Munitions: A preliminary guide/discussion

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Roomba, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Roomba Dedicated Player

    This is correct, but no other power is an instant 20-50k explosion. This is why I consider 50 Cal > Splode (50 Splode) to be one attack as it's two hits over 2 seconds, like most of our other AM powers. Not combing the two is just doing a normal rotation with 50 cal, in which, as I have shown in numerous parses, is a DPS loss without splosion.
  2. Roomba Dedicated Player

    You need to be more specific. I find this suboptimal for both a single target fight, as well as an aoe fight. What type of loadout are you going for?

    I have not been jazzed by PG in boss fights, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it in aoe situations. It's damage is average at best, and is one of our low radius attacks.
  3. Roomba Dedicated Player

    The first one has already been parsed out for you. Please see the graph on the first page, or when I posted it again just a few posts back.

    I won't be able to get in game for another day or two, but just based on "feeling", your first rotation will shine in most situations for the sheer fact that it's a faster rotation. The second one will shine in a situation where mobs are spread out.

    I really like chain gun when I'm soloing stuff like gates or carrying people through nexus. Cycling through rails, 5BM, and chain gun just destroys anything and everything that's under your tier.

    Look forward to testing this for you, will get back to you.
  4. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I Don't use .50 cal it is inferior to splo in every way. I won't be in here to much till we get our parser.
  5. Roomba Dedicated Player

    First is about 2k dps higher than second on ST league hall dummy. The second will of course shine is wide spread aoe pulls
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  6. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Please read my comments on 50 Cal. I too wrote it off initially. 50 Cal on it's own is terrible. 50 Cal immediately followed by splosion is stupid good. Again, read my comments to understand my justification, and why I believe this combo.

    I look forward to your parsing and results, and comparing our data.
  7. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Preforming 50/Splode gets me roughly the same damage as Time Bomb when I was Quantum, its awesome :)
  8. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Yeah I'm having a very hard time passing up 50 Splode. It's a shame we can't just do Rails > 50 Splode.

    Anyone finding other AM powers to mix in other than Rails? Its damage is so good but I feel like I could find something more efficient, timing wise.
  9. Joybird Committed Player

    I've been using munitions for a week now, and I've noticed a few things:

    1. You can easily clip in a range-tap attack right before each casting timer attack, and it seems to take no time.
    2. It's good to start with splode/ki, even at range, because it gets Bullet Frenzy up faster.
    3. Remember to clip 50 Splode with KI whenever it's up. It's 10% crit.
    4. I just don't like Rocket Launcher. Maybe it's me, but I'm not feeling it. I'm doing Rails>5BM>50 Splode instead
    5. There's no way to clip in instant casts at range for KI/trinket, etc, so I just pop them off at the beginning.

    Those are just a few things. So far, I'm really loving the set, and my damage has been excellent.
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  10. Trykz Dedicated Player

    I've read them, i tried .50 , .50>splode is definitely the better option. Still not the best, but like i said i can't show concrete numbers till gu47 so moot topic. Any wanting to test in totd hmu ingame, usps names in sig.
  11. Streven Dedicated Player

    Thanks for that. My issue lately has been drawing aggro and getting interrupted. As soon as I pull out that 50 cal I get interrupted. It's like they know what's coming. :)

    A good tank fixes that but when pugging I find the cc from Chaingun very useful.
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  12. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    For solo's and Tankless runs I swap Killer Instinct for Survival
    I lose a bit of damage but I'm on my feet for longer so it tends to balance itself out
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  13. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I just can't think of another power within munitions that consistently does 40-60k (with trinket I've gotten them to total 90k ish) in less than 2 seconds. I could say more here, but I do not want to come off as arrogant. All I'll say is I am exceedingly comfortable with my performance and results in the last few weeks. I look forward to seeing your data to see what I must be missing.

    If you would like to recommend a rotation, I can parse or record it for you, that way we don't have to wait for GU 47. If you are right, I of course would give credit. You can read through multiple mistakes and false assumptions made by me that I have owned up to.
  14. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Good stuff! Most of this is already contained within the first post, but #5 is definitely an important distinction that I have not added. Thank you for the input, I will update it now!

    As for #4, I keep going back and forth. Some alerts/raids I love it, some others I end up swapping it out for 5BM. That is why I like this power set, you can mix and match and mess around depending on your mood and preference. I like not being pigeon holed into the same 3-4 attacks!

    Happy hunting
  15. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Like Rhino said I too use Survival when I am tankless. Also, I usually do not use 50 Cal if I am soloing or dps tanking an alert. I usually just do rails, rocket, splode.

    I really miss SGL. I want to find a way to make this work. Back to the parsing board... I must be missing something

    EDIT: May have just realized something juicy and awesome... parses to follow.
  16. Roomba Dedicated Player


    Keep in mind this is a SINGLE TARGET PARSE.

    I would also like to emphasize that for the final 73 seconds the DPS was held at over 9100. On a single target league hall dummy (which has high defense). That's pretty darned competitive.

    This beats my previous best ST parse by well over 1000 dps. Think about how many seconds are in a raid. Wowzas.

    Discussion Time
    Alright, so the pendulum (and my bipolar brain) has swung in full force and now I cannot imagine Munitions without using 50 Splode when I put on my try-hard pants and want to woop on a boss. I kept wracking my brain. 50 Splode is just killer DPS, nothing comes close. It has to stay in the rotation, and it should be used as often as the AM restrictions will allow. I tried Rail > 50 > Splode, but the AM would drop, because Rails would be recasted within 4 seconds of when it had finished. No bueno. Then I tried Rails > Rocket > 50 > Splode, but I felt like there was a lot of time being wasted. Think, think, think, oh bother.

    Then it hit me and I realized how stupid I am. Just because you start with Rails in one rotation, doesn't mean it has to start the next rotation. Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh......

    Rotation for the parse above:

    Rails > 50 > Splode > Rocket > 50 > Splode > Repeat. RT between attacks and hitting KI when on cooldown obviously.

    I'd love it if some of you could mess around with this (and of course, try other attacks other than Rails and Rocket in their places) and let me know your experiences. I'm going to run some raids with this now.

    NOTE: I wish, wish, wish, I could afford SGL in this loadout, but it is not worth passing on a DPS iconic imo. Also, this is clearly not an ideal loadout for people who get nervous getting up close and personal. It is no secret that I am not one of these people.

    EDIT: Looks like I'm getting slightly better damage using Rails and 5BM. Particle gun and Chain gun were both a loss on overall dps. Again, all testing on ST dummies.

    Again, I look forward to your feedback. This is pretty dope though. Kaboom kaboom kaboom.

    EDIT NUMERO DOS: So apparently I'm not missing the DPS crit chance iconic that much. Rocket, SGL, 50 Splode, Survival, and KI is giving me like 9400 dps + on a single target. Time to test aoe. Wow. Wow. Wow.
  17. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Curious if you are clicking the "Adjust damage for different Sparring Target defense stats" box.

    Also, dumb question: how are you saving the images of your parses? All I can manage to save is the graph without the table beneath it. Yeah, I'm slow.
  18. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Updating first post to incorporate recent findings. I don't pretend that I am the first to be using this. My league mate (Skill Cap) just told me that's what he's been using, I just wasn't listening enough!
  19. Roomba Dedicated Player

    I haven't been clicking that, no. I didn't click on it in earlier parses, so I don't want to click it now so that I keep everything standardized. If youd like, I can post with adjusting.

    Also, I'm sure there's an easier way but I am doing the following: Print Screen, paste into Paint, crop picture, save, upload to Tinypic
  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    What are your stats? Just looking to compare what I'm seeing to what you're seeing.