Let's all welcome are PC brothers and sisters to DCUO:)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ThePastMaster, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Sooooo will we betting those sweet sweet deals the pc players get or nah
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  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    PC Server vs Crossplay Server:
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  3. mexmex Dedicated Player

    I can only hope, that we don't get so many game crashes during the crossplay, well more than what we already have at least
  4. Malachee Committed Player

    And so....the Bacon Wars have begun!

    I'm your huckleberry...

    Say "when".....:cool:
  5. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    That will definitely be interesting for some. I don't know of a single PC player that uses in game voice. Everyone uses Mumble, TeamSpeak, or Ventrillo. I'm the same way about typing though in a group to explain what is going on or what someone has to do. If the content actually requires that it is a pre-made group and we are all on TS together. However, that kind of content hasn't happened in a quite some time as far as PVE goes. I think the last time I got on TS with a full group to PVE was Elite Throne. Before that it was Survival Mode for Trigon in 2014.
  6. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I'm on PS and I type all of the time. There's a lot of us out there lol, don't assume.
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  7. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I'm really just hoping Both factions can be competitive and active tbh.

    LFG is quite a bummer on USPC- There's usually select few as far as Actually looking for groups, especially on the villains side, if it wasn't for the gold sellers Villains will have no LFG lol.

    #WelcomePS3/PS4 Users.
    lol just kidding about that last one :D.
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  8. TroEL Dedicated Player

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  9. ThePastMaster Well-Known Player

    Alright, good feedback.
  10. PStopper Active Player

    Easy way to fix that, make a respec token or a transfer token and turn your current Hero, into a villain. Terra and Superboy Prime did it, whats stopping us? (the game is stopping us..just so you know) :D
  11. Darkh Atom New Player

    What about my pc account and psn accounts together....that'd impress me!
  12. cassi Well-Known Player

    Ummm we been playing just as long as u lmao... ? is are u ready for us...LOL
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  13. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I used to have a bookmark to a video that included my PS3, level 20 character, but alas it is gone now. I grabbed this one instead....
  14. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Didn't Hope Brothers change the league name?
  15. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Thank you, but my league tends to be provincial and rarely runs raids with pugs. So I doubt t I will interact with many of you.

    We discussed this in league and would probably admit a PS player as long as they had a PC they could chat on.
  16. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    What he said, We love the bacon!
  17. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Looking forward to teaming with you when crossplay hits
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  18. djcrossfade Committed Player

    but.. i want it inside my donuts .mmmmmmm [IMG]
  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It's a bit condescending for you to "welcome" us to the game we also play. We're not coming onto your turf. You're not coming onto ours. On another note, spelling is important.
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  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    just be you and things will go smoothly.

    Im a villain and probably 1 of the most respectful 1s on USPS, granted I can be a ***** :p

    I will put this out there I like to tease ppl alooooooot all in good fun of course :)