Nerfs not in patch notes

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by pitbullb3, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Could you do the same for sorcery and see where the problem is, or was sorcery ninja nerfed?
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Appreciate your efforts, Loche.
    • Like x 5
  3. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Thank you for your effort, diligence, and concern! Keep up the great work!! :)
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  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    My Spontaneous Combustion Critical attacks seemed a lot lower last night than they were earlier this week.

    I hadn't changed a thing on my character. All the obvious things were in tact still as well (generator, proficiencies, mods)

    My decreased damage output was noticeable, not only by me but my leaguemates as well.
  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Guess the change to sorcery isn't a glitch, but a nerf. We have been complaining about sorcery for like 2 weeks with no explanation.
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  6. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Thank you, I will see arround for more info.
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  7. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Has anyone looked into the possibility that sparring targets have had a change of some sort? I do know that the sparring targets in our personal bases seem to have a much higher defense than the ones in the HQ and Leaguehalls, and possibly this increased defense has spread to the other sparring targets.

    Personally, I have not noticed any difference in my DPS or Healing on Celestial in the past couple days. I have not taken the time to perform a dedicated test on whether anything has changed, but I definitely haven't seen anything. I even managed solo healing with no tank in Artifacts for the entire first boss with only 1 death until all the adds were revived(our tank bailed mid-fight because the adds died too far apart for the feat). DPS wise, I still manage to compete somewhat competitively vs full 94 geared DPS's, and I still have about half vestments of rage gear, so again, I haven't noticed a change.
  8. Enat Active Player

    Is there a test for end user error?
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  9. Remander Steadfast Player

    I used League Hall sparring targets for my test and was adjusting for the same defense as in my original tests. No difference. Can't speak for the base targets.
  10. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    You sure? It's hitting hard for me. 6-8k.
  11. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Loche first thank you for taking the time to research this kind of stuff. While I can tell you that my fire dps seems fine, I can tell you that yesterday while running raids I noticed that volcanic calamity wasn't hitting as hard as usually. Before the update while using trinket ,supply drop and fiery weapon I arrived to do hits for 14k damage per tick. Even more if it was a big crit. Yesterday I used it a lot and only got a maximum of 4k crits averaging 3k hits per tick.
  12. Crackin New Player

  13. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    rage has been nerfed as well heres the proof

  14. Stark23 Committed Player

    Fire is fine.
  15. Alfytheyordle New Player

    In my opinion, rage needs to be nerfed cause like dude
    it does a **** ton of damage anyways as dps
    celestial isn't a top tier dps though and it really didn't do all that much damage until this nerf came up. D:

    And rage is annoying as hell in pvp
    Like I'd like to not be one shotted in pvp by a rage dps thank you ;w;
    • Like x 1
  16. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    rage has had a bunch of nerfs because people keep crying that its op but it hasn't been op in a while and this last nerf makes rage almost underpowered, i can do more damage with my fire toon now. they nerfed outrage ,the rage mechanic and now this,rage used to be about risk and reward but now they have taken out all the reward so now it just risk for nothing
    • Like x 2
  17. SSB Active Player

    That weird quantum stun thing happened to me and my friend. We were doing Diamond Heist and a quantum troll and his bud rolled up and he hit us both with tachyon burst. We were both just sitting in the air burning power trying to break out and absolutely nothing happened except us both watching the troll dance while his friend killed us. My friend is a ice tank btw and both full Gotham Knight not that it matters with a quantum troll hanging around.
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    I think the proficiency issue is actually behind many (not all, mind you) nerf claims.
  19. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Well pretty much all of stat decreases at least.
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  20. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Thinking out loud?

    When NPC health was altered was their defense adjusted at all to compensate?

    If defense was adjusted upwards, you would see smaller and it would adjust the benefit to penetrating strikes, which leads me to....

    Is penetrating strikes acting differently?