Nerfs not in patch notes

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by pitbullb3, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. eanur Well-Known Player

    Why are people still saying Gadgets was nerfed?? Some of the powers like emp was broken and the dev's fixed it. The dev's should of put it in the patch notes and cant defend them on that but since them they have come out and said what was wrong with emp for them to fix it.

    As far as celestial goes im more concerned about the -30% lack of healing output if that is tru and someone can provide prof to the dev's then this is a big bug that the dev's need to look into
  2. Tobias1978 New Player

    Remember any nerf in damage directly screws with far the numbers show about a 25% decline in damage and about a 17% decline in healing....
  3. eanur Well-Known Player

    That's strange cause I don't think the dev's changed anything over night and all the posts on here yesterday -43% dmg and -30% healing. So tomorrow will it be fixed to normal?
  4. Tobias1978 New Player

    Yesterday it was 40 to 45% damage it seemed a bit better...but still way off normal...there is a thread where someone is using a program and it is now documented that a nerf happened....and guess what? A dev named Loche said they did not touch it is a bug....
  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    You do know league hall dummies will give you different numbers then regular ones or instances right? just making sure cause i see to many people base things off the league hall dummies and think things got nerfed. but a lot of people i know said celest got nerfed but just trying to clarify about the dummies..
  6. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Actually i didn't know this. Clarification:
    Are the League Hall dummies = Watchtower Dummies but =/= normal, same CR adds?
    Are League Hall dummies =/= Watchtower dummies or normal, same CR adds?

    I think, what I'm trying to figure out is this - will the numbers I get in my Hall be greater than or less than those observed in the Watchtower? How does that stack up against same CR adds? Is this due to differing defensive stats? Or is there a unique calculation involved in dummy damage?

    Sorry to machine gun these questions but this type of info will be super useful for testing this and other things in the future
  7. Gixxer Active Player

    Sorcery has been nerfed.

    I can concur with Trykz, the damage from using Transmute after a WM combo is not what it use to be 2 weeks ago. My Might is 6025, I use to notice hits of 8500 to 10,000+ from WM>transmute, now it will barely hit for 7,000 and that is with a buff from a 5 ball supply drop. Nothing in my sp allocation has changed, my gear has not changed, all my generator mods are up to date, and the leagues proficienties are paid up.
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  8. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    While i can't confirm myself i did hear from a number a people who are celest that basically everything seems to hit lower from burst might hits to prec dots. Also sorcery's trans got mysteriously nerfed a few weeks back with out any say or notes on it so i was wondering if that could have possibly been a bug. it was sometime around the time the stun from shard was taken away. could have been then or a bit after. Just thought i'd toss that in there to.
  9. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    The watchtower dummies are the same as things in instances but the league hall dummies have i guess you can say a higher defense. You'll always get lower numbers on the league hall dummies then anywhere else.
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  10. Dylan Top5 New Player

    Hard Light has been nerfed!!!!

    Oh wait, it's sucked since gu 36, nvm.
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  11. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Yep. How I got the numbers was in an instance at tier level.
    It's not 43% and I apologize for saying that. I was doing a lot of things last night and skewed numbers lol.
    we all make mistakes. Plus im a bit sick atm.
    What I did see in my other tests was base damage reductions.
    Refer to the third page for more info.
    I ran much more controlled tests, and saw the disparity.

    Did more numbers

    Benediction cMalediction
    .608 base damage without buffs. 12 ticks over a 12.49 second duration
    the power is hitting .421 (rounded to the significant digit)
    That's only roughly 2/3 the strength it should hit.

    Divine Light cPlague
    Potentially one of the strongest single target attacks,
    Base damage is 1.3, again no buffs.
    This includes the burst and the 11 ticks that follow.
    The ticks should be at about 1/6 the strength of the precision burst.
    I only seeing total base damage values of .794
    That's barely above Admonish cBlight on a single target. That's definitely wrong.
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  12. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Yea i went back and looked at some older vids i had of sorc dps and trans was hitting 6500-8kish now i get hits from 5k-6800 on a good hit with the same might. It def got hit and hopefully not intentionally cause thats a lot of missed out dps.
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  13. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I just like to clarify that in threads like this cause sometimes others don't know about that and then they get some weird numbers going from instances to dummies or vice-versa.
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    It happened to me in the last fire update (when they added the new interactions to Burning Det.) was testing in the league hall and was like "WHAAAATT??ASLKDAJSFKJDHFKASDHKASGDGKH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" then i remember that those dummies have more defense and i lolĀ“d.
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  15. Loche Developer

    Are there some of you basing this on scorecard? I know some have been talking about the combat log with training dummies. If it is total damage in scorecard, could it be the fact that NPCs have less health now?
  16. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    I just did my usual rotation for 8 targets in hall, seems like atleast PcDL is functioning to me the old fashioned way. Anyone else can confirm this?
  17. LastMight Active Player

    Not to troll but in t6 who needs healing the devs have decided it HL's time to retake its throne :D
  18. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    For what i said on sorcery it was only based off trans itself both on dummies and in instances not on how i did on the scorecard. I literally stand at the dummies all day in between stuff and beat on them. I could tell you every number on every power i use by heart and if anything has changed lol.

    I have a celest buddy that does the same thing so if someone in here doesn't get you what you need on it i could probably even get you video footage of him from last week at the dummies or raid up until now so you can see the differences yourself if you would like.

    I'm going to do some research on celest and see whats up for myself i'll post back here later after i know for sure whats up.
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  19. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Although i have obviously noticed a drastic drop n overall dmg drop at the end of the raid i am not basing it off of that (and like i said previously this is weeks before gu42 and the reduction in health) i am basing it off of the actual damage that i see after wm combo into trans. Both on dummies and more so in actual t6 raids.
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  20. Gixxer Active Player

    For Sorcery this happened before you reduced the bosses health. Like I said, I noticed this a couple of weeks ago.
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