League Halls

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by velvetsanity, Feb 3, 2018.

  1. IcyStone Well-Known Player

    Decorating league halls is a pain, but theres a solution. League hall are soooo but soo unnecessary huge that no one can decorate a proper hall without mostly the same end result. So reduce the size and add more items we can place for room.
  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    well said but i have to disagree with your last statement. One of the things that surprised me the most as a member of a longer running league was just how willing everyone was to pitch in and make the league hall something great up to and including buying lots of base items off of the marketplace (particularly the flash and batcave base packs). i think a few improvements to the League hall system would be great. One of the few things I still enjoy in game is playing around in my lairs. I have my own league hall set up to take advantage of the instances that incorporate them and I'd love to see a few more alerts and duos that take place in our lairs and league halls.

    League Halls should be > than just hanging out in the watchtower. it would promote some team spirit.

    It would bring in a little cash if it was worth it.
  3. Disruptor Well-Known Player

    There have been some good points, but there is another one. There are 8 collections that a person can get and they grants amenities. You can not trade them, sell them or delete them. If someone accidentally collects them, they have a dead space in their inventory if they have bought the item on the marketplace. Basically if they could donate those things to the League and gives the ability to the League hall to have all the amenities and if you go into free placement, they can go anywhere.
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  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    The best thing the devs could do with league halls is to make it so that players can add & move all amenities like we can with player bases. Then make it so that you can choose to make the halls a base or a league hall with the presitige bonuses. Doing this would help solve two problems.

    1. It would make the League Halls 100% functional.
    2. It would give players that wanted larger bases.............. a larger base.

    It would be fairly easy to do on the technichal side as well as make amenities more profitable for DCUO.
  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    What dead space???
    You can still collect the Amenities using collections even if you bought them same Amenities on the MP.

    For example I have a base with 2 Training dummies.... one with the collections... one that I bought on the MP.