Missing legendary!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DaPhun48, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. DaPhun48 Well-Known Player

    Ding ding diiiiiiing!

    Another fantastic job updating!

    Legendary status seems to be gone for a huge number of people.

    Give a shout if you’re one of the privileged.
  2. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Here. Amazing how this happens so often.
    • Like x 1
  3. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Me too. Although randomly saying it without your server details wont help.


    Forum says the games still down for maintenance so id say the Servers not supposed to be up yet, and so something is not registering properly.
  4. DaPhun48 Well-Known Player

    really does happen waaaaaaaaaaaaay too often. And it’s just so... meh! It happens. We’ll fix it when we can.
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  5. Psyanyde1 Active Player

    Just installed the new GU. PS legendary membership has gone. Was due for renewal on the 28th. In game a lot, if not all, of PS users saying the same thing
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  6. Psyanyde1 Active Player

    Just installed the new GU. EUPS legendary membership has gone. Was due for renewal on the 28th. In game a lot, if not all, of PS users saying the same thing.
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    In before "they shut it off on purpose so people think it ran it and they buy it again"

    Edit: must not have effected me, cause I'm on ps4 and still legendary
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  8. FunLoving New Player

    Na klasse mein legendär ist auch Weck super Job Daumen hoch
  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm asking around in game and no one is really complaining about losing legendary, are you ps3 or ps4?
  10. Psyanyde1 Active Player

    PS4. All league mates with PS subs have lost them
    • Like x 1
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Server? EU or US? I'm trying to narrow it down cause I'm still seeing no complaints, nothing in shout, trade, LFG, league, or anything
  12. Psyanyde1 Active Player

    EUS4. Its all over lfg

    Just seen your on us server
  13. useless Well-Known Player

    eu/ps4 lost mine
  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Must be an EU thing then, cause US isn't experiencing it
    • Like x 1
  15. Awesome Barney Well-Known Player

    What the Actual f&%ck? After a year not playing my wife and i did a new subscription, and it's disconnected universe offline once again. I don't want no free ****, i just want the game to work. And for every hour my account doesn't work i want you daybreak guy's to extend my subscription! In all those years is it so unbelievable difficult to just keep the game working??? It's a freakin' game from 2011, not rocket science!!!
  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Mine’s gone too. Always something around here. xD
  17. ARMY TANK Well-Known Player

    Same here EU PS4 legendary membership not working

  18. JDMStav New Player

    Same.. EU/PS4. Loads of people saying the same
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  19. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Gone here too. Also EU. xD
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  20. Maddie Xin New Player

    Same here!
