Nerfs nerfs and of course more nerfs :)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anti Bezz, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Hey Devs, can you just give us the gear without running anything?

  2. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I just have a problem with them meeting content that in no way requires a nerf

    Also any little challenge that does exist while we are overgeared (sidebar: can you be over geared while still in the tier?) Only gets easier when it gets nerfed
  3. DCfanyboy New Player

    OMG Why dont they just implement a Normal mode and a Hard mode?? it will solve everything
  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    I always considered being the full tier gear for that particular tier is overgeared. That's how it was in T4. When we all became full t4 we basically face rolled everything T4 related.

    Once we became full 87-90 we basically face roll everything T5 related.
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  5. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    No it wouldn't. It would split the community more than what it already is. We don't need that.
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  6. Anti Bezz New Player

    You can go ask my entire league. I replay'd A/B a total of 4 times n my hero and 1 on my villain, so yeah.
  7. Ogat New Player

    For what people.. The bosses have such puny hp now that You could snooze at them and they'd fall over :rolleyes: We're getting sub 15 min runs with 90-96 cr alts.. Lets keep it real
  8. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Sorry not all of us are on your level.:rolleyes:
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  9. crownclownking New Player

    thats not a bad idea only if you dont get loot loked from both cause you did one. Lets say you do the normal mode one that shouldnt loot locked you from the hard one that way people will have an incentive to run the easier one knowing theyu wont get loot locked froom the better gear one.
  10. DCfanyboy New Player

    Alot of games have it * MMO's*that is and it doesnt split the community??

    thorw in a hard mode Nexus/Paradox/AnB/Prime and see no more posts about Nerks i mean Nerfs and easy content..

    Trust me..Can u imagine revisting Prime???? on Hard mode
  11. Laff Riot New Player

    And like I also stated, I have played many other MMO games and this one is by far the easiest one out there. This game was created to get people who never played one to play one. Its genius in marketing if you ask me. Make an MMO so easy to play and learn then maybe they will jump to a more challenging one by SOE after this one dies or switch because you want more of a challenge. But this game is easy. Doubt it will change because more players are new to MMO and cry if it gets too hard.
  12. DCfanyboy New Player

    as it stands ppl already dont do the lower content, and the content is still good i love to see black Dawn redone for hard mode, or Vengenance revisited.....
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  13. Laff Riot New Player

    I actually want to rerun the lower content but sadly no one else wants to. I think that the devs should rehash it and make it more difficult. Then maybe will do them again.
  14. Ogat New Player

    Sorry for not feeling sorry about that ;)
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  15. Incognitosmoke New Player

    I think they should create 2 modes for the raids and alerts, I hate to say that because I know it would just create more bugs. Like let you choose normal or hard mode when you Q for the raid or alert. Maybe have the same styles on the gear, but higher stats on the hard mode gear.
  16. Jumpman New Player

    funny...we do it every week without, what the community has deemed, the "trifecta" powers. Nature, Gadgets, and Mental is our Trifecta. Hope, for the sake of the community who still loves challenges, they come out with raids with a little more meat on its bones. I guess I'm the small percentage of people who loved Origin Crisis when it first came out. We failed horribly, but the challenge is why we kept coming back.
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  17. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    I agree. I ran prime and that is a "hard raid." So i shouted for only 103cr players. Some guy tried to get in with 101CR, what a noob this isnt some walk in. So we get in there and beat it in 6 mins. Such a hard raid.... what a joke this game is now.


    lol OVERGEARED FTW. This game is hard as you want to make it. If you want a harder raid make sure everyone is the min cr for the raid not 103cr.... Once you get to 103cr the raid should be easy that only requires 85 or whatever cr..... The difference between 85 and 103 is massive.
  18. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    I think when it comes to nerfing the hard raids, we as the community did this to ourselves, because of the insane cr that was reguired to run dox or nex, cr of 100+. " oh your only cr of 89 cant run it bro, kick" no one got the chance to run and do these raids until the community started complaining about it being hard, until the community can get away from the assanine cr rating requirements in the raids, they will continue to be nerfed, plus the ability to purchase 90 gear at level 84 and the ability to walk into instances make it a lot easier to power level, until this games gets rid of those mechanics, the nerf hammer will continue to be dropped.
  19. DCfanyboy New Player

    Yea purchasing 90 gear at 84 was a stupid move by DC

    Very Stupid ppl very
  20. Lemarcel55 New Player

    qq thread
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