Sorcery revamp though? These changes were all part of the feedback from those revamp discussions. Did you guys reconsider and go back or was this always the plan? Are there visual updates for Arbitrar or the Earth pets coming?
  16. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    If i remember correctly, it wasn't originally part of their plan to update pets. When they started engaging us more on what we wanted, it was fairly obvious pets were amongst the biggest if not the biggest complaints, both in function and looks. People had fits about them stating they wouldn't change pets. So they promised us they would work on both of those aspects for a future update.

    Here they are making good on their promise. Thank you devs!!!!!
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  17. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Exactly, big thank you Dev and Art team!
  18. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I think we should get all the info before we judge, good or bad.
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  19. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    These look sweet. And for the people saying but these two pets never get used - stay tuned! Apparently they are updating more than just the visuals.
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  20. Little Sister New Player

    The pets are getting changed, so they probably won't suck anymore.
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