Looking to Respec, best power type?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Romeo Bravo, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    Why don't you give earth a try... I very rarely seem to run into earth players, so If you're a good one, you would stand out instantly lol... Try it out and see...
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  2. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    /sniff That was beautiful....

    What's going on?
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  3. Sylar-Man New Player

    Most DPS now a days go with melee weapons. Staff is a great weapon to go with. I think it just all boils down to weapon preference. If you like melee then you can make it work. If you like ranged then go with ranged.
  4. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    Too much forum trolling, not enough school work for me, man. I only seem to get on really late and none of the other Vengies are on to invite me in! But, it's cool. I'll get on with someone else eventually and all will be right with no part of the world, as this is a videogame, lol.
  5. CheckmateEnjoi New Player

    Anything but sorcery
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  6. PrimedKrypton New Player

    lol great sales pitch..Epic comment
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  7. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    I try, man
  8. Marykate&ashley New Player

    ill say nature before it gets nearfed, but it also a good healer
  9. SYCL0NE New Player

    There is no such thing as a best power. You find out what power works best for you and learn the in and outs of it. Any skilled person can beat anyone with any given power, it all depends on your skill and how much time you put into that power. Just because one person is good with a power doesn't mean that you will good with too.
  10. CrazyNick New Player

    Yea listen to these guys there is no best power you just have to pick a power you like and work with it. I started off with electric power and around the time i got into t4 gear i switched to mental (worst thing i'v ever done btw had no idea how to use mental) After about 2 hours of toying around with mental i switched back to electric. So if you do decide to change powers make sure you buy 2 respec tokens just in case you want to change back.
  11. Liightmare New Player

    You should def try nuclear it's crazy op right now and not to many people know about it. When u do a raid u automatically do 1 mil in dmg from jus walking in. And in pvp every1 just dies at your feet.
  12. Romeo Bravo Active Player

    I respeced to Earth, hated it and switch back to mental lol
  13. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Best is a matter of opinion. I say go sorcery
  14. Volaron New Player

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  15. Dee Pius New Player

    My best advice: Make an Alt.

    My favorite power has went from Ice to Sorcery to Light to Electric to Earth to Mental to Fire to Nature and now probably Gadgets...

    All that was based upon what I considered my main or top project at the time. Main thing to remember is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that there is fun to be had and great potential in every powerset for both DPS and off-role.

    If you're asking my opinion on a pseudo Non-biased pick of a favorite, then currently, here is what I like:

    Earth & Fire for Tanking..... Gadgets & Mental for Trolling..... Nature & Sorcery for Healing..... and Lastly Ice, Earth, Electric, Nature, Gadgets & Light for DPS. If I had to pick one, it'd be Earth,,, or HL. Lol
  16. Rahiel New Player

    You can play DPS with any powerset. Being Gadgets doesn't force you to be a controller, just as being Fire doesn't force you to be a tank.
    That's totally reasonable. It's a very different question from what you asked in the first post though, which is probably why you didn't get very good responses.

    Making alts to try out powersets is definitely a good idea. Ultimately, nobody can tell you what you will like, and it's pretty difficult to convey how the powerset "feels" to play to someone that hasn't played it. If you can tell us what you would like in a powerset, we might be able to make some recommendations.
  17. eel_nigiri New Player

    Because not many games have a situation where mostly every build is viable. And when you get into late game PvE in most other MMOs, you have to stick to boring cookie cutter builds and min-max everything or else nobody wants to raid with you. In DCUO you have a lot more choices for customization. It's just a mindset that is instilled in players from years of other MMOs with bad balance.

    I know DCUO has its share of flaws, but look, for example, at the controller powers. All are viable and can do proper power output, but if this was designed by another team we'd probably see only one actually being viable for power restoration, one would be viable for raw crowd control and one would be a gimmicky hybrid that nobody touched. And then people wouldn't even be able to raid with the power they want since only one would be important for raid level power restoration.

    So, likewise if OP wants to go DPS, he is pretty much free to build whatever he thinks is really cool instead of what is going to be the strongest min-maxed cookie cutter. He can model himself after an iconic DC hero if he wants or he could be completely original with an unorthodox setup, the important factor is he learns all his PIs, clips, rotations and gets decent gear. You can't say that for many MMOs. So I would not blame people for asking this question, I would blame other more cliche MMO designs for making them think this way.
  18. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    Rly, better donate now 10$ for 2000 SC & when new atomic powerset at last will be implemented (second half of april I HOPE) you first try one character at this, if you like switch main (first time it maybe not balanced & relatively OP, but still also bugged). I'd donated 5$ today to save this for day when atomic will be at last added!
  19. Itazuki New Player

    Always wonder that myself... Every power is good... Just takes practice. Some more than others.

    People are just looking for that end-all DPS that requires faceroll and win every time.
  20. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    There's a website http://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo/index.php You can read guides about various powers. Also, try a website called youtube. Inform yourself. And yes, this comes off snarky but if you want to make a well-informed decision, do the research. I have spent hours on various forums and websites reading about powers and watching what works for others.