Leave instance THEN turn off your console

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by mtanasas, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Ah. I was honestly curious
  2. mtanasas Well-Known Player

    all im asking is for PS players to leave instance before turning off console or finish the instance since ur t7 and carried the group to this point
  3. hudapak Well-Known Player

    I know this feeling. Unfortunately there are many players who lack the courtesy to just leave the instance before logging off. They'd rather just click the disconnect option. You would think people who play online games would know some manners/respect/decency/courtesy. I have people in my league who do that and some members are getting annoyed when they do that coz they would still be talking to that person when I fact that person already logged off by disconnecting. If you can't say goodbye to people at least be kind enough to log off properly.
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  4. MrGT Well-Known Player

    Out of curiosity since the last PS I owned (still do :oops:) was a PS2 and I have never seen DCUO on a PS3/4. Since from what I read on here most PS players just turn off their consoles rather then exit the game, is the means of exiting the game on PS different to PC.

    PC side also have issues where ppl leave for what ever reason but we never see them just go linkdead when they leave. if we are not close to a portal we warp to base and that brings up the vote menu to reopen instance etc and exit the game then if we need to. It's a few button clicks. Or is it because on PC we should be doing the whole correct power down thing where PS can just hit the off button?
  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Its complicated. Best way to say. Say I hate this instance. I can go to hulu and bam my character is linkdead. And dc is closed
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  6. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Courtesy is pretty much out the window right now.

    When I start a mission..... I start with a "bow" and usually end with "thumbs up".

    Usually people would "salute" or "bow" too in reply.
    But lately.... no reply at all...... especially in T7 content.

    For a while now... people have been more rude then ever... and that started a bit before crossplay..... so I would not blame crossplay for that.
  7. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    I'd like to point out that there is nothing rude about a non-action. It's not curteous, but it's not rude. People might not require the same level of social connection in an online game as you do. They are not calling you names when you use your emotes, letting you do the thing you want to do. So they are not being rude, you are both just doing what you wish to do. One is a polite action, the other is a non-action.
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Was not clear.

    Lately people have been saluting les and less.....
    AND are being more rude also.
    Is what I probably should have said.

    No inaction is not rude.

    But it goes hand in hand.

    If people do not salute or thumbs up.... fine.
    But they do so less and less as time gores on.

    And people do call names like "scrubs" more and more... or so it would seem somedays.

    So less people saluting and more people calling players Scrubs = a more and more rude community as time goes by.

    Hope this makes sense.
  9. hudapak Well-Known Player

    I always say thanks after every raid or alert.
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  10. Dibrie Committed Player

    There are dickkehedz on any platform, talking about biases, do you read your own messages dude?
    Then again those 3 pc players would not affect community with gd or bad attitude , there are just to few of them.

    TL:DR you a ********.
  11. Dibrie Committed Player

    I know bro it's not cool, even though i did grab a feat and logged out myself, now and then over the years.
    It's a thing that comes with the puglife, a gd league would be awesome but that's hard to find.

    Puglife is all bout getting a thick skin and expect the worse till you found a circle of people you like to play with.

    Its bad its not fun, but try to shake it off and make great ingame friends on the end of the day that's the best solution.
    but not a easy one, gl and have fun on the game bruv.

  12. Msstat1c Committed Player

    I'm gonna be part of the problem here.....

    Was running my 125 alt through DCE along side three 155 pc players. We get through first boss with no issues, make it all the way to second boss and wipe. Two of the three say in chat "the 125 don't belong in the instance" and leave after the first try. I would have bought that line of thinking if I myself, on both of my 154+cr toons hadn't run folks at that cr or lower, through that very instance with little issue. Sure there may have been a death or two, but so what. You simply Pick them up and OP that trash like you should.

    Why the hell wouldn't you just vote to kick from the beginning rather than get halfway through, and decide to blame the low guy for a wipe at the SECOND BOSS. WITH THREE 155s. The first boss wasn't an issue, now all of sudden it's the 125s fault? To be clear, had a ps player done this it still would be just as wrong.
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  13. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    I've put League mates on ignore for this. At least request to be excuses before you dc so I don't have to kick you. Random stuff instantly get added to the iggy list for that
  14. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    I understand what you're saying. I'm just of the opinion that there is no connection there and shouldn't be pooled into the same category as one is a non-action and the other is an impolite action.
  15. GhostFly Killah Committed Player

    Mannnnn.. devs need to fix this. U should be able to kick a dc'd player without penalty after sayyyy 5 mins. Smh.
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    being able to kick disconnected and away players without incurring a 3 hour kick penalty would be a blessing.
  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    What are you talking about? PC players were doing that long before Cross Play. It was something discussed ad nausea on both PS and PC.

    I do not understand this need to blame one platform over another. I saw that behavior just as often before Cross Play as after. It's called selfish behavior, and the game has its fair share of it on both platforms. It's essentially the same as high combat rating players who run ahead of the group, solo the boss before anyone can get in range for loot, and then leave with their rewards while the at tier players have to hope for another group so they can get loot from the bosses they are not locked from.

    To me, it's people like yourself who are ruining Cross Play. The people I've run with from both platforms since the merge have mostly been very nice and friendly. The people on the forums complaining about the opposite platform have been far more toxic than anything I've encountered in the game in the almost three years I've played.
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  18. Owl Devoted Player

    PS3 consoles frequently freeze in group content.

    Most of the PS3 disconnects are due to hard freezes that can take several minutes to recover from.

    There are more active PS3 players than PC players. DCUO is the top Free-to-Play MMO on PS3.
  19. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    I agree everytime I've seen people DC 90% of the the time they return. I don't like people saying things like its 100% fact.
  20. Minnion Devoted Player

    More like it was simply easier to quit the game properly than it was to alt tab out and shut off the computer through the computers UI... Just the way the platforms were designed I guess. (PS players just need to hit one button to shut off their platform instead of mucking around their platforms UI, making it easier to just disconnect by way of shutting off their PS than it is to go through the in game menus to quit out of the game when they feel like rage quitting after a wipe...) At least that's my theory... The only PS I have is a PS2, and I can't imagine that the PS3 and 4 would be that much different in terms of basic operation.