Let the backlash begin...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLoneLantern, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    As of right now this is all speculation....

    If they were to change how we get marks and how marks are converted when new dlcs drop... This is something that should be said at the beginning of a new dlc not at the tail end of the current highest dlc..... It just looks shady if you tell people this a few weeks before the next dlc ... People probably have already used replays to get their fury up to 100 since the devs specifically stated fury would be used for hop.... (Why people replayed it is beyond me ... It's crazy easy to get 100 marks with out wasting replays)

    This is one of the rare occasions I think compensation is in order ... I think however many replaysit costs to get 100 marks from the alert should be sent to players... I know that seems like a lot but they are the ones who misspoke if this is true... And people wasted money on something they confirmed
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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Don't you have to have cr 105/106 to run balls of power stuff? If so you needed the last dlc
  3. TheLoneLantern New Player

    It's the vendor gear. However, I needed to scroll down to show that it costs Marks of Power. The defense is there, it just got cut off when I scrolled down.
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  4. MyrVell Committed Player

    100 CR
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  5. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Im sure the players from the community council know something the devs wouldn't go against what was said a few weeks ago without talking to them and seeing how they think people will react in the game .
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Agreed. I just cant understand these decisions they keep making. If this is really whats happening they are making dlc10 obsolete except for the sp in it which is about 4, so u 4sure dont need it. And i wanna know why im paying a sub and they are making the content i pay for worthless? And obviously for premium players too. If i was premium and this mark change is intended id be highly upset. I mean what kind of business model is this? I dont want to rant or complain but geez cmon. Gu39 brings a ton of issue and now this. I dont even have words to describe this stuff anymore. And who in their right mind would tell a friend to come and try this game? I certainly wouldnt.
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  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    Pvp gear would have toughness so if there isnt toughness or defense idk how u come to the conclusion it might be pvp. I get that your saying maybe its a mistake. Idk.....whole thing is just messed up whether its intended or a mistake. If its intended i call BS, if its a mistakes then what can any1 say? Its another mistake in a long line of them lately.
  8. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    this has got to be a mistake, this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
  9. nogimmick New Player

    i can't even begin to count how many replay badges i spent on the themyscira alert in hopes of capping out in anticipation of the new DLC. if this really is true, then i'm not happy about essentially wasting all that money.
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  10. Sore Steadfast Player

    I'm surprised I haven't heard anyone take the time to consider and discuss why they might do this. In not saying you have to agree with it but you won't be doing the topic justice if you don't even try to put your head in that space.
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  11. MercPony Devoted Player

    I'm not ever near the 100 MoF cap and only ran TD a few times (even when going for Prestige) after getting full 92 gear. So as for saving marks I am not too concerned there, but what concerns me (as if with others) is why these new marks exist when the devs initially told us this DLC was still going to use Marks of Fury.

    I'd only need Fury to buy the specific style from the vendor which is what I wanted to aim for first because I don't always get time to run raids. I'm hoping its a mistake and was meant for T7 instead but it still leaves me skeptic...
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  12. LastMight Active Player

    Halls of Power...Marks of power i can see what theyre doing now.when dlc 9 came out people were full scion in a matter of minutes that made me very angry no grind nothing andcome to think of it those are the people who complain about lackluster content Haa.. I mean comon marks of fury amazon fury and i wish luck to all the people who are going to spam the raids just remember these raids arent anb and without the right gear these raids are hard.. I for one will be finishing my 92 something alot of us havent done yet.
  13. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

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  14. Sore Steadfast Player

    Also consider that you may not have the whole story yet. There may be considerations that influence the points being raised. I'm not trying to fanboy here but the opposite would be to "chicken little" before you've heard the official message.
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  15. Elusian Crowd Control

    I don't find anything that would do so. We have a very low (and annoying ^^) cap to prevent overgearing. Also the statement in the HoP stream that MoF will be used again so at least some incentive to keep it running after being geared to get a small jump ahead (which doesnt actually matter if you have the go for that extra marks you also want to have the go for the raid gear which nullifies marks anyway - oh right ... style feat ^^). Atually there wasnt anything wrong with it. If you have something to add, please do so.

    I'm personally fine either way as I just spam the marks on Prestige and have not directly used replays to cap out. However soem did and their money usage was based soley on a statement spytle made in that specific stream and tbh. I can understand their anger if it becomes true (I think it will but lets just sit out the weekend).
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  16. Feenicks New Player

    A lie is still a lie no matter who said it or why.

    For now I will let it go. But if this IS true than I will join in the disapproval that will shortly follow.
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  17. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Well considering your on the community council and from your comments its not unfair to assume this is a done deal and we were misled by the devs about the marks in the next dlc.
  18. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    psssst Spytle...you might wanna get in here, FAST!
  19. Myrdin69 New Player

    if that is not a mistake, that is by far the dumbest idea since a long time, way to make a dlc useless
  20. nogimmick New Player

    i'll wait for an official message, but right now it's officially defcon orange...

    brace thyself.
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